Tacitus666, AKA Arkaine (as he is often known) is the New Zealand equivalent of a cynical logic-buster. In other words, he is always on a different train of thought to his peers, and though this may seemingly indicate mental problems, this couldn't be further from the truth.

Unfortunately it often seems like he is mentally unstable, due to his complete inability to comprehend extremely complicated maths equations. Also, he can pretend to "stutter and look like an idiot" at the drop of a hat. Many times he has been unable to counter arguments headed directly toward him, yet in the hours or even weeks following these arguments, he has been known to 'suddenly' realize the perfect comeback and responses to his opposing peers. Put simply, it drives him completely mad.

To this end, Arkaine can often be found putting himself in a cocky demeanour, boldly challenging 14-year-olds to a game of Magic: The Gathering, only to lose the match as well as a sizable chunk of his ego, which is subject to regeneration. He can also be found saying what he thinks to be the perfect comeback to any insult, only to realize that he has messed up his words and said it completely and horribly wrong, again making him look like an idiot.

He can often be recognized in his trademark black brandless cap, black parting shirt, black shoes, and an uncomfortable look on his face. It is not entirely uncommon to see him carrying up to TWELVE different items of food as he makes his walk from the school canteen to the spot where he and his 'friends' and 'acquaintances' hang out, whereupon he eats it all as the others look on with an unsurprised look on their faces. Contrary to all reports, Arkaine is indeed the only skinny person in his household.

World of Warcraft

Arkaine the Undead Mage of Boulderfist US is the original "Arkaine". He is officially retired (and deleted). In his stead, Hellbender the Troll Mage of Barthilas Oceanic is working his way up to the sizable ranks of Faxmonkey, a (in)famous Troll Mage of Blackrock US. Faxmonkey is the idol of both Arkaine and Hellbender.

Arkaine is a contributor to WoWWiki under the name of Tacitus666. He is responsible for making the Realm Boulderfist US page what it is today. Feel free to check out his handy work.

Beliefs and Tolerances

Arkaine is a firm Christian, but strives not to make the mistake of letting his church or anyone else think for him. Whenever he is given advice of a Christian nature, he looks it up in the Bible first before committing to it.

Arkaine supports religious rights, and is under the impression that everyone should be able to decide for themselves whether they commit to any given religion. He is completely pro-choice. However, he does not agree with any kind of intolerance whatsoever. He does not support racism, and is perfectly okay with interracial relationships. He recognizes that Humanity is one race, and skin colour does not in actual fact constitute as race. Arkaine also believes that homosexuals should be able to have their civil unions without his fellow Christians gatecrashing the event and actively disrupting the ceremonies - protesting or otherwise.

Arkaine does not support the kind of fundamentalism that forcefully prohibits literature and entertainment involving topics such as FICTIONAL magic. He also condemns those who seek to force their beliefs upon others. He sees it as a corruption upon humans of faith, and knows that it drives potential converts away from the given religion or faith more often than it brings them in. This includes Christianity.

Arkaine is not dumb. He believes that those "elder Christians" who disdain and actively discourage such activities as Dungeons & Dragons should actually go and do their research first. If they did, they would know that it is entirely possible to have a D&D game without any of the things most fundamentalist Christians would associate with D&D, such as Satanism, spellcraft, thievery, or even killing. Furthermore, he believes that since the actions taken in D&D and all videogames are in fact committed by the character and not the player, therefore meaning that the player has not actually committed any of these acts and has thus not broken any of the Ten Commandments or any of the guidelines shown in the Bible. Also, these acts are committed in the virtual world, and thus are not real, which makes them exempt from the Bible's guidelines.

Arkaine does not ever wish to give to charity - as much as he would like to believe it helps, it does not. The world's population of poverty-stricken citizens are breeding far faster than the number of charity-supporting citizens can ever hope to catch up on. Thus, Arkaine believes that those who are poverty-stricken in those kind of countries should learn to contain themselves, and if it were up to him, he'd himself send a crateful of condoms and various contraception devices to those countries. And Arkaine is incredibly strapped for cash so he can't afford it anyway.

On a far less-related note, Arkaine believes that when dealing with the preternatural, anything is completely plausible.

Arkaine encourages tolerance, understanding, doing your research, good will, personal liberties, freedom within a set wall of workable rules, and good humour.

Arkaine does not in any way encourage thievery, murder, fanaticism, fundamentalism, spellcraft, Satanism, bigotry, idiocy, moronism, hatred, racism, agism, sexism, or blind faith. Notice how MSN Messenger is no longer on this list. Don't bother asking why. ('-_-)


For I am her Will My Hand shall strike out unopposed And my Fist shall break those who pay no heed Behold, for your Fate is at hand For I am Sorgen, Master Cleric of the Saffron Templar Your lust for depravity blinds you to the truth And your witness shall fall to the Blade of the Tiamat Reap what you sow, for you have shattered spirits But I am the Reaper, destined to take you to the Nether Where your living torment will rise up And bring you into eternal agony.

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