Laura Jane is not notable for going loud as trans whilst fronting a punk band[edit]

I can't edit this myself as I can't remember my password for my lastpass but Whilst Laura is notable for many things she is not the first by decades given that Jayne County went loud about being Trans in 1979

Going Loud vs Coming Out[edit]

Whilst both terms refer to trans history, Coming out (of the closet) originally relating to the butch/femme dynamic of the fifties and sixties i.e. drag, but as come to mean being open about one's sexuality. In the past and still till this day many Out BLG (Bisexual, Lesbian & Gay) people who are Stealth about being Trans*. Thus the term Going Loud (derived from the military term) as opposed to being Stealth has evolved to describe someone who is Loud about being Trans but may not be able to be out as BLG given that their are plenty of heterosexual trans people. By using the term Loud Heterosexual Trans people can be proud of what they have achieved, the journey they have taken without feeling that they need to feel connected to a BLG community that they simply are not part of.

Incorrect Name in Singles Section[edit]

Ms. Grace is credited as "Laura Lane Grace" in this section, while the sources credit her correctly (Laura Jane Grace). (talk) 00:14, 14 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]