Merge proposal[edit]

THis would be a great place to discuss possible merge actions. Jerry delusional ¤ kangaroo 21:50, 20 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Recent changes[edit]

There were a couple of recent additions that seem to warrant discussion. In particular:

Self-publishing has experienced rapid growth since 2006, with annual title output increasing 287 percent... During that same period, many authors hoping to self-publish were misled by publishers offering a range of services and charging large sums of money to publish those books. Self publishing is the business of charging authors to have their books published.


Many other complaints about Author Solutions and their subsidiary companies have been made by dissatisfied authors who feel they were misled into paying for services they did not need or which were of poor quality.

I suspect that the second is accurate enough - if nothing else, any business this size will have complaints - but it was sourced to an online discussion forum, so we'll need something a bit more reliable. I've tagged it, and hopefully something will come along. In regard to the first, I'm concerned about the suggestion that Author Solutions misled authors. It is unsourced, and is a much stronger claim than the second one, which simply refers to complaints. I've tagged it as well, but I'm inclined to remove it unless we can find a reference. - Bilby (talk) 09:15, 15 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

They are well-known for it in the industry; but you're right, that we still need good solid sourcing for such statements of fact. --Orange Mike | Talk 18:29, 16 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]


There are a phenomenal amount of similar complaints all over the internet as well as two current law suits against this company for "deceptive practices" and "unjust enrichment".

Also Penguin Random House have recently sold there sleeping stake in this company after being named in law suits and criticized in multiple "writer beware" blogs for being involved with them due to the huge amount of complaints of "deceptive practices" and "unjust enrichment".

Some other author related businesses have cut ties.

Also when I tried to add the relevant information about the Class Action Suit it was suggested to me that I was part of that suit. I am not in any way involved in any of the law suits against this company, and I do not even live in the USA where the law suits against Author Solutions are occurring as can be seen from my IP. I would have thought the law suits were relevant. Trickmind (talk) 12:36, 14 January 2016 (UTC)trickmind[reply]

re changes I made.[edit]

As has already been discovered and commented on a member editing the Author Solutions page is a man who works at Author Solutions. I deleted a link to an incredibly biased puff piece article claiming that Author Solutions had been found to have been "completely free of any wrong doing" re the class action suit imitated by the law firm Giskan Solotarof. In fact all that really happened was the judge denied class action certification and this is being appealed and a second law suit by Giskan Solotarof is going ahead. I have included a link to the full judgement by the judge. The article linked to that was a puff piece was full of all kinds of praise for Author Solutions, an spun the judge's dismissal of class action certification into some kind of complete reprieve for wrong doing which is not neutral or correct.

I have recently changed my user name for Wikipedia not to deceive anyone but because I felt that name was too personally identifiable for me.