I refactored some of the main deletion page here as it was growing too long to scroll through. Stifle 09:54, 9 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

... and you've left numerous instances of erroneous math uncorrected on the project page, and accusations there, that are now responded to only here. Could you put a notice and a link to this discussion page after each of those? Michael Hardy 22:35, 9 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

As for "...understanding and writing clearly; your failure to do any of those was so complete...", perhaps I need to quote Wikipedia:No personal attacks here: "Comment on content, not on the contributor". My writing skills are not on trial here. And I am not aware of a definition of "insult" that excludes accusations of stupidity. Please focus on the articles. Melchoir 03:41, 6 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
0 is not a sum of fewer than 0 numbers each of which is smaller than 0;
1 is not a sum of fewer than 1 numbers each of which is smaller than 1;
2 is not a sum of fewer than 2 numbers each of which is smaller than 2;
3 IS a sum of fewer than 3 numbers each of which is smaller than 3;
generally, n IS a sum of fewer than n numbers each of which is smaller than n, for n ≥ 3.
Comment on the relevance to this article. The numbers 0, 1, and 2 correspond to the three forms. Michael Hardy 21:54, 6 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
This is entirely mistaken. The form of the argument is different. Look closely at the examples. Michael Hardy 01:37, 7 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Can't this be mentioned at Mathematical_induction#Start_at_b as another example with b = 3? Melchoir 22:24, 6 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No, because that's not what this is at all; I never even thought of using mathematical induction to prove the above. The point of the above is that it explains why there are these three forms, corresponding to 0, 1, and 2 (or actually 1, 2, and 0, in that order, that being the order followed in the article) but no further forms corresponding to 3, 4, 5, etc. Michael Hardy 00:45, 7 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

In summary, my feeling is that this page is entirely too pedantic in concept to appeal at all to a mathematician (since any mathematician understands induction quite well), but of no interest whatsoever to a layperson because it concerns an extremely ephemeral point of logic that is only useful in mathematical practice. Furthermore, the presentation is poorly executed and the material doesn't include even enough mathematical sophistication to make the point well. At best it's a usage guide, which is not encyclopedic. In parting, I'd also like to note (since this has been an issue in this discussion) that whatever I have to say about mathematical sophistication concerns the article, not the author. Ryan Reich 04:19, 7 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]



This article was intended to be comprehensible to all mathematicians.

It was not intended to teach mathematical induction. It was not intended to explain what mathematical induction is, nor how to use it.

What I see is (mostly) a bunch of non-mathematicians looking at the stub form in which the article appeared when it was nominated from deletion, and seeing that

And so I have now expanded the article far beyond the stub stage, including

Therefore, I invite those who voted to delete before I did these recent de-stubbing edits, to reconsider their votes in light of the current form of the article. Michael Hardy 23:20, 6 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I don't think it's appropriate to post this argument to the talk page of every person who voted delete. Simply posting it here is enough. There is another issue that I don't think anyone has brought up -- what keeps this from being original research? I don't see any indication in the article that the idea of organizing different forms of induction this way is published and notable. --Allen 23:34, 6 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with Allen on both counts. dbtfztalk 23:36, 6 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I am uncomfortable with the OR argument, since it doesn't seem to be strictly applied to most math articles. My beef is that the new material is still in the wrong place-- and this time, it doesn't even belong at Mathematical induction. A generalization of the product rule belongs at Product rule, and a generalization of the triangle inequality belongs at Triangle inequality. Mathematical induction should have a few sentences of prose concerning these strategies and a sentence summarizing each one, including a link. Melchoir 00:08, 7 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
True, articles on basic mathematical concepts don't normally require references, but in this case, given all the hullabaloo, I think it's reasonable to request at least one. dbtfztalk 00:22, 7 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

There is good reason to post on users' talk pages: many will not come back to look at this page after they've voted on it, so they won't see these comments. They can remove it from their talk pages; one user did that and cited, in his edit summary, the fact that it's a duplicate of what is here.
The three forms of course have been published separately, and the examples are well-known and routine. If anything original is here, it is the juxtaposition of forms of proof by mathematical induction, for the purpose of showing differences and similarities. Maybe this article is the closest I've come to posting something potentially publishable that may not have been published, but it would not be accepted as "original research" by journals devoted to publishing original research in mathematics. Only in a journal primarily devoted to expository articles as opposed to research article could an article on this topic have any hope of being accepted, unless it adds something hifalutin that is not hinted at here. Michael Hardy 00:25, 7 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

As for the claims that the generalizations of the product rule and the triangle inequality belong in the articles on those topics: even if they should be there, the particular four-point form of analysis of the proofs belongs here, not there. That is most of the material on those examples. Michael Hardy 00:40, 7 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I agree that the four-point form does not belong in any other article, while I also believe that this article does not belong on Wikipedia. An insistence on that form without a reference leads me to start suspecting that this is all original research after all. The insight that (3 isn't the sum of 3 numbers less than 3) is relevant is honestly fascinating, but it too feels like original research. And getting back to my own motif, Polya's example is well-known enough to serve as an example of induction gone wrong in... you guessed it, Mathematical induction. It can even serve as a lead-in to the other two arguments, proof sketches of which should go in the relevant articles. The four-point form isn't necessary, since it boils down to saying "sometimes n = 2 gets us everything else"... and that phrase doesn't need an article of its own. Melchoir 01:07, 7 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Four-point form? It should also be pointed out that, in the triangle inequality example, the hard part is the step from 2 to 3, not the step from 1 to 2.
Arthur Rubin | (talk) 21:56, 7 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Well, no. The "hard part" is proving the function is a metric in the first place, i.e., the case n = 2. That part is of course different in different metric spaces (and easy in some). Michael Hardy 23:02, 7 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No, again. That's n=3. n=1 is almost trivial () and n=2 is trivial. — Arthur Rubin | (talk) 23:15, 7 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No, it's not n = 3. The index n should be the number of terms on the right. As I keep saying, you can't just arbitraly reindex (except in the trivial and obvious sense). Michael Hardy 00:27, 9 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I don't see how you can avoid calling it n = 3 except by reindexing to make n = 0 a valid (and marginally interesting) statement. Similarly, getting generalized associativity from associativity, or "orderlessness" (at least the term in Mathematica) from the operator being commutative and associative (hmmm, both n = 2 and n = 3 are the real steps, there, while the induction step beyond that is trivial). (As an aside, I do recall a paper I co-wrote in which we started transfinite induction from -1, so there may be something to be said for this reindexing.) — Arthur Rubin | (talk) 00:50, 9 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

How this article's insight might be included in mathematical induction


I'm not sure which talk/deletion page this should go on, but I've written up a reformulation of Michael Hardy's arguments that, I believe, gets at the fundamental reason for his Second Form of induction. This reformulation (possibly abridged!) could be put in the mathematical induction article, letting us delete the Three Forms article. (The First and Third Forms are already treated well in the mathematical induction article.) I just came up with this, so it's not exactly well-considered; let the critique commence. Joshuardavis 01:49, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Special significance of the n = 2 case

In mathematics, many standard functions, including operations such as + and relations such as =, are binary, meaning that they take two arguments. Often these functions possess properties that implicitly extend them to more than two arguments. For example, once addition a + b is defined and is known to satisfy the associativity property (a + b) + c = a + (b + c), then the trinary addition a + b + c makes sense, either as (a + b) + c or as a + (b + c). Similarly, many axioms and theorems in mathematics are stated only for the binary versions of mathematical operations and relations, and implicitly extend to higher arity versions.

Suppose that we wish to prove a statement about an n-arity operation implicitly defined from a binary operation, using mathematical induction on n. Then it should come as no surprise that the n = 2 case carries special weight. Here are some examples.

Product rule

In this example, the binary operation in question is multiplication (of functions). The usual product rule taught in calculus says

For a product of n functions, one has

In each of the n terms, just one of the factors is a derivative; the others are not.

The n = 1 case is trivial (), and the n >= 3 cases are easy to prove from the preceding n − 1 cases. The real difficulty lies in the n = 2 case, which is why this is the one stated in the standard product rule.

Pólya's proof that there is no "horse of a different color"

In this example, the binary relation in question is equality, =, applied to color of horses.

In the middle of the 20th century, a commonplace colloquial locution to express the idea that something is unexpectedly different from the usual was "That's a horse of a different color!". George Pólya posed the following exercise: Find the error in the following argument, which purports to prove by mathematical induction that all horses are of the same color:

If there's only one horse, there's only one color.
Suppose within any set of n horses, there is only one color. Now look at any set of n + 1 horses. Number them: 1, 2, 3, ..., n, n + 1. Consider the sets {1, 2, 3, ..., n} and {2, 3, 4, ..., n + 1}. Each is a set of only n horses, therefore with each there is only one color. But the two sets overlap, so there must be only one color among all n + 1 horses.

Again the n = 1 case is trivial (any horse is the same color as itself), and the inductive step is correct in all cases n >= 3 cases. However, the logic of the inductive step is incorrect when n = 2, because the statement that "the two sets overlap" is false. Indeed, the n = 2 case is clearly the crux of the matter; if one could prove the n = 2 case, then all higher cases would follow from the transitive property of equality.

Triangle inequality

This example is somewhat more complicated, because it involves a binary operation, +, and a binary function, the distance function d in a metric space.

The usual triangle inequality in metric spaces says

For a sequence of n points, one has

Again the n = 1 case is trivial, since

In this example the n = 2 case is also trivial:

Because two binary functions are involved, with the "middle argument" matching, the first nontrivial case occurs when n = 3. This case is the crux of the matter, which is why the triangle inequality deals with it. The cases n >= 4 then follow inductively from the corresponding n − 1 cases.

Well, I think that in the triangle inequality one should let n be the number of terms in the sum on the right and that that should be recognized not to be a mere matter of convention. Yes you can trivially reindex, but what I'm saying is that the special property of the number 2 applies to the case indexed as n = 2 precisely when one does it that way. Michael Hardy 02:41, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
But it is a mere matter of convention. — Arthur Rubin | (talk) 02:43, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with Michael. It is, abstractly speaking, a matter of convention, but in the context of binary operators it is perfectly natural to let n be the number of terms in the sum. Also, this is the number of legs in the polygonal path whose vertices are the points appearing in the inequality, which makes it likewise natural to index on this quantity. Although I suppose you could argue that n should be the number of sides in the polygon. Still, it doesn't help the example to insist on an indexing which fails to bring out the essential feature it's trying to exemplify. Ryan Reich 02:58, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Reindexing is fine; go ahead. This restores n = 2 to the crucial case, and makes the arity of the + operation the key consideration. What I'm really concerned about is whether the people interested in preserving this article's content would be satisfied by merging an explanation similar to this into mathematical induction. We can polish it later. Joshuardavis 03:33, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
"Mere convention": Only a few months ago I was surprised to find out that some respectable mathematicians think the fact that the empty product is 1 is merely convention. And that that topic is not worth discussing. Maybe it would not be worth discussing if it were mere convention. But it's beginning to look to me like a big gap in most mathematicians' understanding of what seems like trivial matters, and perhaps so is this. More shortly.... Michael Hardy 22:31, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Is your point about conventions that they are chosen to preserve larger patterns in mathematics (and therefore, as a practical benefit, simplify notation)? Because I think that people who say "it's just a convention" know this. They know that the convention is not fully arbitrary, that in fact it's the only one that's "right". What they are really saying is that the conventional case (such as the empty product being 1) does not have the same obvious intuitive meaning as the typical case. Joshuardavis 02:58, 9 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

A different article


All the discussion above has led me to be inclined to dispose of this whole matter in the following way:

I'm surprised that a substantial amount of confusion has appeared among mathematicians who at first said you can just reindex (showing a firm grasp of the obvious while missing the point), or that some of this is merely convention. I put a footnote in a recent paper that said:

Perhaps as a result of studying set theory, I was surprised when I learned that some respectable combinatorialists consider such things as [the fact that the number of partitions of the empty set is 1] to be mere convention. One of them even said a case could be made for setting the number of partitions to 0 when n = 0. By stark contrast, Gian-Carlo Rota wrote in \cite{Rota2}, p. 15, that "the kind of mathematical reasoning that physicists find unbearably pedantic" leads not only to the conclusion that the elementary symmetric function in no variables is 1, but straight from there to the theory of the Euler characteristic, so that "such reasoning does pay off." The only other really sexy example I know is from applied statistics: the non-central chi-square distribution with zero degrees of freedom, unlike its "central" counterpart, is non-trivial.

So maybe this kind of point is not as widely understood among mathematicians as I thought. I'll be back Thursday or Friday..... Michael Hardy 00:22, 9 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Can you come up with some precise formulation of a criterion that distinguishes proofs by this kind of induction from those that aren't? (And even better, can you source it in the literature?) I still have a sense that you're making a sort of Scholastic distinction among various arguments, a distinction that you've never really made precise. As such, as I said, it's a good point to pass along to your students, but I'm not convinced it's encyclopedic, and it also has an OR-ish flavor.
(That's not to say that Scholastic distinctions can never be encyclopedic, but I'm certainly more likely to want sources for them than for precisely formulated mathematics.) --Trovatore 02:31, 9 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]