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Course name
African American Studies
Thomas Jefferson University, East Falls
Marilisa Navarro
Wikipedia Expert
Brianda (Wiki Ed)
Course dates
2023-08-22 00:00:00 UTC – 2023-12-10 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This course explores how ideas about race and blackness have been constructed throughout history. We will analyze how meanings have been attributed to racial difference and the impact this has had on resources, knowledge, and power. We will take an intersectional approach and analyze how race intersects with gender, socio-economic status, and sexuality. Finally, we will examine how ideas about blackness have been challenges and contested throughout time.

I plan to have students edit a Wiki page as their end of the semester assignment. They will then submit a reflection on what they learned, challenges, how they chose the selected page, etc.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Shaquile.oatmeal08 Ethnic stereotype Obstacles to receiving mental health services among African American youth, Black maternal mortality in the United States
Tjuadiv2023 Criminal sentencing in the United States Police brutality in the United States, Discrimination based on skin color
Mayor1704 Maternal death United States incarceration rate, Racial inequality in the United States
Studenteditor03 Police body camera Maternal death, Discrimination based on skin color
Skeedoh United States incarceration rate Educational inequality in the United States, Ethnic stereotype
Gymshark4321 Discrimination based on skin color History of african american education, Medical racism in the United States
Strawberries30 Discrimination based on skin color Race and health, Criminal sentencing in the United States
Bonniedog11 Incarceration in the United States Employment discrimination, Police body camera
Ema1207 Employment discrimination History of African-American education, Incarceration in the United States
Klb123456 Race and health Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Code-switching
Marie Emerson Educational inequality in the United States Roberts v. City of Boston, Obstacles to receiving mental health services among African American youth
Dogsarefun123 History of african american education Black maternal mortality in the United States, Police brutality in the United States
Dreamer Jr. Workplace aggression Discrimination based on skin color, United States incarceration rate
Zeniabarretto Ethnic stereotype Angry black woman, Racial inequality in the United States
Mxf315 Obstacles to receiving mental health services among African American youth Educational inequality in the United States, Ethnic stereotype
Aprilfarrah10 Black maternal mortality in the United States History of african american education, Medical racism in the United States
Elli207 Code-switching Race and health, Criminal sentencing in the United States
Baserballer12344 Discrimination in education Maternal death, Employment discrimination
Aerynsmith Medical racism in the United States Police body camera, History of African-American education
Seven.legged.octopus Racial pay gap in the United States Angry black woman
Hundredjshpt Police brutality in the United States Workplace aggression, Obstacles to receiving mental health services among African American youth, Obstacles to receiving mental health services among african american youth
Empen004 History of African-American education Code-switching, Obstacles to receiving mental health services among African American youth
CerebroJR Racial inequality in the United States Black maternal mortality in the United States
Dvc02 Racial discrimination Police brutality in the United States, Discrimination based on skin color
Acw115 Discrimination based on hair texture United States incarceration rate, Angry black woman
Wikuser2004 Angry black woman Racial inequality in the United States, Educational inequality in the United States
Shinxeh Homeownership in the United States Ethnic stereotype, History of african american education