Picture of the day
Collage of forty-two types of seed
Seeds are embryonic plants enclosed in protective outer coverings. This collage of forty-two photomicrographs depicts the seeds of various plants, in rows from left to right:

Row 1: poppy, red pepper, strawberry, apple, blackberry, rice, caraway
Row 2: mustard, eggplant, physalis, grape, raspberry, red rice, patchouli
Row 3: fig, matrimony vine, beetroot, blueberry, golden kiwifruit, rose hip, basil
Row 4: pink pepper, tomato, radish, carrot, matthiola, dill, coriander
Row 5: black pepper, white cabbage, napa cabbage, seabuckthorn, parsley, dandelion, shepherd's purse
Row 6: cauliflower, radish, kiwifruit, grenadilla, passion fruit, melissa, African marigold

Photograph credit: Alexander Klepnev