
Designatit ceety
浜松市 · Hamamatsu Ceety[1]
Frae top left:Act City Hamamatsu, Akihasan Hongū Akiha Jinja, Enshu Railway Line, Hamamatsu Castle, Hamana Ōhasi
Frae top left:Act City Hamamatsu, Akihasan Hongū Akiha Jinja, Enshu Railway Line, Hamamatsu Castle, Hamana Ōhasi
Official seal of Hamamatsu
Flag o Hamamatsu
Location of Hamamatsu in Shizuoka
Location of Hamamatsu in Shizuoka
Coordinates: 34°43′N 137°44′E / 34.717°N 137.733°E / 34.717; 137.733Coordinates: 34°43′N 137°44′E / 34.717°N 137.733°E / 34.717; 137.733
 • MayorYasutomo Suzuki
 • Total1511.17 km2 (583.47 sq mi)
 (Februar 2009)
 • Total813,369
 • Density538/km2 (1,390/sq mi)
 • TreePine
 • FlouerMikan
 • BirdJapanese Bush Warbler
Time zoneUTC+9 (Japan Staundart Time)
City Hall Address103-2 Motoshiro-chō, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken
WebsiteCeety o Hamamatsu

Hamamatsu (浜松市, Hamamatsu-shi) is a ceety locatit in wastren Shizuoka Prefectur, Japan. On 1 Julie 2005, the ceety mergit wi 11 surroondin ceeties an touns. It became a ceety designatit bi govrenment ordinance on 1 Aprile 2007.


The aurie nou comprisin Hamamatsu haes been settled syne prehistoric times, wi numerous remains frae the Jomon period an Kofun period haein been discovered athin the present ceety leemits, includin the Akamonue Kofun in wha is nou present-day Hamakita-ku In the Nara period, it became the caipital o Tōtōmi Province. Durin the Sengoku period, Hamamatsu Castle wis the hame o futur Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. Hamamatsu flourished durin the Edo period unner a succession o daimyo rulers as a castle toun, an as a post toun on the Tōkaidō. Efter the Meiji Restoration, Hamamatsu became a short-livit prefectur frae 1871–1876, efter which it wis unitit wi Shizuoka Prefecture. The Tōkaidō Main Line railwey opened Hamamatsu Station in 1889. The same year, in a cadastal reform o Japan, Hamamatsu became a toun.


A bird's-eye view o dountoun Hamamatsu

Hamamatsu consists o a flat plain an the Mikatahara Plateau in the sooth, an a muntainous aurie in the north. It is roughly bordered bi Lake Hamana tae the wast, the Tenryū River tae the east, an the Paceefic Ocean tae the sooth. The climate in soothren Hamamatsu is mild wi little snaw faw in the winter; housomeivver, it is windy in winter acause o the dry monsoon cried Enshū no Karakaze, which is unique tae the region. The climate in northren Hamamatsu is hintle hairsker acause o foehn winds. In simmers, the heichest temperatur aften exceeds 35 degrees in the Tenryu-ku aurie, while it snaws in winter.


Hamamatsu is admeenistratively dividit intae seiven wairds:



Act-City Hamamatsu
Hamamatsu dountoun frae Shinkawa river

Hamamatsu haes been famous as an industrial ceety, especially for muisical instruments an motorcycles. It haes been kent for fabric industry an aw, but maist o those companies an factories went oot o business in the 1990s. O the 274,700 Japanese Brazilians wirkin in Japan, currently 19,000 wirk in Hamamatsu.[2]

Companies headquartered in Hamamatsu

Companies foondit in Hamamatsu



Hamamatsu is a station on the Tōkaidō Shinkansen an Tōkaidō Main Line. This station is servit bi a sma selection o Hikari services an aw passin Kodama services. Hamamatsu is approximately haufwey alang the Tōkaidō line, as the journey time tae baith Tokyo an Shin-Osaka is approximately ane an hauf oors wi Hikari, an twa oors wi Kodama.

Tōkaidō Main Line stops at the follaein stations:

Iida Line stops at several stations in Sakuma aurie.

Enshu Railway Line, kent as Akaden (the reid train) an aw, is a local line runnin north frae Shin-Hamamatsu Station throu Nishikajima Station.

Tenryū Hamanako Line stops at several stations in Kita-ku, Hamakita-ku, an Tenryū-ku.



Thare are nae civilian airports in Hamamatsu. Shizuoka Airport(34°47′46″N 138°11′22″E / 34.796111°N 138.189444°E / 34.796111; 138.189444) is the closest, locatit 43 kilometre (27 mi) frae Hamamatsu station atween Makinohara an Shimada

Chūbu Centrair International Airport in Aichi Prefectur, locatit aboot 87 kilometre (54 mi)[3] wast o the ceety, is the seicont closest.


Akiha Fire Festival

Ever syne lang ago, Moont Akiha wis believed tae hae supernatural powers tae prevent fires. Bow an arrow, swuird, an fire dances are performed at the Akiha Shrine. At the Akiha Temple, a firewalking ceremony is performed whaur baith believers an spectators celebrate the festival. (Haruno, Tenryu-ku — December)

Enshu Dainenbutsu

When a faimily commemorates the first Obon holidays efter the daith o a loved ane, thay mey request that a dainenbutsu (Buddhist chanting ritual) be performed ootside thair hoose. This is ane o the local performing airts o the region. The group always forms a procession in front o the hoose led bi a person carrying a lantern an marches tae the sound o flutes, Japanese drums an cymbals. (Saigagake Museum, Hamamatsu City — Julie 15)

Hamamatsu Festival

Hamamatsu Festival, held frae Mey 3 throu Mey 5 each year, is weel kent for Takoage Gassen, or the kite fecht, an luxuriously decorated palace-lik floats. The festival originated aboot 430 years ago, when the lord o Hamamatsu Castle celebrated the birth o his first son bi fleein kites. In the Meiji Era, the celebration o the birth o a first son bi fleein Hatsu Dako, or the first kite, became popular, an this tradeetion haes survived in the form o Hamamatsu Festival. It is extremely exciting tae see ower 160 lairge kites fleein in the sky tae the sound o trumpets. Those who veesit Hamamatsu at this time o the year can experience the city at its maist exciting time.

During the nights o Hamamatsu Festival, fowk parade downtown carrying ower 70 yatai, or palace-lake floats, that are beautifully decorated while playin Japanese traditional festival muisic. The festival reaches its peak when groups o fowk compete bi violently marching across toun. (Naka-ku, Minami-ku — Mey)

Hamakita Hiryu Festival

This festival is held in honour o Ryujin, the god o the Tenryu River, an features a wide variety o events sic as the Hamakita takoage (kite fleein) event an the Hiryu himatsuri (fleein draigon fire festival) which celebrates watter, sound, an flame. (Hamakita-ku — Juin)

Hamamatsu International Piano Competition

This festival celebrates Hamamatsu's history as a city o muisical instruments an muisic, an brings dozens o the best young pianists frae aw ower the warld. It haes been held triennially syne 1991 at the Act City Concert Hall an Main Hall. (November)

Hamakita Manyo Festival

This event takes place in Manyo-no-Mori Pairk tae commemorate the Manyo Period an introduce its cultur. As pairt o the festival, fowk reenact the auncient past bi wearing traditional claes frae the Heian period an presenting Japanese poetry readings. (Hamakita-ku, Hamamatsu — October)

Inasa Puppet Festival

Ane o the few puppet festivals held in Japan, featurin 60 performances o aboot 30 plays bi puppet masters frae aw ower the kintra. The shows provide a full day o enjoyment for baith childer an adults. (Inasa, Kita-ku — November)

Princess Road Festival

This reenactment o a procession made bi the princess in her palanquin alang wi her entourage o ower 100 fowk includin maids, samurai, an servants maks for a splendid scene beneath the cherry blossoms alang the Toda River. In the Edo period, princesses enjoyed travelin this road which came tae be kent as a hime kaidō (princess road). (Hosoe, Kita-ku — Aprile)

Shoryu Weeping Ume Blossom Festival

In Ryusui Garden thare is a stream wi seiven sma waterfaws an aboot 80 weepin ume trees pruned tae gie the appearance o draigons ridin on clouds tae the heavens. Thare are 200 young trees planted alang the muntainside an aw. (Inasa, Kita-ku — late Februar tae late Mairch)

Notable fowk

Radio stations

Colleges an universities

Sports teams


The closest thing tae a tap diveesion club Hamamatsu haes is Honda F.C., which play Japan Football League (third diveesion) gemmes at thair awn Miyakoda Soccer Stadium. Honda competit in the Japan Soccer League's First Diveesion frae 1981 tae 1991, but chose tae relegate itsel an no compete in the profeesional diveesions due tae parent company Honda's choice tae retain team awnership. Maist Hamamatsu fitbaa fans prefer tae follae Júbilo Iwata, athort the Tenryu River in Iwata. Júbilo maintains a club shop athin Hamamatsu.

Volare FC Hamamatsu, an autonomous club who competit in the Tokai Regional Football League Diveesion 2 in 2011, floutit plans tae aither owertake Honda FC or merge wi it, but it feenished last in the Tokai League an wis relegatit. Hamamatsu University keeps a team in the said diveesion an aw, but college teams canna be promotit tae the tap three tiers.

Internaitional relations

Hamamatsu haes ratifeed Muisic Cultur Exchange Treaty wi the follaein ceeties (housomeivver, o the follaein Rochester is the anerlie offeecial sister ceety):

Twin touns an sister ceeties

Hamamatsu is twinned wi:


  1. "Hamamatsu's official English name". Archived frae the original on 28 Mey 2010. Retrieved 4 Mey 2012.
  2. Sanchanta, Mariko (19 Julie 2007). "Signs betray 'hidden workers' of Japan". The Financial Times.
  3. frae Chūbu Centrair International Airport tae Hamamatsu station(34°42′14″N 137°44′05″E / 34.703866°N 137.734759°E / 34.703866; 137.734759) (surveying http://vldb.gsi.go.jp/sokuchi/surveycalc/bl2stf.html Archived 2008-05-18 at the Wayback Machine(in Japanese))
  4. "Radio Phoenix - CONECTOU...TÁ NA PHOENIX". Radiophoenix.jp. Archived frae the original on 25 Mairch 2013. Retrieved 26 Mairch 2013.
  5. (in Pols) "Miasta partnerskie Warszawy". um.warszawa.pl. Biuro Promocji Miasta. 4 Mey 2005. Archived frae the original on 11 October 2007. Retrieved 29 August 2008.

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