This is a complete list of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the year 1811.

Note that the first parliament of the United Kingdom was held in 1801; parliaments between 1707 and 1800 were either parliaments of Great Britain or of Ireland). For acts passed up until 1707, see the list of acts of the Parliament of England and the list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland. For acts passed from 1707 to 1800, see the list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland.

For acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the list of acts of the Scottish Parliament, the list of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the list of acts and measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the list of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3". Acts passed from 1963 onwards are simply cited by calendar year and chapter number.

All modern acts have a short title, e.g. "the Local Government Act 2003". Some earlier acts also have a short title given to them by later acts, such as by the Short Titles Act 1896.

51 Geo. 3

The fifth session of the 4th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 1 November 1810 until 24 July 1811.

Public general acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
51 Geo. 3. c. 1
5 February 1811
An Act to provide for the Administration of the Royal Authority, and for the Care of His Majesty's Royal Person, during the Continuance of His Majesty's Illness; and for the Resumption of the Exercise of the Royal Authority by His Majesty.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873)
Duties on Malt, etc. Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. 2
1 November 1810[a]
Exchequer Bills Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 3
1 November 1810[a]
Exchequer Bills Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 4
1 November 1810[a]
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 5
1 November 1810[a]
Census (Great Britain) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 6
1 November 1810[a]
Silk Manufacture Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 7
1 November 1810[a]
51 Geo. 3. c. 8
1 November 1810[a]
Marine Mutiny Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 9
1 November 1810[a]
Wide Streets, Dublin Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 10
1 November 1810[a]
Coal Duty, Dublin Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 11
1 November 1810[a]
Drawbacks, etc., on Sugar Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 12
1 November 1810[a]
Sugar Bounties, etc. Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 13
1 November 1810[a]
Exportation and Importation Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 14
1 November 1810[a]
Exchequer Bills Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 15
1 November 1810[a]
National Debt Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 16
1 November 1810[a]
Indemnity Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 17
1 November 1810[a]
Indemnity (No. 2) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 18
1 November 1810[a]
Inquiry into Military Expenditure, etc. Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 19
1 November 1810[a]
Militia Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 20
1 November 1810[a]
Grants of Pensions Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 21
1 November 1810[a]
National Debt Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 22
1 November 1810[a]
Slave Trade Felony Act 1811
or the Slave Trade Act 1811[1]
51 Geo. 3. c. 23
1 November 1810[a]
An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
Clearance of Vessels, London Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 24
1 November 1810[a]
Payment of Creditors (Scotland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 25
1 November 1810[a]
National Debt (No. 2) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 26
1 November 1810[a]
Malt, etc., Duties Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 27
1 November 1810[a]
Quartering of Soldiers Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 28
1 November 1810[a]
Bringing of Coals, etc., to London Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 29
1 November 1810[a]
Militia (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 30
1 November 1810[a]
Duty on Copper Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 31
1 November 1810[a]
Excise Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 32
1 November 1810[a]
British Calicoes Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 33
1 November 1810[a]
51 Geo. 3. c. 34
1 November 1810[a]
51 Geo. 3. c. 35
1 November 1810[a]
Cinque Ports Act 1811[2] (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. 36
25 May 1811
An act to facilitate the Execution of Justice within The Cinque Ports.
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1977)
51 Geo. 3. c. 37
31 May 1811
An Act further to prevent the Marriage of Lunatics.
(Repealed by Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015)
Embezzlement (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 38
1 November 1810[a]
Stealing from Bleaching Grounds (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 39
1 November 1810[a]
Highways (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 40
1 November 1810[a]
Stealing of Linen, etc. Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 41
1 November 1810[a]
Distillers of Spirits Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 42
1 November 1810[a]
Duties on Certain Woods, etc. Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 43
1 November 1810[a]
Duty on Linen Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 44
1 November 1810[a]
St. John's, Newfoundland, etc. Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 45
1 November 1810[a]
Quarantine Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 46
1 November 1810[a]
Commercial Treaty with Portugal Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 47
1 November 1810[a]
Importation Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 48
1 November 1810[a]
National Debt Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 49
1 November 1810[a]
Exportation Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 50
1 November 1810[a]
Prisage and Butlerage of Wines (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 51
1 November 1810[a]
Customs Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 52
1 November 1810[a]
Exchequer Bills Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 53
1 November 1810[a]
Exchequer Bills Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 54
1 November 1810[a]
Customs Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 55
1 November 1810[a]
Duties on Tobacco Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 56
1 November 1810[a]
Exportation Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 57
1 November 1810[a]
Importation Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 58
1 November 1810[a]
Duties on Spirits Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 59
1 November 1810[a]
Duties on Hats, etc., Repeal (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 60
1 November 1810[a]
Charge of Loan Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 61
1 November 1810[a]
Importation Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 62
1 November 1810[a]
Prisoners (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 63
1 November 1810[a]
East India Company Bonds Act 1811[2]
51 Geo. 3. c. 64
1 November 1810[a]
Printers and Publishers Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 65
1 November 1810[a]
51 Geo. 3. c. 66
10 June 1811
An Act to amend and render more effectual several Acts for promoting the Trade of Dublin, by rendering its Port and Harbour more commodious: and for erecting, repairing and maintaining Light Houses round the Coast of Ireland, and to raise a Fund for defraying the Charge thereof.
Customs Duties Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 67
1 November 1810[a]
Customs Duties Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 68
1 November 1810[a]
Duties on Glass Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 69
1 November 1810[a]
Duty on Hats, etc., Repeal (Great Britain) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 70
1 November 1810[a]
Customs Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 71
1 November 1810[a]
Assessed Taxes Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 72
1 November 1810[a]
Naval Arsenals Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 73
1 November 1810[a]
Prize Goods Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 74
1 November 1810[a]
East India Company Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 75
1 November 1810[a]
Horse Duty Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 76
1 November 1810[a]
Parliamentary Elections (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 77
1 November 1810[a]
Relief of Families of Militiamen (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 78
1 November 1810[a]
Lunatic Paupers, etc. (England) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 79
1 November 1810[a]
Parish Apprentices Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 80
1 November 1810[a]
Fees etc., in Public Offices, etc. (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 81
1 November 1810[a]
Rock Salt Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 82
1 November 1810[a]
Drawback of Duty on Coals Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 83
1 November 1810[a]
Parliamentary Elections Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 84
1 November 1810[a]
Exchequer Bills Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 85
1 November 1810[a]
Colouring of Porter Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 87
1 November 1810[a]
Exportation and Importation Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 86
1 November 1810[a]
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 88
1 November 1810[a]
Salary of Lord Lieutenant (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 89
1 November 1810[a]
Militia Pay (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 90
1 November 1810[a]
Arrears of Crown Rents (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 91
1 November 1810[a]
Highways (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 92
1 November 1810[a]
Duties on Norway Timber Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 93
1 November 1810[a]
Preservation of Timber Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 94
1 November 1810[a]
Excise, etc. Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 95
1 November 1810[a]
Customs Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 96
1 November 1810[a]
Trade, Europe and American Colonies Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 97
1 November 1810[a]
Indemnity Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 98
1 November 1810[a]
Parliamentary Elections Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 99
1 November 1810[a]
Counties of Cities Act 1811[2]
51 Geo. 3. c. 100
1 November 1810[a]
British White Herring Fishery Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 101
1 November 1810[a]
General de Lancey (Estates and Crown Claims) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 102
1 November 1810[a]
Retirement of Officers on Half Pay Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 103
1 November 1810[a]
Forfeited and Unclaimed Prize Money Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 104
1 November 1810[a]
Royal Naval Asylum Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 105
1 November 1810[a]
Army Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 106
1 November 1810[a]
Militia and Local Militia Pay (Great Britain) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 107
1 November 1810[a]
Militia Allowances Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 108
1 November 1810[a]
Militia Allowances (No. 2) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 109
1 November 1810[a]
Counterfeiting Bank of England Tokens Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 110
1 November 1810[a]
Manufacture of Maidstone Geneva, etc. Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 111
1 November 1810[a]
Exchequer Bills Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 112
1 November 1810[a]
Lotteries Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 113
1 November 1810[a]
Militia (Stannaries) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 114
1 November 1810[a]
Gifts for Churches Act 1811[2]
51 Geo. 3. c. 115
26 June 1811
An Act for amending the Act Forty-third George Third, to promote the building, repairing, or otherwise providing the churches and Chapels, and of Houses for the Residence of Ministers, and the providing of Church Yards and Glebes.
Tower Burial Ground Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 116
1 November 1810[a]
51 Geo. 3. c. 117
1 November 1810[a]
Militia (No. 2) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 118
1 November 1810[a]
Justice of the Peace, Metropolis Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 119
1 November 1810[a]
Deer Stealing (England) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 120
1 November 1810[a]
Drawbacks on Spirits Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 121
1 November 1810[a]
Bogs (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 122
1 November 1810[a]
Insolvent Debtors Relief (Ireland) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 123
1 November 1810[a]
Frivolous Arrests Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 124
1 November 1810[a]
Insolvent Debtors Relief (England) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 125
1 November 1810[a]
Westminster Parliamentary Elections Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 126
1 November 1810[a]
Gold Currency and Bank Notes Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 127
1 November 1810[a]
Militia (No. 3) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 128
1 November 1810[a]

Local acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
East Grinstead Parish Church Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. i
8 March 1811
Buckingham to Hanwell (Oxfordshire) Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. ii
22 March 1811

(Repealed by Buckingham to Hanwell Road Act 1832 (c.xxxiv))
Sunderland and Durham Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. iii
22 March 1811

(Repealed by Sunderland and Durham Road Act 1831 (c.lxiv))
Road from Beverley and from Malton Guide Post Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. iv
22 March 1811

(Repealed by Beverley, Hessle and North Cave Roads Act 1832 (c.cix))
Odiham and Farnham Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. v
22 March 1811

(Repealed by Odiham and Farnham Road Act 1832 (
Bishop Wearmouth and Norton (Durham) Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. vi
22 March 1811

(Repealed by Bishop Wearmouth and Norton Road Act 1832 (c.lxi))
Rangeworthy Inclosur Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. vii
22 March 1811
Ware Improvement Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. viii
25 March 1811
Bury St. Edmund's Improvement Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. ix
4 April 1811

(Repealed by Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 6) Act 1873 (c.ccxvi))
Barton and Brandon Road (Suffolk) Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. x
4 April 1811

(Repealed by Barton and Brandon Bridge Road Act 1831 (c.xix))
Croydon Canal Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xi
4 April 1811
Roads in Carmarthenshire Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xii
4 April 1811
Road from Hyde Park Corner to Counters Bridge Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xiii
4 April 1811

(Repealed by Road from Knightsbridge to Counters Bridge Act 1825 (c.clvii))
Road from Carlisle to Newcastle-upon-Tyne Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xiv
4 April 1811
Nethergate (Dundee) Improvement Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xv
4 April 1811
Roads from the South Gate of King's Lynn Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xvi
4 April 1811

(Repealed by King's Lynn Roads Act 1831 (1 & 2 Will. 4. c. xx))
Roads from the East Gate of King's Lynn Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xvii
4 April 1811

(Repealed by King's Lynn and Castle Rising Roads Act 1831 (1 & 2 Will. 4. c. xxi))
Road from Livingstone to Glasgow Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xviii
4 April 1811

(Repealed by Road from Livingstone to Glasgow Act 1814 (c.ccii))
Shankhill and Waterford Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xix
4 April 1811

(Repealed by Shankhill and Waterford Road Act 1832 (c.lix))
Almond Bridge Roads Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xx
4 April 1811

(Repealed by Almond Bridge and Ballieston Road Act 1831 (c.xliii))
Whickham Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xxi
4 April 1811
Barnham Broom and Bickerstone Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xxii
4 April 1811
Finchley Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xxiii
4 April 1811
Lune, Holwick and Romaldkirk Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xxiv
4 April 1811
Chadlington West, Chadlington East and Chilson Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xxv
4 April 1811
Bywell St. Peter Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xxvi
4 April 1811
Norwich, Aylsham and Cromer Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xxvii
11 April 1811

(Repealed by Norwich and Cromer Road Act 1831 (1 & 2 Will. 4. c. xiv))
Road from Dudley to Pattingham Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xxviii
11 April 1811

(Repealed by Dudley and New Inn District of Roads (Worcestershire, Salop., Staffordshire) Act 1832 (2 & 3 Will. 4. c. lxxxv))
Road from Harlow Bush Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xxix
11 April 1811

(Repealed by Road from Harlow Act 1822 (c.xliv))
Hatfield, Thorne and Fishlake Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xxx
11 April 1811
Barton Bridge and Stretford Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xxxi
6 May 1811

(Repealed by Road from Barton Bridge to the Manchester and Altrincham Road Act 1832 (2 & 3 Will. 4. c. xxviii))
Christchurch (Surrey) Poor Rates and Improvement Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xxxii
6 May 1811
Dunure Harbour Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xxxiii
6 May 1811
Perth Improvement Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xxxiv
6 May 1811

(Repealed by Perth Improvement Act 1839 (2 & 3 Vict. c. xliii))
Kirkcaldy Improvement and Water Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xxxv
6 May 1811

(Repealed by Kirkcaldy Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1939 (2 & 3 Geo. 6. c. vi))
Dublin Roads Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xxxvi
6 May 1811
Dumfries Two Pennies Scots Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xxxvii
6 May 1811
Bridge of Doon Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xxxviii
6 May 1811

(Repealed by Ayr Turnpike Roads Act 1827 (c.cix))
Marykirk (North Esk) Bridge Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xxxix
6 May 1811
Roads in Berwick (County) and Whitadder Bridge Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xl
6 May 1811

(Repealed by Roads and Bridges in Berwick Act 1832 (c.lvi))
Berwick-upon-Tweed and Dunglas Bridge Road and Branches Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xli
6 May 1811

(Repealed by Berwick-upon-Tweed and Dunglas Bridge Road Act 1832 (c.xxxi))
Roads communicating with the West India and East India Docks Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xlii
6 May 1811

(Repealed by Commercial Roads Act 1828 (c.cxii))
Colchester and Wivenhoe Navigation and Colchester Improvement Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xliii
6 May 1811

(Repealed by Colchester Borough Council Act 2001 (c. ii))
Road from Wem and Whitchurch Road to Sandford and Hodnet Road Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xliv
6 May 1811
Stoke Ferry Roads (Norfolk) Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xlv
6 May 1811

(Repealed by Stoke Ferry Roads (Norfolk) Act 1832 (c.lxxxiii))
Abingdon and Swinford Road Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xlvi
6 May 1811
Road from Vinehall to Rye Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xlvii
6 May 1811

(Repealed by Road from Vinehall to Taylor's Corner Act 1832 (c.lvii))
Tiverton Roads Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xlviii
6 May 1811

(Repealed by Tiverton Roads Act 1830 (c.xcvii))
London Dock Company's Rates (Wines and Spirits) Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. xlix
6 May 1811

(Repealed by London Docks Act 1828 (c.cxvi))
Viscount Sackville's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. l
6 May 1811
Rectory of Nailsea with Chapel of Bourton Annexed Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. li
6 May 1811
Scarning, Hoe, Worthington and Dillington Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lii
6 May 1811
Westward Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. liii
6 May 1811
Cholmondeston Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. liv
6 May 1811
Fulwood Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lv
6 May 1811
Long Compton Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lvi
6 May 1811
Great Paxton and Toseland Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lvii
6 May 1811
Wigton, Woodside and Waverton Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lviii
6 May 1811
St. John the Baptist Peterborough Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lix
6 May 1811
Bristol and Taunton Canal Navigation Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lx
14 May 1811
Dunfermline Improvement Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxi
14 May 1811
Newport (Monmouthshire) Roads Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxii
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Newport District Turnpike Roads Act 1832 (c.xiv))
Roads from Cramond Bridge to Queensferry and Linlithgow Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxiii
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Queensferry and Linlithgow Roads Act 1830 (c.cix))
St. Mary-le-Strand Workhouse and Improvement Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxiv
14 May 1811
Robeston Wathan and St. Clears Road (Pembrokeshire) Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxv
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Robeston Wathan and St. Clears Road Act 1832 (c.liv))
Commercial Docks Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxvi
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Surrey Commercial Docks Act 1864 (c.xxxi))
Rutland Gaol and Bridewell Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxvii
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Leicestershire Act 1985 (c. xvii))
Chapels of St. Mary and St. Paul, Birmingham Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxviii
14 May 1811
Buxton Church Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxix
14 May 1811
Garion Bridge (Lanarkshire) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxx
14 May 1811
Fosdyke Bridge Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxi
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Fosdyke Bridge Transfer Act 1870 (33 & 34 Vict. c. xxxiv))
Road from Bromham Bridge to Olney Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxii
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Bedford and Newport Pagnell Road to Olney Act 1832 (c.xviii))
Road from Derby to Mansfield Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxiii
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Derby, Mansfield and Nutthall Roads Act 1830 (c.xcv))
Haddon and Bentley (Derbyshire) Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxiv
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Haddon and Bentley Road Act 1833 (c.lxxvi))
Roads from Little Sheffield Sparrow Pit Gate Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxv
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Roads in York and Derby Act 1825 (c.cxliv))
Roads from Fosbrook to Chedleton (Staffordshire) Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxvi
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Roads in the neighbourhood of Cheadle (Staffordshire) Act 1831 (c.lxviii))
Baldock, Royston and Bourn Bridge Roads Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxvii
14 May 1811
Stevenage and Biggleswade Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxviii
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Stevenage, Bigggleswade and Arsley Road Act 1832 (c.lxxvi))
Wimbourne Minster and Blandford Forum Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxix
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Wimbourne Minster and Blandford Forum Road Act 1831 (c.ix))
Road from Billinsghurst to Broadbridge Heath Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxx
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Road from Billingshurst to Broadbridge Heath Act 1832 (2 & 3 Will. 4. c. lviii))
Roads from Cranbrook and from Benenden Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxxi
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Cranbrook and Sandhurst, and Benenden and Rolvenden Cross Roads Act 1833 (3 & 4 Will. 4. c. xxviii))
Roads to and from Shawbury (Salop.) Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxxii
14 May 1811

(Repealed by Shawbury District of Roads (Salop.) Act 1832 (2 & 3 Will. 4. c. lxxv))
Brightwell Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxxiii
14 May 1811
Fyfield Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxxiv
14 May 1811
Garsington Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxxv
14 May 1811
Little Ponton Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxxvi
14 May 1811
Llanfyllin and Mechen Ucheod Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxxvii
14 May 1811
Somerby Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxxviii
14 May 1811
Teirtref Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. lxxxix
14 May 1811
Beeley Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xc
14 May 1811
Wilden Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xci
14 May 1811
Astley Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xcii
14 May 1811
Westbury-upon-Trym, Henbury and Compton Greenfield Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xciii
14 May 1811
Leighton and Thornton Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xciv
14 May 1811
Great and Little Chishill Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xcv
14 May 1811
Pirton Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xcvi
14 May 1811
Osgodby Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xcvii
14 May 1811
Lyons, Kill, Clonoclis, Cellbridge and Donnacomport Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xcviii
14 May 1811
Stewkley Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. xcix
14 May 1811
Woolhampton Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. c
14 May 1811
Roads in Stirling Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. ci
21 May 1811

(Repealed by Linlithgow Bridge and Stirling Roads Act 1829 (c.lviii))
Plymouth Improvement Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cii
21 May 1811

(Repealed by Plymouth City Council Act 1987 (c. iv))
Thornton's Paintings, Drawings, Engravings and Books Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ciii
21 May 1811
St. Michael's Parish, Limerick, Improvement Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. civ
21 May 1811

(Repealed by Limerick Improvement Act 1853 (c.cxciv))
Birmingham Canal Navigations Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cv
21 May 1811

(Repealed by Birmingham Canal Navigations Consolidation Act 1835 (c.xxxiv))
Penclawdd Canal and Railway or Tramroad Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cvi
21 May 1811
Clapham Parochial and Poor Rates, Workhouse and Land Tax Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cvii
21 May 1811
Suffolk Roads Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cviii
21 May 1811

(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2008 (c. 12))
Road from Kingston-upon-Thames to Leatherhead Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cix
21 May 1811

(Repealed by Road from Kingston-upon-Thames to Leatherhead Act 1825 (c.xlvi))
Roads to and through Goudhurst Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cx
21 May 1811

(Repealed by Goudhurst Roads Act 1832 (c.lxxiv))
Long Preston and Sawley Road Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxi
21 May 1811
Brimington and Chesterfield Roads Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cxii
21 May 1811

(Repealed by Brimington, Chesterfield and High Moors Roads Act 1833 (c.lxxxviii))
Little Yarmouth and Blythburgh and Brampton and Halesworth Roads Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cxiii
21 May 1811

(Repealed by Roads from Little Yarmouth and from Brampton Act 1832 (c.liii))
Great Hadham Rectory and Gordon's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxiv
21 May 1811
Seaton Ross Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxv
21 May 1811
King James' Hospital, Gateshead Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxvi
21 May 1811
Newmarket (Flintshire) and Cŵm Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxvii
21 May 1811
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parishes of Newmarket and Cŵm, in the County of Flint.
Llanarmon, Llandegla and Bryneglwys Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxviii
21 May 1811
Fundenhall and Ashwellthorpe Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxix
21 May 1811
Stoke Talmage Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxx
21 May 1811
Warton-with-Lindeth and Silverdale Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxi
21 May 1811
Hay Railway Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxii
25 May 1811
Llanvihangel Railway Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxiii
25 May 1811
Braunton Inclosure and Drainage Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxiv
25 May 1811
Bromley St. Leonard Poor Rates Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxv
25 May 1811
Hungerford Parish Church Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxvi
25 May 1811
Haddington Roads Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxvii
25 May 1811

(Repealed by Haddington Roads Act 1833 (c.cix))
Pudsey Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxviii
25 May 1811
Caistor, North and South Kelsey, Clixby, Grasby and Searby-cum-Owmby Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxix
25 May 1811
Biddestone St. Nicholas, Biddestone St. Peters and Slaughterford Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxx
25 May 1811
Quernmore Moor Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxxi
25 May 1811
Malldraeth and Corsddaugau Inclosing, Embanking and Draining Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxxii
31 May 1811
Berwick and Kelso Railway and Bridge over Tweed Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxxiii
31 May 1811
St. Mary Islington Chapel of Ease and Burial Ground Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxxiv
31 May 1811

(Repealed by St. Mary Islington Improvement Act 1824 (c.cxxv))
Marquis of Downshire's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxxv
31 May 1811
See of Canterbury's Estates (Deal and Cliffe) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxxvi
31 May 1811
Elmswell, Great Ashfield, Hunston and Norton Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxxvii
31 May 1811
Hampton Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxxviii
31 May 1811
Wells-next-the-Sea, Warham All Saints, Warham St. Mary Magdalen and Warham St. Mary the Virgin Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxxxix
31 May 1811
Killington Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxl
31 May 1811
Tilehurst Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxli
31 May 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxlii
31 May 1811
An Act for inclosing several Open and Common Fields, Meadows, Pastures; and other Commonable and Waste Lands in the several Parishes of Beenham and Padworth, in Berks.
Liverpool Port and Town Improvement Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cxliii
10 June 1811
St. Nicholas Bay Harbour and Canterbury Canal Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxliv
10 June 1811
Kent Waterworks Acts Amendment Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxlv
10 June 1811
Dumfries Improvement and Police Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxlvi
10 June 1811
Dumfries Harbour and River Nith Navigation Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxlvii
10 June 1811
Gloucester and Worcester Horse Towing-Path Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxlviii
10 June 1811
Llanasa Inclosure and Drainage Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxlix
10 June 1811
St. Paul's Covent Garden Clergy Stipends Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cl
10 June 1811
St. Marylebone Parish Church and Chapels Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cli
10 June 1811
Sevenoaks Parish Church Repair Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clii
10 June 1811
St. Botolph without Aldgate Poor Rates Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cliii
10 June 1811
Barnstaple Improvement and Markets Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cliv
10 June 1811
St. Pancras Improvement Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. clv
10 June 1811
Road from Kentish Town to Upper Holloway Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. clvi
10 June 1811

(Repealed by Road from Kentish Town to Upper Holloway Act 1833 (c.c))
Ightham and London to Maidstone Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. clvii
10 June 1811

(Repealed by Ightham and London to Maidstone Road Act 1832 (c.lxii))
St. Michael and South Mimms Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. clviii
10 June 1811

(Repealed by Pondyards and Chipping Barnet Road Act 1831 (c.lxxiv))
Bodmin and Lanhydrock Roads Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. clix
10 June 1811

(Repealed by Bodmin Roads Act 1829 (c.xix))
Kirtlington Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clx
10 June 1811
New Radnor Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxi
10 June 1811
Dolgelley and Llangelynin or Celynin Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxii
10 June 1811
Langset or Langside Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxiii
10 June 1811
Burham Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxiv
10 June 1811
Llanarthney, Llanon, Llandebye and Llanfihangel Aberbythick Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxv
10 June 1811
Southwark Bridge Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxvi
15 June 1811
Bath and Bristol Canal and Bristol Waterworks Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxvii
15 June 1811
Grand Western Canal Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxviii
15 June 1811
Grand Junction Canal Company and Paddington Water Supply Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxix
15 June 1811
Grand Surrey Canal and Rotherhithe Branch Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. clxx
15 June 1811

(Repealed by Surrey Commercial Dock Act 1864 (c.xxxi))
East County Dock (Rotherhithe) Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxi
15 June 1811

(Repealed by Surrey Commercial Dock Act 1864 (c.xxxi))
Gosport Market Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxii
15 June 1811
Glastonbury Improvement Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxiii
15 June 1811

(Repealed by Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation Act 1872 (c.xcii))
Road from Doncaster to Bawtry Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxiv
15 June 1811

(Repealed by Road from Doncaster to Bawtry Act 1832 (c.xx))
Road from Southwark to the Kent Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxv
15 June 1811

(Repealed by Road from Southwark to the Kent Road Act 1829 (c.cxiii))
Coe or Cow Fen Leys (Cambridge) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxvi
15 June 1811
Tilshead Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxvii
15 June 1811
Hamilton's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxviii
15 June 1811
Earl Beaulieu's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxix
15 June 1811
Savile's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxx
15 June 1811
Dublin Cathedral Leases Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxxi
15 June 1811
Dean of Windsor and Wolverhampton's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxxii
15 June 1811
Daubuz's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxxiii
15 June 1811
Decreed Lands (Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxxiv
15 June 1811
Vipont's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxxv
15 June 1811
Legh's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxxvi
15 June 1811
Hornchurch, Romford and Havering Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxxvii
15 June 1811
Norbury Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxxviii
15 June 1811
Kingston Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. clxxxix
15 June 1811
Bromham Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxc
15 June 1811
Minty Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxci
15 June 1811
Great and Little Wymondley and Ippollitts Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxcii
15 June 1811
Severn and Wye Railway and Canal Company Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxciii
26 June 1811
Simonburn Parishes and Rectors Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxciv
26 June 1811
Porthleven Harbour Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxcv
26 June 1811
Sutton Pool Harbour (Plymouth) Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cxcvi
26 June 1811

(Repealed by Sutton Harbour Act 1847 (c.ccxcvii))
Statute Labour, Roads, Bridges and Ferries in Perthshire Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxcvii
26 June 1811
Roads and Bridges in Perthshire Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxcviii
26 June 1811
Woolwich Ferry Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cxcix
26 June 1811
Newry Parish Church Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cc
26 June 1811
Durham Gaol, House of Correction and Court Houses Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cci
26 June 1811

(Repealed by Durham City Council Act 1985 (c. xxix))
Itchin Coal Rates Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccii
26 June 1811
Temple Bar Improvement Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. cciii
26 June 1811
Bawtry and Selby Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. cciv
26 June 1811

(Repealed by Bawtry and Selby Road Act 1832 (c.lxxiii))
Road from the Eynesford Turnpike Road to Farnborough Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. ccv
26 June 1811
An Act for repealing an Act of His present Majesty, for repairing and maintaining the Road from the Eynesford Turnpike Road in the Parish of Shoreham in the County of Kent, to the Turnpike Road in the Parish of Farnborough, leading from Seven Oaks to Bromley, in the said County.
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1989)
East Malling Heath and Mereworth and Hadlow Road Act 1811 (repealed)
51 Geo. 3. c. ccvi
26 June 1811

(Repealed by East Malling Heath and Mereworth and Hadlow Road Act 1829 (c.lvi))
Isle of Man Clergy and others Agreement Confirmation Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccvii
26 June 1811
Harthill Church Glebe Lands Rights of Common Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccviii
26 June 1811
Canterbury Cathedral's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccix
26 June 1811
Whitechapel Charity Schools Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccx
26 June 1811
Graham's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccxi
26 June 1811
Wallinger's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccxii
26 June 1811
Collins' Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccxiii
26 June 1811
Beach's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccxiv
26 June 1811
Squire's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccxv
26 June 1811
Clondysley's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccxvi
26 June 1811
Drayton Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccxvii
26 June 1811
Sulhamstead Abbotts and Sulhamstead Bannister Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccxviii
26 June 1811
Great Waldingfield-cum-Chilton and Great Cornard Inclosures Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccxix
26 June 1811
Road from Kent Road to Deptford and Horsleydown Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccxx
1 July 1811
Ecclesfield Division and Tithes Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. ccxxi
9 July 1811

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
Brilley, Eardisley, and Huntington (Herefordshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 1
1 November 1810[a]
Mattishall Bergh (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 2
1 November 1810[a]
Over Stonnall and Lynn, Nether Stonnall and Thornes, Shenstone, Woodend, Footherley, Little Hay, Chesterfield and Little Aston (Staffordshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 3
1 November 1810[a]
Cabourne or Caborn (Lincolnshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 4
1 November 1810[a]
Overbury (Worcestershire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 5
1 November 1810[a]
Thoralby and Aisgarth (Yorkshire, North Riding) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 6
1 November 1810[a]
Stradbrooke (Suffolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 7
1 November 1810[a]
Bathley or Bale (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 8
1 November 1810[a]
Barney (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 9
1 November 1810[a]
Marloes (Pembrokeshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 10
1 November 1810[a]
Trusthorpe and Hannah cum Hagnaby (Lincolnshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 11
1 November 1810[a]
Gressenhall, East Bilney, and Great Bittering (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 12
1 November 1810[a]
Hail (Cumberland) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 13
1 November 1810[a]
Threapland (Cumberland) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 14
1 November 1810[a]
Chapel Allerton (Yorkshire, West Riding) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 15
1 November 1810[a]
Powerstock (Dorset) Division Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 16
1 November 1810[a]
Welborne (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 17
1 November 1810[a]
Booton (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 18
1 November 1810[a]
Great Snoring (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 19
1 November 1810[a]
Bailey Hope Pasture (Bewcastle) (Cumberland) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 20
1 November 1810[a]
Righton (Yorkshire, East Riding) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 21
1 November 1810[a]
Shapwick (Dorset) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 22
1 November 1810[a]
Foulsham and Themelthorpe (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 23
1 November 1810[a]
Mints Feet (Kirkby in Kendal) (Westmorland) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 24
1 November 1810[a]
William Taunton's Divorce Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 25
1 November 1810[a]
Allensmore (Herefordshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 26
1 November 1810[a]
Askham Bryan (Yorkshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 27
1 November 1810[a]
Croxton (Cambridge) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 28
1 November 1810[a]
Farnborough (Hampshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 29
1 November 1810[a]
Hindolveston, Swanton Novers, and Wood Norton (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 30
1 November 1810[a]
Westerdale (Yorkshire, North Riding) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 31
1 November 1810[a]
Great Broughton (Yorkshire, North Riding) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 32
1 November 1810[a]
Ashby-juxta-Partney (Lincolnshire) Inclosure etc. Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 33
1 November 1810[a]
Bawdsey Common (Suffolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 34
1 November 1810[a]
North and Middle Littleton, and South Littleton (Worcestershire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 35
1 November 1810[a]
Longstanton All Saints (Cambridgeshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 36
1 November 1810[a]
Wymington (Bedfordshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 37
1 November 1810[a]
Cheddar, Priddy, and Rodney Stoke (Somerset) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 38
1 November 1810[a]
Stalbridge (Dorset) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 39
1 November 1810[a]
Sheperth (Cambridge) Allotment Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 40
1 November 1810[a]
Caverswall (Staffordshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 41
1 November 1810[a]
Perry Barr (Staffordshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 42
1 November 1810[a]
Thatcham Borough, Henwick, Colthrop, Parsonage, Awbery Street, and Ham Marsh in Greenham (Berkshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 43
1 November 1810[a]
Drayton, Bawburgh, and Hellesdon (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 44
1 November 1810[a]
Wickhamton (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 45
1 November 1810[a]
Clifton (Westmorland) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 46
1 November 1810[a]
Lockerly (Hampshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 47
1 November 1810[a]
High Ireby (Cumberlandshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 48
1 November 1810[a]
Aberdaron, &c. (Caernarvonshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 49
1 November 1810[a]
East Down (Devon) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 50
1 November 1810[a]
Paghill or Paull (Yorkshire, East Riding) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 51
1 November 1810[a]
Great and Little Eversden (Cambridge) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 52
1 November 1810[a]
Hungerford (Wiltshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 53
1 November 1810[a]
Battleshall (Essex) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 54
1 November 1810[a]
Heybridge (Essex) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 55
1 November 1810[a]
Great Bradley (Suffolk) Allotment Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 56
1 November 1810[a]
Llanfihangel Rhôsycorn and Llanybyther (Carmarthenshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 57
1 November 1810[a]
Brinkley (Cambridge) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 58
1 November 1810[a]
Churchill (Worcestershire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 59
1 November 1810[a]
Wheatacre Burgh or Burgh St. Peter (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 60
1 November 1810[a]
Fiddington (Gloucester) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 61
1 November 1810[a]
Chaloner Arcedeckne's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 62
1 November 1810[a]
Robert Elphinstone's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 63
1 November 1810[a]
Thomas Pryce's Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 64
1 November 1810[a]
Exchange of glebe lands belonging to Little Plumstead rectory, with Witton with Brundall rectory annexed, for lands belonging to Charles Waites in Little Plumstead, Great Plumstead and Witton (Norfolk).
51 Geo. 3. c. 65
1 November 1810[a]
Harefield (Middlesex) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 66
1 November 1810[a]
St. Katherine's Hospital Estate Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 67
1 November 1810[a]
Haughley Estate (Suffolk) Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 68
1 November 1810[a]
Chaddleworth (Berkshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 69
1 November 1810[a]
Eardisland (Herefordshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 70
1 November 1810[a]
Sway Quarr, Sway Romsey, and Arnewood (Hampshire) Inclosure Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 71
1 November 1810[a]
Marston Common (Herefordshire) Allotments Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 72
1 November 1810[a]
Lord Cloncurry's Divorce Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 73
1 November 1810[a]
William Butcher's Name Act 1811
51 Geo. 3. c. 74
1 November 1810[a]
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv Start of session


See also


  1. ^ Green. International Law: A Canadian Perspective. 2nd Ed. Carswell. 1988. pp 30, 83 & 213.
  2. ^ a b c d The citation of this Act by this short title was authorised by the Short Titles Act 1896, section 1 and the first schedule. Due to the repeal of those provisions it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978.