Ceety o federal subject significance is an umbrella term uised tae refer tae a teep o an admeenistrative diveesion o a federal subject o Roushie that is equal in status tae a destrict but is organisit aroond a lairge ceety; occasionally wi surroondin landwart territories.

Accordin tae the 1993 Constitution o Roushie, the admeenistrative-territorial structur o the federal subjects isna identifee'd as the responsibility o the federal govrenment or as the joint responsibility o the federal govrenment an the federal subjects.[1] This state o the matters is tradeetionally interpretit bi the govrenments o the federal subjects as a sign that the matters o the admeenistrative-territorial diveesions are the sole responsibility o the federal subjects thairsels.[1] As a result, the modren admeenistrative-territorial structurs o the federal subjects vary significantly frae ane federal subject tae anither; that includes the manner in whilk the ceeties o federal subject significance are organisit an the choice o a term tae refer tae siclik entities. In the federal subjects that haes closed admeenistrative-territorial formations, thay are aften gien a similar status. Occasionally, this status is gien tae the auries organisit aroond the indwelt localities that arna ceeties, but smawer urban-teep dounsets.

As o 2011, the follaein teeps o such entities are recognisit:

in the republics
in the krais
in the oblasts
in the autonomous okrugs
in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast


  1. a b "Энциклопедический словарь конституционного права". Статья "Административно-территориальное устройство". Сост. А. А. Избранов. — Мн.: Изд. В.М. Суров, 2001.