
Historical account of 1920 riot[edit]

Having read the book cited as the source for the Feb 1920 riots, the current article leaves a lot to be desired, and appears to be based largely on urban legend and pop culture knowledge than an actual reading of the book. I think I may take up the project of rereading the book and giving a better account than the one given here. Anyone in the community have thoughts on this? Oliveman6 (talk) 02:23, 11 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Meaning of the word "corn" in 1775.[edit]

In the current (2024.04.11) text of the article, a source is quoted saying, "Corn is the only crop specifically mentioned in the Articles.". I am aware that "corn" at the time was used in English to refer to grain crops in general i.e. a crop consisting of kernels, and not exclusively maize (sometimes called at the time, "Indian corn"). For instance, in "The wealth of Nations", by Adam Smith, the second part of Chapter V is titled: "Digression concerning the Corn Trade and Corn Laws" and this does not refer primarily -- if at all -- to maize corn. Perhaps the original document referred to in the current text has this broader meaning of the word "corn" in mind.

Douglas Jardine (talk) 18:05, 11 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]