This editor is a Grognard and is entitled to display this Wikipedia Little Red Book.

The essentials: I'm 25 years old and I have a B.A. in philosophy. I am male, so if you find it necessary to refer to me in the third person, go ahead and use masculine pronouns instead of wondering for a while and then settling on some awkward construction like "he/she."

Oh, and since I'd wonder about this if I saw someone with this username: "Anturiaethwr" is Welsh (I'm fairly sure) for "Adventurer." I wound up with it when I picked a player name so I could try an online game. The game was boring, but the name sounded cool.

My research indicates that "Anturiaethwr" should be pronounced as follows:

Alternatively, you could refrain from pronouncing it at all. I can't imagine why you'd ever need to do so.

Useful links (primarily for my own reference)