The WikiProject France collaboration is a coordinated effort by WikiProject France to improve Wikipedia's France and French-related content. However, being a member of WikiProject France is not a prerequisite for participation in this collaboration (nor, of course, is participation a requirement for membership in the WikiProject). All registered Wikipedia editors, regardless of their level of expertise on the subject, are welcome to contribute.

Nomination criteria[edit]

To nominate an article[edit]

To add a new nomination, please:

  1. Copy the template below
  2. Paste it at the bottom of the Candidates for next month section below. Newer nominations go below.
  3. Add the article's name and nominated date (eg: Paris) in the appropriate place as indicated in the template below.
  4. Each time you vote, please update the votes tally for the article.
  5. State your reasoning on why the article should be selected under the comments section.
  6. Please preview your addition to make sure all information is properly filled in and the links are working.
  7. Add collaboration-candidate=yes to the France project banner on the talk page of article. Please add the project banner if it does not exist, ((WikiProject France|collaboration-candidate=?)).
  8. Ensure that not more than four nominations are in the pipeline. If there are four nominations already, please wait.


=== [[Article Name]] ===
* '''(Number of votes: , Nominated date: )'''
# ~~~~
* <i>Include a short description explaining why the article should be
 the French Collaboration of the week</i>.


The path to a featured article Start a new article Develop the article Check against the featured article criteria Get creative feedback (Peer review) Apply for featured article status Featured articles .mw-parser-output .navbar{display:inline;font-size:88%;font-weight:normal}.mw-parser-output .navbar-collapse{float:left;text-align:left}.mw-parser-output .navbar-boxtext{word-spacing:0}.mw-parser-output .navbar ul{display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;line-height:inherit}.mw-parser-output .navbar-brackets::before{margin-right:-0.125em;content:"[ "}.mw-parser-output .navbar-brackets::after{margin-left:-0.125em;content:" ]"}.mw-parser-output .navbar li{word-spacing:-0.125em}.mw-parser-output .navbar a>span,.mw-parser-output .navbar a>abbr{text-decoration:inherit}.mw-parser-output .navbar-mini abbr{font-variant:small-caps;border-bottom:none;text-decoration:none;cursor:inherit}.mw-parser-output .navbar-ct-full{font-size:114%;margin:0 7em}.mw-parser-output .navbar-ct-mini{font-size:114%;margin:0 4em}vte

A vote or a show of support for an article shows your commitment to support and aid in collaborating on that specific article if it is chosen. Although you are not required to fulfill that commitment, we ask that you only support articles that you are able to contribute to so that this collaboration's goals of expanding and improving articles can adequately be achieved.

Please add only support votes. Opposing votes will not affect the result, as the winner is simply the one with the most support votes (see Approval voting).

