Writers are vulnerable creatures like anyone else. For what do they have in reality? Not sandbags, not timbers. Just a flimsy reputation and a name.

Brian Wilson Aldiss (August 18, 1925August 19, 2017) was an English writer of general fiction and science fiction.


Keep violence in the mind where it belongs.
We dread children, even if we love them. They show us the state of our decay.
Digging deep in a Martian desert men discovered an enormous brain...

Short fiction


The Source (1965)


The Small Stones of Tu Fu (1978)


Aboard the Beatitude (2002)


The Hungers of an Old Language (2013)


Who Can Replace a Man? (1965)

When the first flint, the first shell, was shaped into a weapon, that action shaped man. As he molded and complicated his tools, so they molded and complicated him. He became the first scientific animal. And at last, via information theory and great computers, he gained knowledge of all his parts. He formed the Laws of Integration, which reveal all beings as part of a pattern and show them their part in the pattern. There is only the pattern; the pattern is all the universe, creator and created.
All page numbers from the Signet mass market edition (T5055), November 1967 printing

Outside (1955)

We must find out what's wrong here. Either we are victims of some ghastly experiment — or we're all monsters!.
First published in New Worlds Science Fiction (January 1955), later in the anthology No Time Like Tomorrow (1959)

Let's Be Frank (1957)

Frank's chromosome conquered everywhere. Peace was guaranteed.
First published in Science-Fantasy #23 (1957)

Hothouse (1962)

Obeying an inalienable law, things grew, spreading riotous and strange in their instinct for growth.

Greybeard (1964)

All page numbers from the mass market edition published by Signet

Super-Toys Last All Summer Long (1969)

An overcrowded world is the ideal place in which to be lonely.
Full text online - This story was adapted into the film A.I. Artificial Intelligence

The Glass Forest (1986)

Online text
If we can see our difficulties, there is a way of resolving them, or the hope of a way.

Locus interview (2000)

"Brian Aldiss : Young Turk to Grand Master" in Locus magazine (August 2000)

Quotes about Aldiss

The story returns over and over to the painting The Hireling Shepherd by Holman Hunt, which becomes a recurring unresolved image which has no final meaning, only whatever speculation it's benighted observers bring to bear on it.