Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby is an animated TV movie based on the primetime series, The Flintstones, It first aired on ABC December 5, 1993 and is a sequel to I Yabba-Dabba Do!, and a predecessor to A Flintstone Family Christmas.
The film tells of The Flintstones and the Rubbles going to Hollyrock to visit their children Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm (who is trying his luck at being a film screenwriter) after Pebbles announces she is pregnant.
During the visit, they drive Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm bananas by telling them what to do now that Pebbles is going to have a baby, even though they can take care of themselves. Meanwhile, Fred and Barney helps Bamm-Bamm sell his script, but ends up in a mess with a robbery of a giant pearl when it is mistakened with a bowling ball. Big Rock sends his henchmen Rocky and Slick to recover the giant pearl.
Fred and Barney managed to get the tickets to a taping of a show at ABC studios in hopes to sell Bamm-Bamm's script. Fred and Barney encounter Shelley Millstone in hopes to have her for Bamm-Bamm's film. It doesn't go well and the security guard is called in to eject them. A chase begins throughout the ABC studios and they eventually get thrown out.
Meanwhile, Wilma and Betty are designing a nursery when Pebbles reveals that she is attending the premiere of "It Came From the Tra Pits" starring Craig Craigmore. Fred and Barney decides to take the advantage by finding someone to take the screen. Rocky and Slick also slip in to get to Shelley Millstone only to be intercepted by Slick and Rocky who try an attempt to get the giant peral. Bamm-Bamm mistakens Slick and Rocky as movie producers. When they find Fred's car, they are attacked by Dino.
Back at the party, Fred tries to get to Shelly Millstone which ends up with Craig Craigmore injured. The next day, Pebbles has Fred attend a baby training seminar while she does paperwork for her boss Mr. Pyrite. With Bamm-Bamm exhausted, Barney attends in Bamm-Bamm's place.
Slick and Rocky follow Fred to the baby training seminar where. Slick and Rocky infiltrate the class. It soons breaks up into a fight which ends up with Fred, Barney, Slick, and Rocky being thrown out. After a call from Rocky, Big Rock decides to take over the operation.
Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm declare themselves unready for the baby after they were busy. Fred and Wilma try to get Pebbles calm down until she breaks down.
The next day, Pebbles attends a baby shower which Wilma's mom Pearl also shows up. Pearl sends Fred to get the baby supplies. At the grocery store, they end up gaining a lot of "Maps to the Star's Homes" and decide to take another shot at Shelly Millstone. Later that night, Fred and Barney sneak into Shelly's house and distract the guard dogs.
Rocky and Slick show Big Rock the house that Fred and Barney are staying and mistaken Pearl for Fred when they abduct her. The next morning, Fred confesses to Bamm-Bamm that he lost the script in Shelley Millstone's yard. They soon return a call from Big Rock who demands the giant pearl in exchange for Pearl's freedom. They are forced to give them the pearl for the exchange. They disguise a bowling ball as the pearl when they forget the giant pearl. Pebbles falls into labour and they drive a bus towards the hospital with Big Rock, the real bus driver, and the painter of the bike the bus driver borrowed. There is a high speed chase which attracts the local cops. Fred finally makes it to the hospital and Pebbles is taken in the hospital fast. Big Rock, Rocky, and Slick catch up to them and Bamm-Bamm arrives to take them down as the cops arrest the crooks.
Pebbles gives birth to twins, Roxy (who has muscular strength like her father) and Chip (who has his Grandpa Flintstone's mouth because he's another chip off the old Flintstone). As for Bamm-Bamm's script, Mr. Pyrite managed to get the script to Craig Craigmore. Shelly Millstone arrives and Bamm-Bamm allows her to star in his film.