I am Robert Munafo.

Some primary interests: casual mathematics, particularly Large numbers; Solar System astronomy; the Mandelbrot set; the History_of_computing. These interests are apparent from my webpages[1], the popularity of which can be measured through search engine queries e.g. a Google search with a link: tag.

Xkcd rules:[2]

N = S(S(S(9)))[3]This user explores large numbers and rapidly-growing finite-valued functions.
800This user got an 800 on their math SAT.
a²+b²=c²This user is an intermediate mathematician.
10This user notes that there are 10 types of people in this world; those who use binary and those who do not.
  1. ^ http://www.mrob.com
  2. ^ http://www.xkcd.com/1037
  3. ^ http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BusyBeaver.html