Zhengtong (simplified Chinese: 正统; traditional Chinese: 正統; pinyin: Zhèngtǒng; Wade–Giles: Cheng-t'sung; lit. 'right governance'; 18 January 1436 – 13 January 1450) was the era name (nianhao) of Emperor Yingzong, the sixth emperor of the Ming dynasty, during his first reign, lasting for 14 years.

On 1 September 1449 (Zhengtong 14, 15th day of the 8th month), Emperor Yingzong was captured at the Tumu Crisis. On 6 September (6th day of the 9th month), the Jingtai Emperor ascended to the throne and continued to use the Zhengtong era name. The following year, the era was changed to Jingtai.[1][2]

Comparison table

Zhengtong 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
AD 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445
Sexagenary cycle Bǐngchén (丙辰) Dīngsì (丁巳) Wùwǔ (戊午) Jǐwèi (己未) Gēngshēn (庚申) Xīnyǒu (辛酉) Rénxū (壬戌) Guǐhài (癸亥) Jiǎzǐ (甲子) Yǐchǒu (乙丑)
Zhengtong 11 12 13 14
AD 1446 1447 1448 1449
Sexagenary cycle Bǐngyín (丙寅) Dīngmǎo (丁卯) Wùchén (戊辰) Jǐsì (己巳)

Other regimes' era names that existed during the same period

See also


  1. ^ Li, Chongzhi (December 2004). 中國歷代年號考 [Zhongguo Lidai Nianhao Kao] (in Chinese). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Co. p. 206. ISBN 978-7-101-02512-5.
  2. ^ History of Ming, Volume 11: "〔正統十四年〕九月癸未,王即皇帝位,遙尊皇帝為太上皇帝,以明年為景泰元年。"


Preceded byXuande Ming dynasty era name 1436–1449 Succeeded byJingtai