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Course name
Spring 2024 OSH Courses Projects
UNC Charlotte
Michael Benjamin
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Occupational Safety and Health
Course dates
2024-01-10 00:00:00 UTC – 2024-05-13 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This assignment will constitute part of the grade for students taking ETFS 3123 Industrial Hazards, ETGR 5302 Industrial Hygiene, and ETGR 5303 Ergonomics. ETGR 5302 and 5303 are cross-listed with 4000-level senior-level courses, but additional work is required in order for students to receive graduate course credit. In those courses, each student will have their own topic. ETFS 3123 is an upper-level undergraduate course- students will have a partner that they can work with on the project.

The assignment has two options: Contributing content to an article or Translating an article. Creating a new article may also be possible, but modifying current articles is more manageable.

Roughly 20% of our students are international students, and a few health/safety articles have been translated in previous course offerings, which is why I am interested in continuing to offer a translation option.

Student Assigned Reviewing
HenrySmith1234 Inhalation exposure
Mjruns Fall protection
Xheckma0 Heat exhaustion
Jford026 Workplace violence
Dj Wilkins2024 Chemical hazard
Naomidiaz65 Chemical protective clothing
DCullingford Fugitive dust
Orafey Occupational cancer
Adunham3 Hazard elimination
Dhemrick99 Black lung disease
RyannBaker02 Fire prevention
HunterGoss1 Fire safety