A Sulu pirate, by Victor Hong.

The Moro Pirates, also known as the Sulu Pirates, were Muslim outlaws of the southern Philippines which engaged in frequent acts of piracy, primarily against the Spanish, beginning in the late 16th century. Because of the continual wars between the Spanish and the Moro people, the areas in and around the Sulu Sea became a haven for pirates who were not suppressed until the beginning of the 20th century. The pirates should not be confused with the naval forces of the various Moro tribes though most of them also fought the Spanish as privateers in wartime.[1][2]


Spanish warships bombarding the Moro pirates of Balanguingui in 1848.

The pirate ships used by the Moros were known as prahus, or garays, and they varied in design. The majority were wooden sailing galleys about ninety feet long with a beam of ten feet. They carried around fifty to 100 crewmen. Moros usually armed their vessels with three swivel guns and occasionally a heavy cannon, proas were very fast and the pirates would prey on merchant ships becalmed in shallow water as they passed through the Sulu Sea. Slave trading and raiding was also very common, the pirates would assemble large fleets of proas and attack coastal towns. Hundreds of Christians were captured and imprisoned over the centuries, many were used a galley slaves aboard the pirate ships.[3][4]


The ship of James Brooke engaging pirates off Sarawak.

The Spanish engaged the Moro pirates frequently in the 1840s. The expedition to Balanguingui in 1848 was carried out by Brigadier José Ruiz and a fleet of nineteen small warships and hundreds of Spanish Army troops. They were opposed by at least 1,000 Moros held up in four forts with 124 cannons and plenty of small arms. There were also dozens of proas at Balanguingui but the pirates abandoned their ships for the better defended fortifications. The Spanish stormed three of the positions by force and captured a remaining one after the pirates had retreated. Over 500 prisoners were freed in the operation and over 500 Moros were killed or wounded, they also lost about 150 of their proas. The Spanish lost twenty-two men killed and around 210 wounded. The pirats later reoccupied the island in 1849 and another expedition was sent but they encountered only light resistance[5]

Also in the 1840s, James Brooke became the White Rajah of Sarawak and led a series of campaigns against the Moro pirates. In 1843 Brooke attacked the pirates of Malludu and in June of 1847 the rajah participated in a major battle with pirates at Balanini where dozens of proas were captured or sunk. Brooke fought in several more anti-piracy actions in 1849 as well. During one engagement whith Illanun Sulus in 1862, Captain Brooke sank four proas, out of six engaged, by ramming them with his small four gun steamer Rainbow. Each pirate ship had over 100 crewmen and galley slaves aboard and all were armed with three brass swivel guns. Brooke lost only a few men killed or wounded while at least 100 pirates were killed or wounded. Several prisoners were also released.[6] [7]

See also
