This is a complete list of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the year 1903.

Note that the first parliament of the United Kingdom was held in 1801; parliaments between 1707 and 1800 were either parliaments of Great Britain or of Ireland). For acts passed up until 1707, see the list of acts of the Parliament of England and the list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland. For acts passed from 1707 to 1800, see the list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland.

For acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the list of acts of the Scottish Parliament, the list of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the list of acts and measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the list of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3". Acts passed from 1963 onwards are simply cited by calendar year and chapter number.

3 Edw. 7


The fourth session of the 27th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 17 February 1903 until 14 August 1903.

Public general acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
Bank Holiday (Ireland) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 1
27 March 1903
An Act to make provision for a Bank Holiday in Ireland on the seventeenth day of every March.
Light Locomotives (Ireland) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 2
27 March 1903
An Act to provide for the Authorisation of Races with Light Locomotives in Ireland.
3 Edw. 7. c. 3
27 March 1903
An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty- first day of March one thousand nine hundred and two, one thousand nine hundred and three, and one thousand nine hundred and four.
Army (Annual) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 4
30 April 1903
An Act to provide, during Twelve Months, for the Discipline and Regulation of the Army.
Berwickshire County Town Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 5
30 June 1903
An Act to constitute the Town of Duns to be the Head Burgh or County Town of Berwickshire.
Naval Forces Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. 6
30 June 1903
An Act to provide for the Constitution of a Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, and a Force of Royal Marine Volunteers, and otherwise amend the Law relating to His Majesty's Naval Forces.
(Repealed by Reserve Forces Act 1980)
Coal Mines Regulation Act (1887) Amendment Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 7
30 June 1903
An Act to amend the Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1887.
3 Edw. 7. c. 8
30 June 1903
An Act to grant certain duties of Customs and Inland Revenue, to alter other duties, and to amend the Law relating to Customs and Inland Revenue and the National Debt, and to make other provisions for the financial arrangements of the year.
County Councils (Bills in Parliament) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 9
21 July 1903
An Act to empower County Councils to promote Bills in Parliament.
Education (Provision of Working Balances) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 10
21 July 1903
An Act to provide for the borrowing by Local Education Authorities for certain purposes.
Contracts (India Office) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 11
21 July 1903
An Act to remove Doubts as to the Mode of Execution of certain Contracts entered into on behalf of the Secretary of State for India in Council.
Post Office (Money Orders) Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. 12
21 July 1903
An Act to enable the Postmaster General to issue Postal Orders of the value of Twenty-one Shillings.
(Repealed by Post Office Act 1908)
Elementary Education Amendment Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 13
21 July 1903
An Act to amend the Elementary Education (Defective and Epileptic Children) Act, 1899.
Borough Funds Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 14
11 August 1903
An Act to amend the Borough Funds Act, 1872.
Local Government (Transfer of Powers) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 15
11 August 1903
An Act to amend section ten of the Local Government Act, 1888.
Public Offices Site (Dublin) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 16
11 August 1903
An Act for the acquisition of certain land in Dublin as a site for a proposed Royal College of Science and other offices and buildings for the public service, and for purposes connected therewith.
Metropolitan Streets Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 17
11 August 1903
An Act to amend the Metropolitan Streets Act, 1867.
3 Edw. 7. c. 18
11 August 1903
An Act to regulate the sale and use of Pistols or other Firearms.
Poor Law (Dissolution of School Districts and Adjustments) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 19
11 August 1903
An Act to give power to dissolve School Districts formed under the Acts relating to the relief of the poor, and for facilitating adjustments on alterations of areas or authorities under those Acts.
3 Edw. 7. c. 20
11 August 1903
An Act to reorganise the Administration of the Patriotic Fund.
(Repealed by Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Act 2004)
Sugar Convention Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 21
11 August 1903
An Act to make provision for giving effect to a Convention signed the Fifth day of March Nineteen hundred and two, in relation to Sugar.
Naval Works Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 22
11 August 1903
An Act to make further provision for the construction of works in the United Kingdom and elsewhere for the purposes of the Royal Navy.
Ireland Development Grant Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 23
11 August 1903
An Act to provide for a Special Grant to be used for the purposes of the Development of Ireland.
Education (London) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 24
14 August 1903
An Act to extend and adapt the Education Act, 1902* to London.
Licensing (Scotland) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 25
14 August 1903
An Act to consolidate with Amendments the Laws relating to Licensing in Scotland.
Marriages Legalization Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 26
14 August 1903
An Act to render valid Marriages heretofore solemnized at the Ellerker Chapel-of-Ease, Brantingham. and at the Churches of Saint Mark, Marske-in-Cleveland, All Saints- Brightwaltham (otherwise Brightwalton) and Saint Mary, Great Ilford, and at the Old Baptist Union Chapel, Grays Thurrock, and Marriages solemnized after banns published at the Mission Room in the parish of Marrick.
South African Loan and War Contribution Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 27
14 August 1903
An Act to authorise the Treasury to guarantee the payment of a Loan to be raised by the Transvaal, and to provide for the application of any sums paid by that Colony or the Orange River Colony towards the expenses incurred by His Majesty’s Government in or incidental to the prosecution of the late war in South Africa.
Public Works Loans Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 28
14 August 1903
An Act to grant Money for the purpose of certain Local Loans out of the Local Loans Fund and for other purposes relating to Local Loans.
Military Works Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 29
14 August 1903
An Act to make further Provision for Defraying the Expenses of certain Military Works and other Military Services.
Railways (Electrical Power) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 30
14 August 1903
An Act to facilitate the Introduction and Use of Electrical Power on Railways.
3 Edw. 7. c. 31
14 August 1903
An Act to transfer to the Board of Agriculture powers and duties relating to the Industry of Fishing and to amend the Board of Agriculture Act 1889.
3 Edw. 7. c. 32
14 August 1903
An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty-first day of March one thousand nine hundred and two and one thousand nine hundred and four, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.
3 Edw. 7. c. 33
14 August 1903
An Act to amend the Law relating to the Administration of Burghs in Scotland.
Town Councils (Scotland) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 34
14 August 1903
An Act to amend the Town Councils (Scotland) Act, 1900.
3 Edw. 7. c. 35
14 August 1903
An Act to amend the Law with respect to Customs Duties in the Isle of Man.
3 Edw. 7. c. 36
14 August 1903
An Act to amend the Locomotives on Highways Act, 1896.
Irish Land Act 1903
or the Land Purchase (Ireland) Act 1903
or the Wyndham Land Act
3 Edw. 7. c. 37
14 August 1903
An Act to amend the Law relating to the occupation and ownership of Land in Ireland and for other purposes relating thereto, and to amend the Labourers (Ireland) Acts.
Poor Prisoners' Defence Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 38
14 August 1903
An Act to make provision for the Defence of Poor Prisoners.
Housing of the Working Classes Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 39
14 August 1903
An Act to amend the Law relating to the Housing of the Working Classes.
Expiring Laws Continuance Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 40
14 August 1903
An Act to continue various Expiring Laws.
Public Buildings Expenses Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 41
14 August 1903
An Act to make further provision for defraying the expenses of the purchase of Land and Buildings and the construction of Buildings and Works in connexion with certain Public Departments.
County Courts Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 42
14 August 1903
An Act to extend the Jurisdiction of the County Courts.
Diseases of Animals Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 43
14 August 1903
An Act to amend the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894, in relation to Sheep Scab.
General Dealers (Ireland) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 44
14 August 1903
An Act for regulating the business of Marine Store Dealers and Dealers in Second-hand Goods in Ireland.
Employment of Children Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 45
14 August 1903
All Act to make better provision for regulating the Employment of Children.
Revenue Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 46
14 August 1903
An Act to make certain amendments of the Law relating to Customs and Inland Revenue, and of the Law relating to the powers and duties of the National Debt Commissioners.
Military Lands Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 47
14 August 1903
An Act to amend the Military Lands Acts, 1892 to 1900, with respect to the acquisition of land for military purposes.

Local acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
Western Trust Limited Act 1903[1]
3 Edw. 7. c. i
30 June 1903
An Act for enabling the Western Trust Limited to re-arrange its capital and to provide for the extinction of its B shares and for issuing ordinary shares in lieu thereof and for altering the memorandum and articles of association of the Company and for other purposes.
3 Edw. 7. c. ii
30 June 1903
An Act to make further provision with respect to the Servants' Pension Fund of the Great Western Railway Company and for other purposes.
Iveagh Trust Act 1903[1]
or the Dublin Improvement (Bull Alley Area) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. iii
30 June 1903
An Act to amalgamate the Guinness Trust (Dublic) Fund with the Dublin Improvement (Bull Alley Area) Scheme to vest the property of the Guinness (Dublic) Trustees in the Trustees of the said scheme to change the name of such last-mentioned Trustees to confer further powers on them and for other purposes.
Queensland Investment and Land Mortgage Company's Act 1903[1]
3 Edw. 7. c. iv
30 June 1903
An Act for enabling the Queensland Investment and Land Mortgage Company Limited to pay off capital paid in advance of calls and for other purposes.
3 Edw. 7. c. v
30 June 1903
An Act to amend the Great Northern and City Railway Act 1902[a] and to authorise the Great Northern and City Railway Company to raise additional capital for the purposes of their undertaking.
Maidstone Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. vi
30 June 1903
An Act to authorise the Maidstone Gas Company to convert their existing capital to raise additional capital and for other purposes.
Stoke Newington Borough Council Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. vii
30 June 1903
An Act to authorise agreements between the Councils of the metropolitan boroughs of Stoke Newington Hackney and Islington with respect to the supply of electricity in bulk and to confer powers upon the Stoke Newington Borough Council with respect to the purchase of lands and for other purposes.
(Repealed by Local Law (Greater London Council and Inner London Boroughs) Order 1965 (SI 1965/540))
North Middlesex Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. viii
30 June 1903
An Act to extend the powers of the North Middlesex Gas Company.
Plymouth and Stonehouse Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ix
30 June 1903
An Act to confer further powers on the Plymouth and Stonehouse Gas Light and Coke Company and for other purposes.
Faversham Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. x
30 June 1903
An Act to confer further powers upon the Faversham Gas Company and for other purposes.
North's Navigation Collieries (1889) Limited Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xi
30 June 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xii
30 June 1903
Pelican and British Empire Life Office Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xiii
30 June 1903
Lima Railways Company Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xiv
30 June 1903
Exeter Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xv
30 June 1903
All Saints, Poplar (Rate Abolition) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xvi
30 June 1903
London Hydraulic Power Company Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xvii
30 June 1903
Sutton District Waterworks Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xviii
30 June 1903
Bridgwater Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xix
30 June 1903
East Ardsley Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xx
30 June 1903
Burgess Hill and St. John's Common Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxi
30 June 1903
Scarborough Gas Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. xxii
30 June 1903

(Repealed by Scarborough Gas (Consolidation) Act 1927 (17 & 18 Geo. 5. c. xcv))
Sittingbourne District Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxiii
30 June 1903
South Wales Mineral Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxiv
30 June 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxv
30 June 1903
India Rubber, Gutta Percha and Telegraph Works Company Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxvi
30 June 1903
Milford Docks Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. xxvii
30 June 1903

(Repealed by Milford Docks Act 1930 (20 & 21 Geo. 5. c. lxxi))
Market Drayton Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxviii
30 June 1903
Wellington (Salop) Gas Act 1903[1]
3 Edw. 7. c. xxix
30 June 1903
Knott End Railway (Extension of Time) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxx
30 June 1903
Winchester Water and Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxxi
30 June 1903
Midland Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxxii
30 June 1903
Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxxiii
30 June 1903
Harrow and Stanmore Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxxiv
30 June 1903
Wirral Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxxv
30 June 1903
Rickmansworth Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxxvi
30 June 1903
Harrogate Water Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. xxxvii
30 June 1903

(Repealed by Harrogate Stray Act 1985 (c. xxii))
Gorleston and Southtown Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxxviii
30 June 1903
Belfast Water Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xxxix
30 June 1903
Sheepshed Urban District Council Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xl
30 June 1903
Gas Light and Coke Company Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xli
30 June 1903
Commercial Gas Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. xlii
30 June 1903

(Repealed by London Gas Act 1905 (5 Edw. 7. c. clv))
Great Eastern Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xliii
30 June 1903
Land Drainage Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xliv
30 June 1903
Drainage Order (Lincoln) 1903
Electric Lighting Order Confirmation (No.1) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xlv
30 June 1903
Mitchelstown Electric Lighting Order 1903
Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xlvi
30 June 1903
Brixham Electric Lighting Order 1903
Brumby and Frodingham Electric Lighting Order 1903
Dawlish Electric Lighting Order 1903
Horbury Electric Lighting Order 1903
Hucknall-under-Huthwaite Electric Lighting Order 1903
Newton-in-Makerfield Electric Lighting Order 1903
Orrell Electric Lighting Order 1903
Scunthorpe Electric Lighting Order 1903
Sidmouth Electric Lighting Order 1903
Yeovil Electric Lighting Order 1903
Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xlvii
30 June 1903
Auckland (Rural) Electric Lighting Order 1903
Carisbrooke and Northwood Electric Lighting Order 1903
Drayton-in-Hales Electric Lighting Order 1903
Illogan Electric Lighting Order 1903
Ingleton Electric Lighting Order 1903
Port Dinorwic Electric Lighting Order 1903
Sevenoaks Electric Lighting Order 1903
South Shields (Rural) Electric Lighting Order 1903
Stafford (Rural) Electric Lighting Order 1903
Wilmslow Electric Lighting Order 1903
Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No. 4) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xlviii
30 June 1903
Borrowstouness Electric Lighting Order 1903
Cambuslang Electric Lighting Order 1903
Irvine Electric Lighting Order 1903
Kilmalcolm Electric Lighting Order 1903
Kirkintilloch Electric Lighting Order 1903
Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No. 6) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xlix
30 June 1903
Bexley (Extension) Electric Lighting Order 1903
Bridgwater and District Electric Lighting Order 1903
Bromley (Rural) Electric Lighting Order 1903
Hendon (Amendment) Electric Lighting Order 1903
Huddersfield (Extension) Electric Lighting Order 1903
Leatherhead and District (Extension) Electric Lighting Order 1903
Prestwich (Amendment) Electric Lighting Order 1903
Stroud Electric Lighting Order 1903
Whitchurch and Pangbourne Electric Lighting Order 1903
Lanarkshire and Ayrshire Railway Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. l
30 June 1903
Lanarkshire and Ayrshire Railway Order 1903
Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. li
30 June 1903
Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum (Sale) Order 1903
Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lii
30 June 1903
Bray (Financial Relations) Order 1903
Dungarvan (Financial Relations) Order 1903
Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. liii
30 June 1903
County Waterford Order 1903
Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 4) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. liv
30 June 1903
Carnmoney Burial Ground Order 1903
Ennistymon Order 1903
Londonderry Order 1903
Rathdrum and Wicklow Joint Burial Board Provisional Order 1903
Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 6) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lv
30 June 1903
Athy Order 1903
Newbridge Waterworks Order 1903
Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 8) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lvi
30 June 1903
County of Armagh (Financial Relations) Order 1903
County of Cork (Financial Relations) Order 1903
Kildare Drainage Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (Housing of Working Classes) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lvii
30 June 1903
Bolton Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lviii
30 June 1903
Aberavon Order 1903
Darlington Order 1903
Hexham Order 1903
Reading Water Order 1903
Stafford Order 1903
Wallasey Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lix
30 June 1903
Barnes Order 1903
Burton-upon-Trent Order 1903
Castle Ward Rural Order 1903
Matlock Bath and Scarthin Nick Order 1903
Newton Abbot Order 1903
Penrith Order 1903
Stroud Order 1903
Worthing Order 1903
Yardley Rural Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lx
30 June 1903
County of Oxford Order 1903
County of Worcestershire Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 4) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxi
30 June 1903
Camborne Order 1903
Heston and Isleworth Order 1903
Mountain Ash Order 1903
New Windsor Order 1903
Southport Order 1903
Stratford-upon-Avon Order 1903
Tunbridge Wells Order 1903
Whitley and Monkseaton Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 6) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxii
30 June 1903
Coventry Water Order 1903
Rawmarsh Order 1903
Shipley Order 1903
Tynemouth Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 7) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxiii
30 June 1903
County of East Sussex Order 1903
County of Leicester Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 11) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxiv
30 June 1903
Ashbourne Joint Hospital Order 1903
Guildford, Godalming and Woking Joint Hospital Order 1903
South Shields Rural and Southwick-on-Wear Joint Hospital Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (Gas) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxv
30 June 1903
Cudworth Gas Order 1903
Hucknall-under-Huthwaite Order 1903
Meltham Gas Order 1903
St. Luke's Church and Parish Quoad Sacra Edinburgh Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxvi
30 June 1903
St. Luke's (Edinburgh) Church and Parish quoad sacra Order 1903
Naval Works Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. lxvii
30 June 1903

(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2008 (c. 12)
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxviii
30 June 1903
Llandudno Victoria Pier Order 1903
Galway Harbour Order 1903
Scrabster Harbour Order 1903
Grangemouth Water Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxix
30 June 1903
Grangemouth Water Order 1903
Lanarkshire Electricity and Refuse Destruction Order Confirmation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. lxx
30 June 1903
Forth Navigation Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxi
30 June 1903
Forth Navigation Order 1903
Caledonian Railway Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxii
30 June 1903
Caledonian Railway Order 1903
Edinburgh Corporation (Markets,Slaughter-houses, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxiii
30 June 1903
North British Railway (General Powers) Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxiv
30 June 1903
North British Railway (General Powers) Order 1903
Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation (Housing of Working Classes) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxv
21 July 1903
Athlone Order 1903
Kingstown (No. 1) Order 1903
Kingstown (No. 2) Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (Poor Law) Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxvi
21 July 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 9) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxvii
21 July 1903
Barry Order 1903
Fenton Order 1903
Leeds Order 1903
Tonbridge Order 1903
Hartlepools Order 1903
Manchester Port Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 10) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxviii
21 July 1903
Ashton-under-Lyne Order 1903
Darwen Order 1903
Newton-in-Makerfield Order 1903
Prestwich Order 1903
Vaynor and Penderyn Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 12) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxix
21 July 1903
Blackpool Order 1903
Conway Order 1903
Spalding Gas Order 1903
Darenth Valley Main Sewerage Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 14) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxx
21 July 1903
Colne Order 1903
Swansea Order 1903
Swansea Order 1903
South Staffordshire Joint Smallpox Hospital Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 16) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxxi
21 July 1903
Counties of London and Surrey (Wandsworth and Mitcham) Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 17) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxxii
21 July 1903
Bury (Transfer of Hospitals) Order 1903
Bury and District Joint Hospital Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 18) Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxxiii
21 July 1903

(Repealed by Wolverhampton Corporation Act 1969 (c. lx))
Military Lands Provisional Orders Confirmation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxxiv
21 July 1903

(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2008 (c. 12))
Education Board Provisional Orders Confirmation (East Ham, &c.) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxxv
21 July 1903
East Ham (Essex) School Board Order 1903
Lower Michaelstone (Glamorgan) School Board Order 1903
Manchester School Board Order 1903
Willesden (Middlesex) School Board Order 1903
Hamilton Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxxvi
21 July 1903
Hamilton Burgh Order 1903
Broughty Ferry Gas Order Confirmation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxxvii
21 July 1903

(Repealed by Dundee Boundaries Act 1913 (3 & 4 Geo. 5. c. lxxx))
Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No. 5) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxxix
21 July 1903
Abersychan Electric Lighting Order 1903
Calverley Electric Lighting Order 1903
Falmouth Electric Lighting Order 1903
Horsforth Electric Lighting Order 1903
Launceston Electric Lighting Order 1903
Maesteg Electric Lighting Order 1903
Walton-upon-Thames Electric Lighting Order 1903
Warmley Electric Lighting Order 1903
Whickam Electric Lighting Order 1903
Wigan Rural District Council Electric Lighting Order 1903
Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No. 7) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. lxxxix
21 July 1903
Cambridge and District Electric Lighting Order 1903
Isle of Sheppey and District Electric Lighting Order 1903
Sandwich Deal Walmar and District Electric Lighting Order 1903
Sittingbourne and Milton Electric Lighting Order 1903
Strood and Dartford (Rural Districts) Electric Lighting Order 1903
Tadcaster and District (Extension) Electric Lighting Order 1903
Uxbridge and District Electricity Supply (Extension) Order 1903
Wimbledon Electric Lighting (Extension) Order 1903
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 6) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xc
21 July 1903
Truro Harbour Order 1903
Salen (Mull) Pier Order 1903
Southampton Harbour Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xci
21 July 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xcii
21 July 1903

(Repealed by King's College London Act 1978 (c. xii))
Scunthorpe Urban District Water Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xciii
21 July 1903
Ipswich Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xciv
21 July 1903
Lanarkshire and Dumbartonshire Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xcv
21 July 1903
New Hunstanton Improvement Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xcvi
21 July 1903
British Gas Light Company (Norwich) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xcvii
21 July 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. xcviii
21 July 1903

(Repealed by Hastings Tramways Act 1957 (5 & 6 Eliz. 2. c. xxxvi))
Jewish Colonization Association Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. xcix
21 July 1903
Hampton Court Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. c
21 July 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ci
21 July 1903
Wolverhampton and Cannock Chase Railway (Extension of Time) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cii
21 July 1903
London and North Western Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ciii
21 July 1903
Nantwich Urban District Council Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. civ
21 July 1903
Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cv
21 July 1903
Torquay Corporation Water Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cvi
21 July 1903
Nelson Corporation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. cvii
21 July 1903

(Repealed by County of Lancashire Act 1984 (c. xxi))
West Cumberland Electric Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cviii
21 July 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cix
21 July 1903
Hexham Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cx
21 July 1903
Cheshire Lines Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxi
21 July 1903
Highland and Invergarry and Fort Augustus Railways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxii
21 July 1903
Port Talbot Railway and Docks Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxiii
21 July 1903
Merthyr Tydfil Urban District Council Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxiv
21 July 1903
Pontypridd Urban District Council Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxv
21 July 1903
Frinton-on-Sea Defences Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. cxvi
21 July 1903

(Repealed by Essex Act 1987 (c. xx))
Cardiff Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxvii
21 July 1903
Aston Manor Improvement Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxviii
21 July 1903
Grindleford, Baslow and Bakewell Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxix
21 July 1903
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxx
21 July 1903
Mersey Docks and Harbour Board Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxi
21 July 1903
Broadstairs Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxii
21 July 1903
Hyde Corporation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxiii
21 July 1903
Leigh Corporation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxiv
21 July 1903
Great Metropolitan Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxv
21 July 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxvi
21 July 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxvii
21 July 1903
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxviii
11 August 1903
Dawlish Pier Order 1903
Bude Harbour Order 1903
Sandown Pier Order 1903
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxix
11 August 1903
Aultbea Pier Order 1903
Pennan Harbour Order 1903
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 4) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxx
11 August 1903
Sligo Harbour Order 1903
Limerick Harbour Order 1903
Dundalk Harbour Order 1903
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 5) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxxi
11 August 1903
Boscombe and Bournemouth Piers Order 1903
Carnarvon Harbour Order 1903
Gorleston Pier Order 1903
Herne Bay Pier Order 1903
Herne Bay Pier Order 1903
Avoch Harbour Order 1903
Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxxii
11 August 1903
Cobham Gas Order 1903
Conisbrough Gas Order 1903
Hailsham Gas Order 1903
St. Ives (Hunts.) Gas Order 1903
Woking District Gas Order 1903
Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxxiii
11 August 1903
Brading Harbour District Gas Order 1903
Crossgates Halton and Seacroft Gas Order 1903
Herne Bay Gas Order 1903
Pembroke Docks and Town Gas Order 1903
Riddings District Gas Order 1903
Water Orders Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxxiv
11 August 1903
Bolsover and District Water Order 1903
Goring and Streatley District Water Order 1903
Leatherhead and District Water Order 1903
Ludgershall Water Order 1903
Mid-Kent Water Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 5) Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxxv
11 August 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 8) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxxvi
11 August 1903
Auckland, Shildon and Willington Joint Hospital Order 1903
Croydon and Wimbledon Joint Smallpox Hospital Order 1903
Tarvin, Malpas and Tarporley Joint Hospital Order 1903
Windsor and Egham Joint Hospital Order 1903
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 13) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxxvii
11 August 1903
Dover (Extension) Order 1903
Yeovil (Extension) Order 1903
Drainage and Improvement of Lands Supplemental (Ireland) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxxviii
11 August 1903
Pallas River (Co. Tipperary) Drainage District Order 1903
Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxxxix
11 August 1903
Keady Urban District Order 1903
Wexford (Urban) Order 1903
Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 5) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxl
11 August 1903
Castleblayney Order 1903
Castleblayney (Ballybay Town) Order 1903
Cork Port Sanitary Order 1903
Portadown and Banbridge Waterworks Order 1903
Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 7) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxli
11 August 1903
County of Antrim (Financial Relations) Order 1903
Counties of Down and Armagh (Financial Relations) Order 1903
Perth Corporation (Tramways) Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxlii
11 August 1903
Perth Corporation (Tramways) Order 1903
Aberdeen Corporation Tramways Order Confirmation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. cxliii
11 August 1903
Metropolitan Police Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. cxliv
11 August 1903

(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2008 (c. 12))
Tramways Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxlv
11 August 1903
Burton-upon-Trent Corporation Tramways Order 1903
Bury Corporation Tramways Order 1903
Cardiff Corporation Tramways (Extension) Order 1903
Huddersfield Corporation Tramways Order 1903
Leeds Corporation Tramways Order 1903
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Corporation Tramways Order 1903
Portobello and Musselburgh Tramways Order 1903
Tramways Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxlvi
11 August 1903
Barrow-in-Furness Tramways Order 1903
Horsforth Urban District Council Tramways Order 1903
Keighley Corporation Tramways Order 1903
Ramsbottom Urban District Council Tramways Order 1903
Irvine and District Water Board Order Confirmation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. cxlvii
11 August 1903

(Repealed by SI 1961/872)
Rothesay Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxlviii
11 August 1903
Rothesay Corporation Order 1903
Scottish Episcopal Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxlix
11 August 1903
Scottish Episcopal Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund Order 1903
Education Board Provisional Order Confirmation (London) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cl
11 August 1903
School Board (London) Order 1903
Gas and Water Orders Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cli
11 August 1903
Aldershot Gas and Water Order 1903
Amersham, Beaconsfield and District Water Order 1903
St. David's Water and Gas Order 1903
St. Neot's Water and Gas Order 1903
Wexford Gas Order 1903
Glasgow Corporation (Police) Order Confirmation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. cli
11 August 1903

(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1995 (c. 44))
Lanarkshire Tramways Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clii
11 August 1903
Lanarkshire Tramways Order 1903
Wick and Pulteney Harbours Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cliii
11 August 1903
Wick and Pulteney Harbours Order 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cliv
11 August 1903
Addenbrooke's Hospital Management Scheme.
Post Office (Sites) Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. clv
11 August 1903
Scottish American Mortgage Company Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. clvi
11 August 1903

(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2004 (c. 14))
3 Edw. 7. c. clvii
11 August 1903

(Repealed by South Lancashire Transport Act 1958 (6 & 7 Eliz. 2. c. xxxiii))
Didcot, Newbury and Southampton Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clviii
11 August 1903
Great Southern and Western Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clx
11 August 1903
St. Philip (Regent Street) Chapel Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxi
11 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxii
11 August 1903
Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxiii
11 August 1903
Walker and Wallsend Union Gas Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. clxiv
11 August 1903

(Repealed by Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Gateshead Gas Order 1924 (SR&O 1924/1455))
Blackheath and Greenwich District Electric Light Company's Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxv
11 August 1903
Derby Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxvi
11 August 1903
Dudley, Stourbridge and District Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxvii
11 August 1903
Christchurch and Bournemouth Tramways Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. clxviii
11 August 1903
Tynemouth and District Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxix
11 August 1903
Middlesbrough Corporation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. clxx
11 August 1903

(Repealed by Middlesbrough Corporation Act 1933 (23 & 24 Geo. 5. c. lxxxiii))
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxi
11 August 1903
Sutton Coldfield Corporation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxii
11 August 1903

(Repealed by West Midlands Act 1980 (c. xi))
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxiii
11 August 1903
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electric Supply Company's Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxiv
11 August 1903
Romford and District Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxv
11 August 1903
Wigan Corporation Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxvi
11 August 1903
Woolwich Borough Council Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxvii
11 August 1903
Bournemouth Corporation Tramways Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxviii
11 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxix
11 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxx
11 August 1903

(Repealed by Chatham and District Traction Act 1955 (4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. xiv))
Willesden Urban District Council Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxxi
11 August 1903
Exeter Corporation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxxii
11 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxxiii
11 August 1903
Dewsbury Batley and Birstal Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxxiv
11 August 1903
Worthing Corporation Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxxv
11 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxxvi
11 August 1903
An Act to confer further powers on the Great Northern Piccadilly and Brompton Railway Company and for other purposes.
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxxvii
11 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxxviii
11 August 1903
Watford and Edgware Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. clxxxix
11 August 1903
Harrow Road and Paddington Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxc
11 August 1903
London United Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxci
11 August 1903
Birmingham Corporation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxcii
11 August 1903
Manchester Southern Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxciii
11 August 1903
Castleblayney, Keady and Armagh Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxciv
11 August 1903
Gosport and Fareham Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxcv
11 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxcvi
11 August 1903
Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and North Western Railway Companies (Steam Vessels) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxcvii
11 August 1903
Neath, Pontardawe and Brynaman Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxcviii
11 August 1903
Chard Corporation Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cxcix
11 August 1903
Rochester Corporation Tramways and Improvements Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cc
11 August 1903
Kip's Patents Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cci
11 August 1903
Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccii
11 August 1903
West Bromwich Corporation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. cciii
11 August 1903

(Repealed by West Bromwich Corporation Act 1969 (c. lix))
Hove, Worthing and District Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cciv
11 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccv
11 August 1903
Scottish Ontario and Manitoba Land Company Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccvi
11 August 1903
Bath Corporation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccvii
11 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccviii
11 August 1903
Bournemouth Gas and Water Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccix
11 August 1903
Carmarthenshire Electric Power Company Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. ccx
11 August 1903
Bristol Corporation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxi
11 August 1903
Maryport Harbour Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxii
11 August 1903

(Repealed by Maryport Harbour Revision Order 2007 (SI 2007/3463))
Manchester Corporation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxiii
11 August 1903
Somerset and District Electric Power Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxiv
11 August 1903
Birmingham District Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxv
11 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxvi
11 August 1903
Beckenham Urban District Council Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxvii
11 August 1903
London County Council (Money) Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxviii
11 August 1903
London County Council (Tramways and Improvements) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxix
11 August 1903
Mullingar, Kells and Drogheda Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxx
11 August 1903
Fife Electrical Power Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxi
11 August 1903
South Shields Corporation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxii
11 August 1903
East Ham Improvement Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxiii
11 August 1903
Wood Green Urban District Council Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxiv
11 August 1903
Brighton Corporation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxv
11 August 1903
Airdrie and Coatbridge Tramways Order Confirmation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxvi
14 August 1903
Lerwick Harbour Improvements Act 1877 Amendment Order Confirmation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxvii
14 August 1903

(Repealed by Lerwick Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1952 (15 & 16 Geo. 6 & 1 Eliz. 2. c. liii))
Glasgow Corporation Tramways Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxviii
14 August 1903
Glasgow Corporation Tramways Order 1903
Auchterarder Town Council Order Confirmation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxix
14 August 1903
Auchterarder Town Council Order 1903
Patent Office (Extension) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxx
14 August 1903
South Staffordshire Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxxi
14 August 1903
Liverpool University Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxxii
14 August 1903
Bradford Corporation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxxiii
14 August 1903

(Repealed by West Yorkshire Act 1980 (c. xiv))
Bury and District Joint Water Board Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxxiv
14 August 1903
Preston, Chorley and Horwich Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxxv
14 August 1903
Salford Corporation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxxvi
14 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxxvii
14 August 1903
An Act for incorporating and conferring powers on the Shropshire and Worcestershire Electric Power Company.
(Repealed by Shropshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire Electric Power (Consolidation) Act 1938 (1 & 2 Geo. 6. c. lviii))
North Western Electricity and Power-Gas Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxxviii
14 August 1903
Hastings Harbour Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxxxix
14 August 1903
Hastings Harbour District Railway Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxl
14 August 1903

(Repealed by Hastings Harbour District Railway (Abandonment) Act 1905 (5 Edw. 7. c. xxiv))
Scottish Central Electric Power Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxli
14 August 1903
Mid-Yorkshire Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxlii
14 August 1903
Bangor Corporation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxliii
14 August 1903
South Western and Isle of Wight Junction Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxliv
14 August 1903
Ebbw Vale Improvement Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxlv
14 August 1903
Kingston-upon-Hull Corporation Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxlvi
14 August 1903
Dover Corporation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxlvii
14 August 1903

(Repealed by County of Kent Act 1981 (c. xviii))
Western Valleys (Monmouthshire) Sewerage Board Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxlviii
14 August 1903
Stroud and District Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccxlix
14 August 1903
Erith Tramways and Improvement Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccl
14 August 1903
Great Central Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccli
14 August 1903
Gateshead Corporation Act 1903 (repealed)
3 Edw. 7. c. cclii
14 August 1903

(Repealed by Tyne & Wear Act 1980 (c. xliii))
South Yorkshire Joint Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccliii
14 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. ccliv
14 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cclv
14 August 1903
Cork Harbour Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cclvi
14 August 1903
Hainault (Lambourne, Fox Burrows and Grange Hill) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cclvii
14 August 1903
Seaforth and Sefton Junction Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cclviii
14 August 1903
Coventry Electric Tramways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cclix
14 August 1903
Strabane, Raphoe and Convoy Railway Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cclx
14 August 1903
Croydon and District Electric Tramways (Extensions) Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cclxi
14 August 1903
Ulster and Connaught Light Railways Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cclxii
14 August 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. cclxiii
14 August 1903

Private and personal acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
Lochnell Estate Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 1
11 August 1903
An Act to vest the estate of Lochnell in the county of Argyll in Trustees for certain purposes with power of sale and other powers.
Pentillie Estate Act 1903
3 Edw. 7. c. 2
11 August 1903
An Act to enable money to be raised or secured upon the Pentillie Estate in the county of Cornwall devised by the Will of Augustus Coryton Esquire deceased.



See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f This short title was conferred on this act by section 1 of this act.