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Course name
BISC 2 Genetics, Ecology, and Evolution
Penn State University - Behrend
Benjamin Gerstner
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Environmental Sciences
Course dates
2023-08-21 00:00:00 UTC – 2023-12-15 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

In BISC 2 (GN;3cr.), students will explore concepts, current issues, and the relationship between three core areas of biological sciences: Genetics, Ecology and Evolution. In studying genetics, students will discover how genetic information is inherited from one generation to the next and gain an appreciation for the potential impact of genetic mutations. In learning ecological concepts, students will explore interactions between organisms and the environment. By investigating the processes of evolution, students will learn how changes in an organism's genetics and environment can lead to changes in physical or behavioral traits of a species over time. By gaining a deeper understanding of these three, interrelated areas of science, students will construct evidence-based arguments regarding current global challenges or ethical dilemmas such as environmental issues, genetic engineering, and health and disease. Specific examples covered each semester may vary based on student and instructor interest. As a course that meets general education (GN) requirements, students will increase their scientific literacy, their integrative thinking, and societal responsibility and ethical reasoning skills.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Nub345 Urban ecology Berta Cáceres, Acid Rain
Tmx5027 Selfishness Acid Rain, Steelhead
IRiptide Ivory Selfishness, Acid Rain
Andyvrabel Carnivore Berta Cáceres, Air pollution
JoeDer415 Synurbization Selfishness, Steelhead
Emilyeisinger Pollination Air pollution, Genetics of aggression
Mcm203 Acid Rain Air pollution, Steelhead
Pintobean9 Berta Cáceres Carnivore, Human impact on the environment
20carnesa Effects of climate change on ecosystems Ivory, Synurbization
Alv5269 Ivory trade Effects of climate change on ecosystems, Golf course
Esuhanoble1 Photic zone Pollination, Air pollution
Vlo1989 Human impact on the environment Global warming in Antarctica, Ivory trade
Pgress Golf course Ivory, Urban ecology
Aideng427 Steelhead Effects of climate change on ecosystems, Acid Rain
Eshasameer Global warming in Antarctica Air pollution, Pollination
Danikimmy Air pollution Multiscale European Soil Information System, Steelhead
Bzs23psu Genetics of aggression Pollination, Global warming in Antarctica
Highlyvolatilepenguin Multiscale European Soil Information System