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Symphyotrichum lateriflorumThis user passionately and lovingly edits Symphyotrichum articles.

Life is short.

The 21st Century has been excessively, neverending, painfully, tiringly stressful thus far.

Finding meaning can be difficult. Writing and improving plant articles on Wikipedia have added another dimension to my existence. It is a small and compartmentalized dimension which I can ignore at my own choosing. If it's not fun, I can take a WikiBreak. Or I can leave.

It is good for me to keep Wikipedia in perspective and not get angry at things that don't matter. If I remove my Wikipedia browser tabs and windows from history, I'm sure I'll want them later. When we put time and effort into something, we can all get childish about it, even if it's just on the inside.

I love kitty kats and other fauna.

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Triple Crowns

Bredlik peotry


Possibly the first bredlik peom:1

my name is Cow,
and wen its nite,
or wen the moon
is shiyning brite,
and all the men
haf gon to bed -
i stay up late.

i lik the bred.

— Redditor Poem_for_your_sprog, Reddit comment, 25 October 2016

More bredlik peotry:

My name is cat,
I am no theef.
I hold the puff
between my teef.
When man is sleep,
myself I please.
I hop above
and crumch the cheese.

— Unknown, from a FB meme of unknown origin with image of kitty stealing a curly cheese puff out of a large bowl