Pope John Paul II
References and footnotes

The Pope John Paul II bibliography contains a list of works by Pope John Paul II, and works about his life and theology.

Pope John Paul II reigned as pope of the Catholic Church and sovereign of Vatican City for 26 and a half years (October 1978–April 2005). Works written and published prior to his election to the papacy are attributed to Karol Wojtyła. Additional resources can be found on the Vatican site


The following is a list of books written by John Paul II both before and after becoming pope, although pre-papacy his name was Karol Wojtyla.[1]


The following is a list of plays written by Pope John Paul II.


The following is a list of books of poetry written by Pope John Paul II.


Pope John Paul II on 12 August 1993 in Denver (Colorado)
Pope John Paul II

The following is a list of audio recordings produced by Pope John Paul II.


Pope John Paul II issued 14 Papal encyclicals during his reign as Pope of the Catholic Church for over 26 years, from his election on 16 October 1978 until his death on 2 April 2005. Encyclicals (from Latin encyclia, from the Greek "en kyklo, ἐν κύκλῳ", meaning "general" or "encircling") were originally circular letters sent to all the churches of a particular area in the early Christian church.

For the modern Catholic Church, a papal encyclical, in the strictest sense, is a letter sent by the Pope which is explicitly addressed to Catholic bishops of a particular area or to the world, usually treating some aspect of Catholic doctrine. A papal encyclical is generally used for significant issues, and is second in importance only to the highest ranking document now issued by popes, an Apostolic Constitution.

The title of a Papal Encyclical is usually taken from its first few words. Pope John Paul II issued his first encyclical, Redemptor hominis, on 4 March 1979. Ecclesia de Eucharistia, his last encyclical, was issued on 17 April 2003.[7]

No. Title Subject Date
Latin English translation
1. Redemptor hominis "The Redeemer of Man" On Jesus' Redemption of the world; the central importance of the human person; the Pope's plan of governance 4 March 1979
2. Dives in misericordia "Rich in Mercy" On God's mercy given to the Church and the world 30 November 1980
3. Laborem exercens "On Human Work" On the 90th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum novarum; the conflict of labour and capital, and the rights of workers 14 September 1981
4. Slavorum Apostoli "The Apostles of the Slavs" In commemoration of Saints Cyril and Methodius 2 June 1985
5. Dominum et vivificantem "The Lord and Giver of Life" On the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church and the world 18 May 1986
6. Redemptoris Mater "Mother of the Redeemer" On the Blessed Virgin Mary in the life of the pilgrim Church 25 March 1987
7. Sollicitudo rei socialis "On Social Concerns" On the 20th anniversary of Pope Paul VI's encyclical Populorum progressio; on the social concerns and teachings of the Church 30 December 1987
8. Redemptoris missio "Mission of the Redeemer" On the permanent validity of the Church's missionary mandate 7 December 1990
9. Centesimus annus "The Hundredth Year" On the 100th anniversary of Rerum novarum; on capital and labour; and on Catholic social teaching 1 May 1991
10. Veritatis
"The Splendor of Truth" On fundamental questions of the Church's moral teaching 6 August 1993
11. Evangelium
"The Gospel of Life" On the value and inviolability of human life 25 March 1995
12. Ut unum sint "That They May Be One" On commitment to ecumenism 25 May 1995
13. Fides et ratio "Faith and Reason" On the relationship between faith and reason; condemning both atheism and faith unsupported by reason; affirming the place of reason and philosophy in religion 14 September 1998
14. Ecclesia de Eucharistia "The Church of the Eucharist" On the Eucharist in its relationship to the Church 17 April 2003

Apostolic exhortations

Notable exhortations

Notable Apostolic Exhortations of Pope John Paul II include:

Apostolic letters

Apostolic constitutions

Pastoral letters


  1. ^ According to Pope John Paul II's translator, Bolesław Taborski, no copy has been found.[3]
  2. ^ This play was also filmed.
  3. ^ This play was also filmed.
  4. ^ This album was recorded for the Great Jubilee.


  1. ^ "The Pontificate of Pope John Paul II: His Writings". EWTN. Retrieved February 25, 2012.
  2. ^ "Introduction" in Person and Community, xv
  3. ^ Kadison, Dan (May 13, 2007). "Holy Nights: Pope John Paul II's Plays Revived in Fest". New York Post. Archived from the original on April 22, 2008. Retrieved May 12, 2008.
  4. ^ "La bottega dell'orefice". IMDb. 7 April 1989.
  5. ^ "Our God's Brother". IMDb. 8 June 1997.
  6. ^ "Pope John Paul II Discography". Allmusic. Retrieved February 26, 2012.
  7. ^ Pope John Paul II Encyclicals, with Study Tool (most in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish; one also in Arabic and Latin) – from the Papal Archive at the internet site of the Holy See. Retrieved 13 December 2006.

Further reading

A list of works about the life and theology of John Paul II:

The following are books in Polish about Pope John Paul's literary output by his translator and friend, Bolesław Taborski:

  • Karola Wojtyły dramaturgia wnętrza Publisher: Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego; Wyd. 1 edition, 1989 ISBN 978-8322801-28-4 "Karol Woytyła's Theatre of the Interior"
  • Wprost w moje serce uderza droga wszystkich: o Karolu Wojtyle Janie Pawle II - szkice, wspomnienia, wiersze, Toruń : A. Marszałek, cop. 2005, "Everyone's journey makes my heart jump: about Karol Woytyła John Paul II - sketches, recollections, poems"