Project Continua Art+Feminism Edit-A-Thon
Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon 2014 Brooklyn Museum

Project Continua Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon is an online event at, on March 8, 2015 1pm-5pm.

Event information

Project Continua Art+Feminism Edit-A-Thon, on March 8, 2015 1pm-5pm.


Create a Wikipedia account.

Sign in below at "Register" to help us learn more about how users interact with Wikipedia! If you sign up, we can observe how your username uses the Wikimedia projects during and after this event. This will help us to better measure the effectiveness of this event and similar programs. This means that your publicly available activity and the information you share with us during this event may be processed by the Wikimedia Foundation, Art+Feminism, and the organizers of the local event, and may be transferred to or from the US and other countries that may not have the same level of privacy regulation that your country does. However, we will not share your information with third parties or publicly unless it's in aggregated or anonymized form.


Please add your Wikipedia username below. How? Just make sure to create an account first. Then, click "edit" for this section. To add your name, start a new line with an asterisk, then press "Sign your posts on talk pages" below. Then Save page.

List of articles to edit

Below is a list of articles that would benefit from edits and expansion during the edit-a-thon. Please go to the Google Documents "Biography Progress Spreadsheet" before you begin your work to add your name as Wikipedian so that we don't have multiple Wikipedians working on the same biography at the same time. Update the document accordingly as you progress.

nesvetr will edit

LittleLindsay3 will edit

Suggestions for edit

See also: Wikipedia:Meetup/ArtAndFeminism/Tasks

List of Articles Improved


List of Articles Created


Resources for Editing