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Operator: AssumeGoodWraith (talk · contribs · SUL · edit count · logs · page moves · block log · rights log · ANI search)

Time filed: 11:34, Wednesday, February 16, 2022 (UTC)

Function overview: Adds AFC unsubmitted templates to drafts.

Automatic, Supervised, or Manual: Automatic

Programming language(s): Python

Source code available: I think this works?

Links to relevant discussions (where appropriate): Wikipedia:Village pump (proposals) § Bot proposal (AFC submission templates)

Edit period(s): Meant to be continuous.

Estimated number of pages affected: ~100 a day, judging by the new pages feed (about 250 today) and assuming that not many drafts are left without the afc template

Namespace(s): Draft

Exclusion compliant (Yes/No): Yes (pywikibot)

Function details: Adds AFC unsubmitted templates ( ((afc submission/draft)) ) to drafts in draftspace that don't have them, the ((draft article)) template, or anything that currently redirects to those 2. See the examples in the VPR proposal listed above.
