
Removed "It is the azimuth of the sun at its highest point during the day. " -- yes, but only in the northern hemisphere ... which is just a circular definition (Fallacies of definition). I'm tempted to redirect all 4 N, S, E, W to cardinal point so we can iron out such circularity. -- Tarquin 13:33 Aug 28, 2002 (PDT)

All right, added a non-circular definition. Actually, if you want to get persnickety about it, the sun is always to the south at noon only to an observer north of the Tropic of Cancer. - user:Montrealais

At the end of the day, it's all arbitrary. The Earth rotates about an axis. One end is called "north", the other "south". -- Tarquin

Well, only to the extent that all names are arbitrary, since the north is the left-hand side of an observer facing east, and the south is the left-hand side, and east has a definite meaning (the direction the sun rises in). It's not like left and right, the terms are defined in relation to something else. - user:Montrealais

And isn't the Earth's magnetic south actually in the north?—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)

Yes, if your definitions are correct. The Earth's south magnetic pole is the pole that attracts the "south" pole of a bar magnet, and conversely the Earth's north magnetic pole is the pole that attracts the "north" pole of a bar magnet. Since opposite magnetic fields attract, this means that the south magnetic pole is a "north" pole in terms of magnetic field, and vice versa for the north pole.--Srleffler 22:14, 28 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Why does it say the south is to your right if you are facing east? if it says that can't we just put in all directions? thats not a very informative statement. I'm removing it (Be bold), put it back in if you really deem it necissary. 02:53, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

South vs south[edit]

Which is more correct

The direction should be lowercased, while any region or set of regions referred to south as a proper name should be capitalized. It depends entirely on the usage. Skreyola (talk) 23:16, 12 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]