Please now follow the link back to Wikipedia:Articles for creation.

Michael Grundt Spang


Michael Grundt Spang (fødd 14. juni 1931 i Mandal, død 2003) var ein norsk forfattar og journalist. Spang arbeida for Dagbladet og Verdens Gang. Han var særleg kjend som kriminaljournalist, kriminalforfattar og samfunnsdebattant. I dei mange bøkene og artiklane sine uttrykte han ei gjennomgåande konservativ og systemtru haldning til norsk rettspleie og kriminalomsorg. Boka Torgersen-saken var eit tilsvar til Jens Bjørneboe si bok Tilfellet Torgersen, der Bjørneboe argumenterte for at den drapsdømte Fredrik Fasting Torgersen hadde vorte utsett for justismord.

Spang sin roman Operasjon V for vanvidd vart filmatisert i 1970. Saman med Kjell Syversen vann han i 1981 Nordvisjonens tevling om beste manuskript for TV-krim. Dramaet vart filmatisert i 1984 av NRK som SK 917 har nettopp landet. I 1985 vart romanen Spionen dramatisert som høyrespelserie av NRK Radio. 00:01, 6 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]



[ [ Eisen Dragoon ] ]


The Eisen Dragoon is a special unit created by Prozen made up entirely by Zenevas troops.





Matthew Scott Holman


the man is a pimp. that's all you need to know.

Jeff Wadlow


Jeff Wadlow is the nephew of CBS Evening News Anchor Katie Couric. He's the son of the late Emily Couric, Katie Couric's older sister. Emily Couric served as a Virginia State Senator before she passed away in 2001 due to pancreatic cancer.

Jeff Wadlow directed the 2005 film, Cry Wolf.



Appearance on Larry King Live on 5 April 2006. 01:28, 6 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Avery Library


The Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library collects books and periodicals in architecture, historic preservation, art history, painting, sculpture, graphic arts, decorative arts, city planning, real estate, and archaeology. The architectural and fine arts collection are non-circulating. The Ware Collection, mainly books on urban planning and real estate development, do circulate.

The Avery Library is named for Henry Ogden Avery, one of New York's promising young architects in the late nineteenth century and a friend of William Robert Ware, who founded the Department of Architecture at Columbia in 1881. A few weeks after Avery's early death in 1890, his parents established the library as a memorial to their son. They offered his collection of 2,000 books, mostly in architecture, archaeology, and the decorative arts, many of his original drawings, as well as funds to round out the book collection, and an endowment to help the library grow. As of today, the Library now contains more than 250,000 volumes and receives approximately 1,500 periodicals.

The Avery collection in architecture is among largest in the world; it ranges from the first Western printed book on architecture, De re aedificatoria (1485), by Leone Battista Alberti, to the classics of modernism by Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier. Avery's drawing and manuscript collection holds 400,000 drawings and original records. Most of the library's inventory is referenced in a database known as the Avery Index, used throughout the world.



Columbia University's Avery Library Home Page: 01:45, 6 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

quantisation error


Golden Monkey


Don Salsa


Don Salsa was a band that hailed from Southern California. Their members included Jason Schimmel and Tim Smolens ( Of Estradsphere ), as well as Doug Smolens ( The Fishtank Ensemble, El Douje ), Jeff Atridge, and Rob Hondrick.



Blacks Photo


The Margin of Error

File:387411741 l.jpg
The Margin of Error's symbol, with their trademark +/- insignia

The Margin of Error is an alternative rock band based out of Hollywood, CA.



Originally started in the fall of 2005 by the band's guitarist, Julian Neves-Cox, and vocalist, Natalie Backstrom, they were eventually joined by two friends and fellow classmates, drummer Christopher Schnack and bassist Scott Hensen. All four band members are students of Hollywood's Musician's Institute and Backstrom and Neves-Cox are roommates.



The band currently has four songs (see track list below), with many in pre and post-production. While all of the music is written by Neves-Cox, Backstrom is responsible for all the song's lyrics, many of which appear to be personal anecdotes from her life.

Track List

Are You Still Talking? - 3:03
Falling Asleep On Top Of Someone New - 2:50
What I Never Had - 2:58
All That Matters - 3:30



Categories: Musicians
Category:American musical groups


Mitsubitshi DeBonair AMG

[edit] Woo

Sriram Vajapeyam


Madrigal de la Vera, Spain



[edit] 09:56, 6 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

S.Carter - The Re-Mix


AFC Wyvern


Bruker Daltonics Inc.


Hybrid encryption


General Miguel Iglesias, President of Peru


Craig Rutherford


3 Months In Training


Mount View


[ [ Sheyna Extra ] ]


Rose Neill


Lance Bergstein

Nonsense/attack removed. --Geniac 15:17, 31 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]





Kate Beahan




Halloween 6: The Producer's Cut


The Producer's Cut version of Halloween 6 shows you what was going to happen in Halloween 6. Such as a different ending, different scenes etc. The title of the film has an "a" that looks like the Thorn rune. However, there is less gore in this version of the film (eg.when John Strode gets killed, his head doesn't explode). At some of the scenes, there's a timer at the bottom of the screen. Instead of Jamie Lloyd getting killed on farm equipment, Michael stabs her and leaves her there to die. She survives though. But later on, she gets shot at the hospital by the Man in Black, who tells her that "her work is done". At the end, instead of Kara Strode being locked in a room in the sanitarium's maximum security ward, she is tied up in a cave and held hostage by the Thorn cult. They're using her as a final sacrafice to turn Danny into a serial killer like Michael. However, Tommy Doyle, (as an adult), cancels Michael's evil and stops him. In the end, Dr. Loomis ends up with the Thorn symbol mysteriously appearing on his hand. This film is rare because it shows you what was going to happen.

Journalism 102


Hazard (musician) and BJ Nilsen for #REDIRECT

  1. REDIRECT B.J. Nilsen



Two artist aliases of B.J. Nilsen

Notes: 19:55, 6 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sasan Adibi


Sasan Adibi


Capo d'Orlando


CSI: 3 Dimensions Of Murder (computer game)


Bre Scullark


Cape Eleuthera Island School




David MacEachern


Clifton Village




Peter Taylor (journalist)




Tasha Nelly






Impeesa Extreme


[Wireless Encryption Protocol(WEP)]


stephen akinola


Caveh Zahedi


Born Robert Caveh Zahedi on April 29, 1960 in Washington D.C.

Son of Iranian immigrants, Zahedi grew up in Los Angeles, California.

Zahedi studied philosophy at Yale University. Upon graduation Zahedi moved to Paris, France where he believed he would easily find funding for his films. He failed to interest any French producers in his projects about Arthur Rimbaud, Stephane Mallarme, and Eadward Muybridge. During this time Zahedi also succeeded in forever estranging himself from his idol Jean-Luc Godard with whom he had hoped to make films. Zahedi worked during this time as a film critic but was soon sacked when he concluded that 1984's Ghostbusters was the greatest film ever made. Zahedi has since stated that this conclusion was based on his homesickness at the time, and his rediscovery and appreciation of Hollywood filmmaking.

He subsequently left France and returned to Los Angeles to attend UCLA film school. Zahedi spent five years in the UCLA graduate program where he completed his first feature film A Little Stiff (1991) which he co-directed with fellow student Greg Watkins. The film recounts Zahedi's real life unrequited and obsessive love for a UCLA art student. Not only does he play himself in the film, but Zahedi was able was able to get his real life love interest and his "competition" to play themselves. A Little Stiff premiered at the Sundance film festival to critical acclaim but it did not bring commercial success.

His next feature film, I Don't Hate Las Vegas Anymore (1994), documents his attempt to bond with his estranged father and half-brother on a road trip to Las Vegas. Zahedi was criticized for insisting that his father and brother take Ecstasy with him, on film, in order to kick-start the bonding process.

In the 1990's Zahedi moved to San Francisco after accepting a teaching position there.

His next feature is the docu-diary In the Bathtub of the World (2001). In the film Zahedi attempts to shoot at least one minute of video diary every day for an entire year.

His latest film, I Am A Sex Addict (2005), has been in the works for fifteen years. Through re-enactments it recounts Zahedi's struggle with his addiction to prostitutes and the havoc it wreaked on his marriages and romantic relationships. The film has just had its theatrical premiere in San Francisco.

Zahedi has also appeared in several films in acting roles such as Richard Linklater's Waking Life (2001) and Citizen Ruth (1996).


[edit] Jessica Riano 02:55, 7 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Journals of Susanna Moodie


Craig Volk



Raze (Film)


jeremy jun


2YYY, FM92.3




Similar to the famed "turducken" yet going above and beyond your wildest carnivorous dreams. The BOPIMUTTURDUCKEN transcends the world of fowl and ventures into the realm of quadrapedic mammals. Essentially, the BOPIMUTTURDUCKEN consists of an elaboration of the famous "turducken" - a de-boned chicken stuffed into the body cavity of a de-boned duck which is stuck into a de-boned turkey. The "turducken" is then stuffed into the cavity of a de-boned lamb (hence, "mut" of the root word "mutton") crammed into de-boned swine (using the "pi" of "pig"), the creation finally reaching its pennacle as it is wedged into the de-boned body cavity of everyone's favorite bovine, the black angus steer.



Wikipedia - <> 06:12, 7 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

To be a Senior Citizen: A Plight


A decade ago, aging was not an emerging issue in Pakistan, but over population and urbanization created the problem of “aging”, particularly in urban areas where life is in full swing— people have not enough time to attend the older ones. Aging has been viewed as either the product of biology or the outcome of socio-cultural norms? The emerging interest is the recategorization of later life as post-working life. It constitutes a significant shift in the attitude and behaviour of the society towards the segmented population of old people. Gerontologists are of the view that most of old people even having no major physical weakness are subjected to suffer the problems of aging just because of socio-cultural factors. In addition, most of the time, retired people experience a richer life as compared to a common person envisions but socio-cultural factors greatly affect the psychological state of mind of the old people, which in result create mental stress, social alienation, sense of deprivation and neglection. Out of 162.41 million population of Pakistan 6 percent people are at the age of 60 to 64 whereas 4.1 percent of population are at 65 years and over above. (July 2005 est.) In Pakistan, specifically in urban areas older people suffer a tense situation even having productive assets. Our cultural norms and shared values with the west have increased the vulnerability of old people to be stigmatized as un-productive and burden on society. Moral values are demolished whereas new so-called western system is popular. In urban areas productive proportion of the population looks down upon the older ones as they are no more productive. No doubt, in present time availability of good medical facilities tapered mortality rate and population trend of the country has shifted towards the increased life expectancy which is 63 years on average—resulting in the increase of older people proportion from 3.5 in (2001) to 4.1 % in (2005). Most of the old people are in position to work effectively, but cultural restrains and societal obligations just obstruct the old people to get engaged in some productive work. Societal perception and attitudes are such developed that young generation think just the wastage of time to be spent with their older ones. Typically living environment of old people is regrettable. In west the concept of old house is popular but in Pakistan this concept is not enough mature. Old people are kept in their native homes but at a great distance; a psycho-social distance that is much deplorable for old ones and they feel themselves “cut off” form society. Ironically old people are labeled as indifferent, their actions are considered as conservative, and their presence is taken as surplus. Community based efforts for old people’s psycho-social adjustment are missing. Along with this there are no practical policy measures adopted by Government and NGOs that may soothe old people for getting the sprit to live. Govt. polices and NGOs efforts are just on paper having no practical implication. Govt. and NGOs workers pose to work much efficiently for the welfare and rehabilitation of senior citizens but old people’s plight is on the scene. Urbanization and nuclearization have shifted the role of ‘decision making’ from parents (old) to economically active children. Urbanization that seems inevitable in contemporary world and economics of the family seems to direct the house hold decision making, old people role is much limited. In Pakistan, aging is not being viewed as significant problem but the demographic predictions and statistics show an alarming picture of the situation. According to demographers, Pakistan will become the third most populous country of the world in 2050. Life expectancy is also supposed to increase from 63 years. Aging problem will be prominent in future times. But it does not mean that we should just ignore and discard this important segment of population. We are in need of individual, community, and Govt. level efforts to soothe our senior citizens. Senior citizens are in need of love and care that they deserve. It’s our moral duty to regard and care our older ones as they have spent their whole life in our nourishment and care. It seems that we are not on right direction to achieve moral as well as demographic goals. Safdar Abbas Lecturer of Sociology, Virtual University of Pakistan.

Decline. This sounds likely to be true, but for Wikipedia an unsourced personal essay is out as original research. Tearlach 10:00, 7 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Paperless Printer

 removed text from [4] ×Meegs 07:45, 7 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]



CAN based Utilities


November 9, 1938


Kevin Love


Venus Swimwear Models


Thomas S. Axworthy
