This is a complete list of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the year 1922.

Note that the first parliament of the United Kingdom was held in 1801; parliaments between 1707 and 1800 were either parliaments of Great Britain or of Ireland). For acts passed up until 1707, see the list of acts of the Parliament of England and the list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland. For acts passed from 1707 to 1800, see the list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland.

For acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the list of acts of the Scottish Parliament, the list of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the list of acts and measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the list of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3". Acts passed from 1963 onwards are simply cited by calendar year and chapter number.

12 & 13 Geo. 5

The fifth session of the 31st Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 7 February 1922 until 26 October 1922.

Public general acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 1
2 March 1922
An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two.
Coroners (Emergency Provisions Continuance) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 2
2 March 1922
An Act to continue temporarily the Coroners (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1917, and section seven of the Juries Act, 1918.
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 3
29 March 1922
An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, and one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three.
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 4
31 March 1922
An Act to give the force of Law to certain Articles of Agreement for a Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland, and to enable effect to be given thereto, and for other purposes incidental thereto or consequential thereon.
Pawnbrokers Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 5
12 April 1922
An Act to increase the charges made by Pawnbrokers.
Army and Air Force (Annual) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 6
12 April 1922
An Act to provide, during Twelve Months, for the Discipline and Regulation of the Army and Air Force.
Unemployment Insurance Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 7
12 April 1922
An Act to amalgamate the rates of contribution and the rates of benefit under the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 and 1921, and the Unemployed Workers' Dependants (Temporary Provision) Act, 1921, otherwise to amend the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 and 1921, and to repeal the Unemployed Workers' Dependants (Temporary Provision) Act, 1921, and for purposes connected therewith.
Diseases of Animals Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 8
12 April 1922
An Act to remove temporarily the limit on the moneys provided by Parliament for the purposes of the Diseases of Animals Acts.
East India Loans (Railways and Irrigation) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 9
12 April 1922
An Act to empower the Secretary of State in Council of India to raise money in the United Kingdom for the service of the Government of India and for other purposes relating thereto.
Kenya Divorces (Validity) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 10
12 April 1922
An Act to make provision with respect to the validity of Decrees granted in the Kenya Colony and Protectorate for the dissolution of the marriage of persons domiciled in the United Kingdom.
Juries Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 11
31 May 1922
An Act to amend the law with respect to the preparation of Jurors Books, and otherwise to amend the law relating to Jurors and Juries, in England and Wales.
Representation of the People Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 12
31 May 1922
An Act to alter certain dates prescribed by the Representation of the People Act, 1918, in connexion with the registration of electors, and to amend section fifty-four of the Local Government Act, 1888.
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 13
31 May 1922
An Act to make better provision for furthering British settlement in His Majesty's Oversea Dominions.
Audit (Local Authorities, &c.) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 14
29 June 1922
An Act to make provision with respect to the period for which certain accounts subject to audit by district auditors are to be made up and audited, and to authorise the holding of extraordinary audits of any such accounts.
Government of the Soudan Loan (Amendment) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 15
29 June 1922
An Act to amend the Government of the Soudan Loan Act, 1919.
Law of Property Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 16
29 June 1922
An Act to assimilate and amend the law of Real and Personal Estate, to abolish copyhold and other special tenures, to amend the law relating to commonable lands and of intestacy, and to amend the Wills Act, 1837, the Settled Land Acts, 1882 to 1890, the Conveyancing Acts, 1881 to 1911, the Trustee Act, 1893, and the Land Transfer Acts, 1875 and 1897.
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 17
20 July 1922
An Act to grant certain Duties of Customs and Inland Revenue (including Excise), to alter other Duties, and to amend the Law relating to Customs and Inland Revenue (including Excise), and the National Debt, and to make further provision in connection with Finance.
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 18
20 July 1922
An Act to provide that a woman who wilfully causes the death of her newly-born child may, under certain conditions, be convicted of infanticide.
(Repealed by Infanticide Act 1938 and Infanticide Act (Northern Ireland) 1939)
Gaming Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 19
20 July 1922
An Act to repeal section two of the Gaming Act, 1835.
Indian High Courts Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 20
20 July 1922
An Act to make further provision with respect to the qualifications of Judges of High Courts in British India.
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 21
20 July 1922
An Act for enabling effect to be given to two Treaties signed at Washington on behalf of His Majesty and certain other Powers.
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 22
20 July 1922
An Act to provide for the time in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man being in advance of Greenwich mean time during a certain period of the year.
(Repealed by Summer Time Act 1972)
Harbours, Docks, and Piers (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 23
20 July 1922
An Act to amend and extend the duration of the Harbours, Docks, and Piers (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920.
Government of Northern Ireland (Loan Guarantee) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 24
20 July 1922
An Act to authorise the Treasury to guarantee payment of the principal of and the interest on loans to be raised by the Government of Northern Ireland.
British Empire Exhibition (Amendment) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 25
20 July 1922
An Act to remove doubts as to the powers of the Board of Trade under the British Empire Exhibition (Guarantee) Act, 1920.
Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Payment of Calls) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 26
20 July 1922
An Act to provide money for the payment of calls on share capital in the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Limited, acquired under the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Acquisition of Capital) Amendment Act, 1919, and to amend the law with respect to the application of dividends or interest on capital held in the said Company.
Canals (Continuance of Charging Powers) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 27
20 July 1922
An Act for the continuance of Charging Powers in respect of Canal or Inland Navigation Undertakings of which possession was retained or taken by the Minister of Transport under the Ministry of Transport Act, 1919.
Bread Acts Amendment Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 28
20 July 1922
An Act to amend the enactments relating to the provision of regulations for the making and sale of bread, and for preventing the adulteration of meal, flour, and bread.
Sale of Tea Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 29
20 July 1922
An Act to provide for the better protection of the public in relation to the sale of tea.
Unemployment Insurance (No. 2) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 30
20 July 1922
An Act to amend section four of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1922, so far as relates to the third special period mentioned in that Act.
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 31
20 July 1922
An Act to extend the powers of the Courts of the Universities of Scotland in the making of Ordinances for the superannuation and pensioning of Principals and Professors, and for the admission of Lecturers and Readers to the Senatus Academicus, and to provide for the admission of Lecturers and Readers to membership of the General Councils of those Universities.
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 32
4 August 1922
An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.
Public Works Loans Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 33
4 August 1922
An Act to grant money for the purpose of certain Local Loans out of the Local Loans Fund, and for other purposes relating to Local Loans.
Whale Fisheries (Scotland) (Amendment) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 34
4 August 1922
An Act to make further provision with respect to the cancelling or suspending of licences under the Whale Fisheries (Scotland) Act, 1907.
Celluloid and Cinematograph Film Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 35
4 August 1922
An Act to make better provision for the prevention of fire in premises where raw celluloid or cinematograph film is stored or used.
(Repealed by Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Repeals, Revocations and Amendments) Regulations 2013 (S.I. 2013/448) (GB) and Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Repeals, Revocations and Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 (S.R. 2015/223)) (NI)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 36
4 August 1922
An Act to amend the Law with respect to Customs in the Isle of Man.
Naval Discipline Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 37
4 August 1922
An Act to amend the Naval Discipline Act.
National Health Insurance Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 38
4 August 1922
An Act to make further provision with respect to the cost of medical benefit and to the expenses of the administration of benefits under the Acts relating to National Health Insurance to repeal section two and to amend section twenty-nine of the National Health Insurance Act, 1918, and for purposes connected therewith.
Oil in Navigable Waters Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 39
4 August 1922
An Act to make provision against the discharge or escape of oil into navigable waters.
Air Ministry (Kenley Common Acquisition) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 40
4 August 1922
An Act to confirm an agreement between the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London and the President of the Air Council in relation to the acquisition of certain lands in the county of Surrey, and for purposes in connection therewith.
Representation of the People (No. 2) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 41
4 August 1922
An Act to amend section thirty-four of the Representation of the People Act, 1918, as respects offences under that section committed by bodies of persons.
School Teachers (Superannuation) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 42
4 August 1922
An Act to provide for the payment of contributions by teachers towards the cost of benefits under the School Teachers (Superannuation) Act, 1918, and for matters incidental thereto, and to make provision as to the calculation of average salary for the purposes of the said Act.
Post Office (Pneumatic Tubes Acquisition) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 43
4 August 1922
An Act to confirm an agreement made between the Pneumatic Despatch Company, Limited, and the Postmaster-General for the acquisition by the Postmaster-General of a certain tube running between St. Martin's-le-Grand in the City of London and Eversholt Street, in the Metropolitan Borough of St. Pancras, and for purposes connected therewith.
British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 44
4 August 1922
An Act to amend the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Acts, 1914 and 1918, as respects the acquisition of British nationality by persons born out of His Majesty's Dominions.
Telegraph (Money) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 45
4 August 1922
An Act to provide for raising further Money for the purpose of the Telegraph Acts, 1863 to 1921.
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 46
4 August 1922
An Act to amend the law with respect to the supply of electricity.
Railway and Canal Commission (Consents) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 47
4 August 1922
An Act to amend the Law as respects certain matters in connection with which the consent of the Railway and Canal Commission is required.
Education (Scotland) (Superannuation) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 48
4 August 1922
An Act to provide for the payment of contributions towards the costs of benefits under the scheme framed and approved in terms of the Education (Scotland) (Superannuation) Act, 1919, and for matters incidental thereto, and for the payment from the Consolidated Fund of deferred annuities in respect of contributions under the Elementary School Teachers (Superannuation) Act, 1898.
Post Office (Parcels) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 49
4 August 1922
An Act to amend the Law with respect to the Remuneration of Railway Companies for the conveyance of Parcels.
Expiring Laws Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 50
4 August 1922
An Act to deal with certain Expiring Laws by making some of them permanent, repealing others, and continuing the remainder for a limited period.
Allotments Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 51
4 August 1922
An Act to amend the law relating to Allotments.
Allotments (Scotland) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 52
4 August 1922
An Act to amend the Law relating to Allotments in Scotland.
(Repealed by Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015)
War Service Canteens (Disposal of Surplus) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 53
4 August 1922
An Act to make provision with respect to the disposal of sums received in respect of the carrying on and liquidation of the Expeditionary Force Canteens and the Navy and Army Canteen Board.
Milk and Dairies (Amendment) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 54
4 August 1922
An Act to postpone for a further period the operation of the Milk and Dairies (Consolidation) Act, 1915, and the Milk and Dairies (Scotland) Act, 1914, to make further provision with regard to the sale of milk and for purposes connected therewith.
Constabulary (Ireland) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 55
4 August 1922
An Act to make provision for the disbandment of the Royal Irish Constabulary and with respect to magistrates appointed under the Acts relating to that Force, and for the validation of things done or omitted in the execution or purported execution of those Acts, and for other purposes incidental thereto.
(Repealed by Police (Northern Ireland) Act 1998)
Criminal Law Amendment Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 56
4 August 1922
An Act to amend the law with respect to offences against persons under the age of sixteen, and with respect to penalties under section thirteen of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1885, and to repeal section five of the Punishment of Incest Act, 1908.
Solicitors Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 57
4 August 1922
An Act to make further provision with respect to the qualifications of persons proposing to become or to practise as Solicitors.
Ecclesiastical Tithe Rentcharges (Rates) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 58
4 August 1922
An Act to amend the Ecclesiastical Tithe Rentcharge (Rates) Act, 1920, in respect of the relief or abatement to an owner of tithe rentcharge who holds more than one benefice.
Local Government and other Officers' Superannuation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 59
4 August 1922
An Act to provide for the Superannuation of Persons employed by Local Authorities and other Public Bodies.
Lunacy Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 60
4 August 1922
An Act to amend the law relating to Chancery Lunatics.

Local acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
Lanarkshire County Council Order Confirmation Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. i
29 March 1922

(Repealed by Lanarkshire County Council Order Confirmation Act 1939 (2 & 3 Geo. 6. c. xcii))
Lanarkshire County Council Order 1922
Stirling Corporation (Water, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. ii
29 March 1922
Stirling Corporation (Water, &c.) Order 1922
Kilmarnock Gas Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. iii
29 March 1922
Kilmarnock Gas Order 1922
Provisional Order (Marriages) Confirmation Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. iv
12 April 1922
Highland Railway Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. v
12 April 1922
Highland Railway Order 1922
Tees Conservancy Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. vi
12 April 1922

(Repealed by Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority Act 1966 (c. xxv))
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. vii
12 April 1922
Milford Docks Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. viii
12 April 1922

(Repealed by Milford Docks Act 1930 (20 & 21 Geo. 5. c. lxxi))
Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Cardiff Extension) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. ix
31 May 1922

(Repealed by County of South Glamorgan Act 1976 (c. xxxv))
Melville Trust Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. x
31 May 1922
Melville Trust Order 1922
Kilmarnock Water Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xi
31 May 1922
Kilmarnock Water Order 1922
Ayr Burgh (Tramways, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xii
31 May 1922
Ayr Burgh (Tramways, &c.) Order 1922
Pilotage Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xiii
31 May 1922
Leicester Freemen's Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xiv
31 May 1922
Nottingham Corporation (Trent Navigation) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xv
31 May 1922
Metropolitan Railway Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xvi
31 May 1922
Legal and General Assurance Society Limited Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xvii
31 May 1922
Ossett Corporation (Water) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xviii
31 May 1922

(Repealed by West Yorkshire Act 1980 (c. xiv))
Newhaven and Seaford Water Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xix
31 May 1922

(Repealed by Mid-Sussex Water Order 1985 (SI 1985/513))
Blackburn Corporation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xx
31 May 1922
City of London (Various Powers) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxi
31 May 1922
Stoke-on-Trent (Gas Consolidation) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxii
31 May 1922
Yorkshire Electric Power Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxiii
31 May 1922
Sheffield Gas Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxiv
31 May 1922

(Repealed by Sheffield Gas (Consolidation) Act 1929 (c.xii))
Northampton Corporation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxv
31 May 1922
Sunderland and South Shields Water Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxvi
31 May 1922
Trafford Park Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxvii
31 May 1922
An Act to empower the Trafford Park Company to make and maintain a railway in the parish and urban district of Stretford in the county of Lancaster to sanction and confirm the existing railways of the Company to raise additional capital and for other purposes.
Nottingham and Derbyshire Tramways Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxviii
29 June 1922
Bradford Canal (Abandonment) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxix
29 June 1922
Bristol Corporation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxx
29 June 1922
Stock Conversion and Investment Trust Limited (North Western Trust) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxxi
29 June 1922
Rugby School Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxxii
29 June 1922
Colne Valley Water Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxxiii
29 June 1922
Caledonian Railway Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxxiv
29 June 1922
Caledonian Railway Order 1922
Land Drainage Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxxv
29 June 1922
Land Drainage (West Yorkshire) Order 1922
Oxford and St. Albans Wine Privileges (Abolition) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxxvi
29 June 1922
Pilotage Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxxvii
20 July 1922
Pilotage Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxxviii
20 July 1922
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xxxix
20 July 1922
Bingley Order 1922
Birkenhead Order 1922
Bognor Order 1922
Chichester Order 1922
Weymouth and Melcombe Regis Order 1922
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xl
20 July 1922
Derby Order 1922
Ellesmere Port and Whitby Order 1922
Newark Order 1922
Oldham Order 1922
Rhymney Valley Sewerage Board Order 1922
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 5) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xli
20 July 1922
Godalming Order 1922
Salford Order 1922
Scunthorpe and Frodingham Order 1922
Tunbridge Wells Order 1922
Warrington Order 1922
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 6) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xlii
20 July 1922
Ashton-in-Makerfield Order 1922
Abergavenny Order 1922
Gravesend Order 1922
Keighley Order 1922
Swansea Order 1922
Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Water) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xliii
20 July 1922
Rainham Water Order 1922
Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Guildford Extension) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xliv
20 July 1922

(Repealed by Surrey Act 1985 (c. iii))
Dumfries and Maxwelltown Waterworks Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xlv
20 July 1922
Dumfries and Maxwelltown Waterworks Order 1922
Girvan Water Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xlvi
20 July 1922
Girvan Water Order 1922
Buckhaven and Leven Gas Commission Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xlvii
20 July 1922
Buckhaven and Leven Gas Commission Order 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xlviii
20 July 1922
Aberdeen Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xlix
20 July 1922

(Repealed by Aberdeen Corporation (Administration Finance, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1940 (3 & 4 Geo. 6. c. iii))
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. l
20 July 1922
Lowestoft (Oulton Broad) Order 1922
Portknockie Harbour Order 1922
Board of Education Scheme (Dewsbury Endowed Schools Foundation) Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. li
20 July 1922
Board of Education Scheme (Dewsbury Endowed Schools Foundation).
Tramways Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lii
20 July 1922
Morecambe Corporation Tramways Order 1922
Stretford and District Gas Board Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. liii
20 July 1922
Worthing Corporation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. liv
20 July 1922
Croydon Gas Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lv
20 July 1922
Torquay Corporation (Electricity) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lvi
20 July 1922
Dartmouth Harbour Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lvii
20 July 1922

(Repealed by Dartmouth Harbour Act 1951 (14 & 15 Geo. 6. c. xxxiii))
Newcastle and Gateshead Waterworks Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lviii
20 July 1922

(Repealed by Newcastle and Gateshead Water (Consolidation etc.) Order 1982 (SI 1982/1718))
Great North Railway Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lix
20 July 1922
Padiham Urban District Council Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lx
20 July 1922
London County Council (Money) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxi
20 July 1922
London County Council (General Powers) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxii
20 July 1922
London Electric and City and South London Railways Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxiii
20 July 1922
Swansea Corporation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxiv
20 July 1922
Windsor Royal Gas Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxv
20 July 1922
Halifax Corporation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxvi
20 July 1922
South Wales Electrical Power Distribution Company Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxvii
20 July 1922
Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxviii
20 July 1922
Shepton Mallet Waterworks Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxix
4 August 1922
Port of London and Midland Railway Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxx
4 August 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxi
4 August 1922
Doncaster Corporation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxii
4 August 1922
Durham County Water Board Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxiii
4 August 1922
Ayr Burgh (Electricity) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxiv
4 August 1922
Bristol Tramways Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxv
4 August 1922
Birmingham Corporation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxvi
4 August 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxvii
4 August 1922
An Act to confer further powers upon the North Metropolitan Electric Supply Company to provide for the vesting in the said Company of the undertakings of the North Metropolitan Electrical Power Distribution Company Limited and the dissolution of that company and for other purposes.
(Repealed by North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply (Consolidation) Act 1928 (18 & 19 Geo. 5. c. cxviii))
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxviii
4 August 1922
An Act to authorise the appropriation and use of the Higher Market in the city of Exeter to and for purposes other than market purposes to confer further powers upon the mayor aldermen and citizens of the said city and to make provision with respect to the sums charged on the revenue of their markets and for other purposes.
(Repealed by Exeter City Council Act 1987 (c. xi))
Grampian Electricity Supply Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxix
4 August 1922
London County Council (Tramways and Improvements) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxx
4 August 1922
Neath Corporation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxxi
4 August 1922
South Staffordshire Waterworks Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxxii
4 August 1922
Chester Gas Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxxiii
4 August 1922
Wear Navigation and Sunderland Dock (Consolidation and Amendment) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxxiv
4 August 1922
Ramsgate Corporation Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxxv
4 August 1922

(Repealed by County of Kent Act 1981 (c. xviii))
Kingston-upon-Hull Corporation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxxvi
4 August 1922
Black Country Tramways and Light Railway Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxxvii
4 August 1922
Cambridge Corporation Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxxviii
4 August 1922

(Repealed by Cambridge City Council Act 1985 (c. xl))
St. Marylebone Borough Council (Superannuation) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. lxxxix
4 August 1922
Shoreditch and other Metropolitan Borough Councils (Superannuation) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xc
4 August 1922
Lambeth Borough Council (Superannuation) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xci
4 August 1922
Staffordshire Asylums Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xcii
4 August 1922
Bolton Corporation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xciii
4 August 1922
Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 4) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xciv
4 August 1922

(Repealed by Clwyd County Council Act 1985 (c. xliv))
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 7) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xcv
4 August 1922
Ashton-under-Lyne Order 1922
Greenford Order 1922
Ilfracombe Order 1922
Margate Order 1922
New Mills Order 1922
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 8) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xcvi
4 August 1922
Cambridge Order 1922
Ilkley Order 1922
North Darley Order 1922
Port Talbot Order 1922
Stockton-on-Tees Order 1922
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 9) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xcvii
4 August 1922
Bradford Order 1922
Leek Order 1922
New Quay Order 1922
Runcorn Order 1922
Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (No. 2) Order 1922
Whitstable Order 1922
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 10) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xcviii
4 August 1922
Chester Order 1922
Orsett Joint Hospital Order 1922
Wallasey Order 1922
Wolverhampton (Rates) Order 1922
Pilotage Orders Confirmation (No. 4) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xcix
4 August 1922

(Repealed by Forth Pilotage Order 1947 (SR&O 1947/1938))
Provisional Order (Marriages) Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1922 (repealed)
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. c
4 August 1922
Grangemouth Burgh Extension Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. ci
4 August 1922
Grangemouth Burgh Extension Order 1922
Greenock Port and Harbours Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. cii
4 August 1922
Greenock Port and Harbours Order 1922
Glasgow and Rutherglen Corporations Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. ciii
4 August 1922
Glasgow and Rutherglen Corporations Order 1922
Louth Baptist and Congregational Chapels Scheme Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. civ
4 August 1922
Louth Baptist and Congregational Chapels Scheme.
Norfolk Fisheries Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. cv
4 August 1922
Norfolk Fisheries Provisional Order 1922
Taw and Torridge Fisheries Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. cvi
4 August 1922
Taw and Torridge Fisheries Provisional Order 1922
Towy Fisheries Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. cvii
4 August 1922
Towy Fisheries Provisional Order 1922
Hampshire Rivers Fisheries Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. cviii
4 August 1922
Hampshire Rivers Fisheries Provisional Order 1922
Land Drainage Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. cix
4 August 1922
Welland Drainage Order 1922

Private and personal acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
Clare College Cambridge (Blythe's Benefaction) Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 1
4 August 1922
An Act for the better regulation of Doctor Blythe's Benefaction to Clare College Cambridge.
Fife Trust Estate Act 1922
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 2
4 August 1922
An Act to vary the Trusts and Powers of two several Indentures both dates the twenty-eighth day of April one thousand nine hundred and thirteen and executed on the marriage of Ronald D'Arcy Fife with Margaret Albert Rutson (now Margaret Albert Fife his Wife).
Babington's Divorce Act 1922[a]
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 3
31 May 1922
An Act to dissolve the marriage of Hume Babington, of Saint Kevin's, Victoria Park, Buncrana, in the county of Donegal, with Dorothy Marie Babington, his now wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other purposes.
Maguire's Divorce Act 1922[a]
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 4
31 May 1922
An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Alice Mary Maguire with Leonard Cornwall Maguire, her now husband, and to enable her to marry again, and for other purposes.
Crofts's Divorce Act 1922[a]
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 5
31 May 1922
An Act to dissolve the marriage of Violet Emily Crofts, of Aclare Rectory, Aclare, in the county of Sligo, in Ireland, with Christopher Nason Crofts, her present husband, and to enable her to marry again, and for other purposes.
Morton's Divorce Act 1922[a][b]
12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. 6
31 May 1922
An .Act to dissolve the marriage of Robert Morton, junior, with Alice Mary Georgina Morton, his now wife and to enable him to marry again, and for other purposes
  1. ^ a b c d This act was not printed by the King's Printer
  2. ^ This was the last un-printed private act.

13 Geo. 5 Sess. 2

The first session of the 32nd Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 20 November 1922 until 15 December 1922.

This was the first session held with the current make-up of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).

No private acts were passed in this session.

Public general acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
13 Geo. 5. Sess. 2. c. 1
5 December 1922
An Act to provide for the Constitution of the Irish Free State.
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1989 (NI) and Statute Law Revision Act 2007 (RoI))
13 Geo. 5. Sess. 2. c. 2
5 December 1922
An Act to make such provisions as are consequential on or incidental to the establishment of the Irish Free State.
13 Geo. 5. Sess. 2. c. 3
15 December 1922
An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.
13 Geo. 5. Sess. 2. c. 4
15 December 1922
An Act to amend section one of the Trade Facilities Act, 1921, and the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920 and 1921, and to authorise the Treasury to guarantee certain loans to be raised by the Government of the Federal Republic of Austria and the Government of the Soudan respectively.
Importation of Animals Act 1922
13 Geo. 5. Sess. 2. c. 5
15 December 1922
An Act to amend the law with respect to the landing of imported animals in Great Britain and matters connected therewith.

Local acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
Dundee High School Order Confirmation Act 1922
13 Geo. 5. Sess. 2. c. i
15 December 1922
An Act to confirm a Provisional Order under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1899 relating to Dundee High School.
Dundee High School Order 1922
Provisional Order to authorise alterations in the scheme of representation on the Directorate of the Corporation of the High School of Dundee to provide for the future administration of the High School and for other purposes.
13 Geo. 5. Sess. 2. c. ii
15 December 1922
An Act to confirm a Provisional Order under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1899 relating to Glasgow (Tramways, &c.).
(Repealed by Glasgow Corporation Consolidation (Water, Transport and Markets) Order Confirmation Act 1964 (c. xliii))
Glasgow (Tramways, &c.) Order 1922
Provisional Order to authorise the Corporation of the City of Glasgow to acquire and work the tramway undertaking of the Airdrie and Coatbridge Tramways Trustees and for other purposes.
Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society's Order Confirmation Act 1922 (repealed)
13 Geo. 5. Sess. 2. c. iii
15 December 1922
An Act to confirm a Provisional Order under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1899 relating to the Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society.
(Repealed by Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society's Act 1926 (16 & 17 Geo. 5. c. lxxviii))
Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society's Order 1922
Provisional Order to confer further powers on the Scottish Widow's Fund and Life Assurance Society and to amend the Acts relating to the Society and for other purposes.
Edinburgh Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1922 (repealed)
13 Geo. 5. Sess. 2. c. iv
15 December 1922
An Act to confirm a Provisional Order under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1899 relating to Edinburgh Corporation.
(Repealed by Edinburgh Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1967 (c. v))
Edinburgh Corporation Order 1922
Provisional Order to authorise the Corporation of the City and Royal Burgh of Edinburgh to make and maintain tramways to construct works to acquire lands for improvements and other purposes to reconstitute the superannuation scheme of the Corporation to borrow money to amend the Edinburgh Municipal and Police Acts and for other purposes.
East Lothian (Western District) Water Order Confirmation Act 1922
13 Geo. 5. Sess. 2. c. v
15 December 1922
An Act to confirm a Provisional Order under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1899 relating to East Lothian (Western District) Water.
East Lothian (Western District) Water Order 1922
Provisional Order to constitute and incorporate a Board for the supply of water to the western district of the county of East Lothian to transfer to the Board the water undertakings of the county council and the Western District Committee of the county of East Lothian and the undertakings of the burghs of Prestonpans and Cockenzie and Port Seton to authorise the Board to construct additional waterworks to confer further powers on the Board and for other purposes.

See also
