Minya Govrenorate on the cairt o Egyp

Minya Govrenorate (Arabic: ‏محافظة المنياMuḥāfaẓat al Minyā, Egyptian Arabic: [moˈħɑfzˤet elˈmenjæ]) is ane o the govrenorates o Upper Egyp. The name oreeginates frae the chief ceety o the govrenorate, oreeginally kent in Sahidic Coptic as Tmoone (ⲧⲙⲟⲟⲛⲉ) an in Bohairic as Thmonē (ⲑⲙⲟⲛⲏ), meanin “the residence”, in reference tae a monastery umwhile in the aurie. The name mey an aa oreeginate frae the ceety's name in Egyptian Men'at Khufu.

Naitional Holiday

The naitional holiday o the Minya govrenorate is on 18 Mairch. It commemorates those who wur executit bi the Breetish at Deir Mawas on 18 Mairch 1919.

Agricultur an industry

Limestone quarryin.

Minya Govrenorate is an important agricultural an industrial region. Amang its principal crops are sugar-cane, cotton, beans, soya beans, garlic, ingans, vegetables o various sorts, tomatoes, potatoes, watermelons, an grapes. Amang the leadin local industries are fuid processin (especially sugar an the dryin an grindin o ingans), spinnin an weavin o cotton, perfumes, oils an fats, cement-makin, quarryin (especially limestone), an brick-makin.

Location an Settin

The caipital o Minya govrenorate is the ceety o Minya. The govrenorate is ane o the maist heichlie populatit govrenorates o Upper Egyp. It contains nine ceeties; 3,375 veelages; an 10,875 hamlets, athin the follaein nine boroughs, frae north tae sooth:

Ither important sites in the Minya Governorate include:

Monasteries in the Minya Govrenorate

Prominent fowk frae Minya Govrenorate



Freemit airtins