BEWAREThere are too many
ubx-5This user uses entirely too many userboxes.
This user was up all night finding userboxes and is now very drowsy.
ubx-cThis user thinks that userboxes have gotten out of control.
plPolski jest językiem ojczystym tego użytkownika.
en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.
de-1Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
la-1Hic usor simplici latinitate contribuere potest.
ru-1Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
...This user would like to know all existing languages.
1337-1Th1s us3r is 4bl3 2 c0ntr1but3 w1th 4 b451( l3v3l 0f 1337.
whoThis user prefers using who for both the object and subject case. Who does it hurt to simplify things?
iTSThis user uses the
iTunes Store.
This user is addicted to ellipses and has been known to use them indiscriminately...
Ths usr cn rd & rt usn txt lng
This user remembers using
a rotary dial telephone.
This user is old enough to remember what a typewriter is, and that's all you need to know.
This user is of Polish ancestry.
flute-2This user is an intermediate flautist.
This user has a near-native understanding of American English.
BS-2This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of Bullshit.
((user runglish))
^_^This user watches anime.
This user enjoys reading non-fiction.
This user enjoys heavy reading, such as Shakespeare and other dead guys.
This user enjoys reading poetry.
This user enjoys reading the newspaper.
This user drives an FSO.
This user can drive.
This user thinks that Crazy Frog is annoying.
@This user can be reached by email.
This user uses DC++.
This user contributes using Firefox.
WinXPRegretfully, this user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
This user loves hamburgers.
This user likes to eat
This user drinks coffee.
This user drinks tea.
This user enjoys playing blackjack.
This user enjoys playing poker.
This user is addicted to video games.
+This user enjoys playing retro games.
MIThis user knows all the Monkey Island Insults by heart!
CGThis user's alignment is Chaotic Good: the "Rebel."
This user actually liked The Phantom Menace.
This user enjoys jazz music.
This user can't stand hip hop music.
This user fancies Celtic music.
This user enjoys classical music.
This user enjoys
pistol shooting.
This user enjoys rifle shooting.
This user does weight training.
AerThis user does aerobics.
This user is interested in law.
A red rose, a symbol for beauty.
This user is interested in beauty.
This user is interested in politics.
This user is interested in religion.
This user enjoys cigars.
This user is interested in
ancient civilizations.
This user enjoys watching the weather.
This user prefers warm weather.
This user has depression.
This user is short-sighted.
This user is a smoker.
This user is mixed-handed.
</label>This user does not wish to limit their sexual experiences by applying a label indicating a specific sexual orientation.
This user is an Aquarian.
This user was born in the year of the Tiger.
This user is for racial equality.
This user is probably going to Hell.
This user is interested in firearms and is generally knowledgeable about them.
This user uses userboxes on their userpage, in fact, this is a userbox