

Hey MJL, I'm a bit confused that you, who's seemingly not going to be a part of this wikiproject, were the one to create this page... I thought the normal procedure is to let the group create the page themselves, and then closing the discussion when they've actually moved ahead with it? Here you've instead treated the discussion as something to implement. Also, 3 initial members is low, fewer than the recommended 6-12+ - I think we'd usually recommend the group to first seek more members, for fear of the wikiproject dying out quickly... ? Kind regards from PJvanMill)talk( 19:47, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@PJvanMill: That's just always how I've gone about closing WikiProject proposals? Template:Archived WikiProject Proposal top/doc has never exactly been the most clear. My understanding is that by closing it as "created" we literally created the page during the close (though that isn't exactly specified in the docs).
As for the member count, this isn't exactly a normal WikiProject. Having 2 admins from enwikiquote sign up seemed adequately sufficient for achieving the project's goals in the long term. –MJLTalk 20:10, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@MJL To be clear, I'm not saying this wikiproject should be shut down or anything; I don't think the 6+ people recommendation should be strictly enforced, and with 2 q: admins I could see it survive long-term. It's just that the way I've generally seen wikiproject proposals be handled, the way I've done it myself and the way that makes the most sense to me, is to leave the decision to actually go forward with the proposal up to the prospective members. Maybe we could seek clarification about this at the council talk page Kind regards from PJvanMill)talk( 20:45, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]