The name "Ragusa"

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Originally Ragusa was one place, named "Ragusa" or "Rausa" or "Lausa" or something similar. The Ragusan Giacomo di Pietro Luccari wrote in his Copioso ristretto degli annali di Rausa (In Venetia, 1605) that "atorno li anni del Signore 1035 (...) si fabricò un'altro corpo di Rausa verso Tramontana, dov'era un bosco delle olive, et alberi salvatichi, che scendeva al mare, et nella lingua Slava si domandava Dubrava, onde derivò il nome di Dubrovnik". So, the name "Dubrovnik" comes from XI century. In the Historical Archive of Dubrovnik you can't find a single document coming from the Ragusan officies (Senato, Rettore, Cancelleria etc.) with the name "Dubrovnik" as official name of the city. The famous "Charter of Kulin Ban" (Povelja Kulin Ban - 1189) was the first document wich presented the name "Dubrovnik". It was also the first written Bosnian document. But it was a document coming from the Kulin's court, written from a clerk named Radoje. So, this charter isn't a Ragusan document. The name "Dubrovnik" was for the first time the official name of the city in 1867, together with "Ragusa". The old name was scrapped only in 1920, after the "Treaty of Rapallo". Here you can see a page from the "Repertorio delle località del Regno di Dalmazia" (Zara, 1872), the list of the official names of all the Dalmatian "communes". Ragusino

Recent war

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There should be something about the city in the late-20th-century war. Kdammers (talk) 03:21, 13 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]