Asyut Govrenorate on the map o Egyp

Asyut Govrenorate (Arabic: ‏محافظة أسيوطMuḥāfaẓat Asyūṭ) is ane o the govrenorates o Egyp. It stretches for aboot 120 km alang the banks o the Nile. The caipital o the govrenorate is the ceety o Asyut.


The name o Asyut is derived frae early Egyptian Zawty (Z3JW.TJ), late Egyptian Səyáwt intae Coptic Syowt.



Important sites


The govrenorate o Asyut includes the Auncient Egyptian tombs o Meir, an the toun o Durunka, which is a pilgrimage site for mony Copts who come tae visit a monastery dedicatit tae the Virgin Mary.

Prominent fowk frae Asyut

See an aa


  1. Archived 2008-01-20 at the Wayback Machine Official Website of the Government of Asyut

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