Covid-19 pandemic should be covered in this article


Costa Diadema -- Costa Cruises Status: Berthed in Piombino, Italy

Costa Diadema berthed in Piombino on March 31, after being denied docking rights at other ports. Piombino's mayor Francesco Ferrari said via a statement on his official Facebook page that "no gratitude" was necessary. "I did what any responsible Italian would have done," Ferrari said. "I could not allow more than a thousand people to remain in the open sea, especially in the precarious conditions that our country and the whole world are going through." There were 1,255 crew members on board. Three crew members with serious symptoms of Covid-19 were disembarked and taken to hospital. There were five people also displaying symptoms, and a further 13 with "mild" symptoms, according to Ferrari. Doctors are now testing all those on board and charter flights have been set up to repatriate non-Italians. Peter K Burian (talk) 15:07, 3 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]