Mirrors and Forks : (Numbers) ABC - DEF - GHI - JKL - MNO - PQR - STU - VWXYZ - All - Archive



Mackesys Solicitors

Mackesys Solicitors
Sample http://www.mackesyscrime.co.uk/offences/handling-stolen-goods.html
Contact info

Comment re the above: the page shown above is a verbatim copy of large section from the article Handling stolen goods. Given that their version includes a section on "Relationship to laundering" added here in 2005 by User:David91, other material dating from a rewrite in 2009 by User:Rodhullandemu, and a further typo correction by an anonymous user, the evidence suggests that they have copied Wikipedia and not vice versa.

I can see no attempt to comply with the licence, and indeed at the foot of the page they assert their own copyright ("© 2011 All rights reserved. Mackesys Solicitors, 207 New Cross Road, London, SE14 5UH, U.K.") I find it very odd that a firm of solicitors would do this. (To be honest, I am surprised that a professional law firm would use wikipedia content, which made me initially suspect that the copying was in the opposite direction until I checked the page history.) I haven't looked to see whether they have copied any other pages.

To possibly complicate matters further, the user whose copyright appears to have been most infringed, i.e. User:Rodhullandemu, is apparently now banned from wikipedia. Scil100 (talk) 13:37, 2 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]


URL http://MagicPedia.com
Sample http://MagicPedia.com/
Compliance Main page contains copy of magic (illusion) article from Wikipedia with no authorship listed and no mention of Wikipedia.
Contact info ISP is ServInt : admin @ servint.net
Actions none yet

Magnet University

Magnet University
URL http://www.rare-earth-magnets.com/magnet_university/magnet_university.htm
Sample http://www.rare-earth-magnets.com/magnet_university/magnetism.htm
Compliance All content on this site from Wikipedia now contains a link to the GNU Free Documentation License (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) and Wikipedia. The site appears to be in compliance. 16:16, 31 May 2006 (UTC)
Contact info info AT nationalimports.com,
Actions Standard letter sent by dave 19:28 17 Jul 2003 (UTC). Reply received from info AT nationalimports.com, who says are willing to fix it. dave sent reply to National Imports today outlining what he should do to fix it, and telling him all the articles that were lifted from Wikipedia (he had emailed asking which articles were from wikipedia). Sent them a letter and noted that I am the primary author of the bismuth article they copied. --mav 12:51, 4 Jan 2004 (UTC). Received reply: Were sorry for the oversight. We'll correct the link as soon as possible. --mav 18:33, 5 Jan 2004 (UTC)



Port Jackson, Attractions of Sydney, Australia published by MagicalJourneys.com

Port Jackson, Attractions of Sydney, Australia
URL http://www.magicaljourneys.com/Australia/index.html
Sample http://www.magicaljourneys.com/Australia/australia-interest-nsw-sydney-portjackson.html lifted from Port Jackson article
Rating "Medium" compliance with GFDL (matches Wikipedia:GFDL Compliance)
Compliance Although page notes info taken from wikipedia, it makes no mention of GFDL
Contact info jane AT magicaljourneys.com
Actions No actions taken yet to attempt to make the website comply.

Malaspina Great Books

Malaspina Great Books
URL http://www.malaspina.com/
Sample http://www.malaspina.org/home.asp?topic=./search/details&lastpage=./search/results&ID=123
Compliance Unknown. Claims copyright. No Wikipedia material found in latest check. Includes text "This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License and uses material adapted in whole or in part from the Wikipedia article on <ARTICLE>." Documents may be using Wikipedia as a source without including copyrighted material wholesale. This should be verified.
Contact info mcneil AT mala.bc.ca, black AT mala.bc.ca, Host's contact page

Maori Encyclopedia.st


MarsPC Computing System

MarsPC: Knowledge Base
URL http://marspc.co.il/articles/
Sample http://marspc.co.il/articles/article/84/ajax-programming
Rating Low/None
Compliance Verbatim text copy of many articles, complete with "[edit]" text! Claims legal copyright
Contact info contact page: http://marspc.co.il/contact; email: support AT marspc.co.uk; UK Office: +44 (0) 207 193 1990




URL http://www.masterliness.com
Sample http://www.masterliness.com/a/Sony.HiFD.htm
Compliance Note: Do not click the Non-user link. It seems to cause the site to redirect all future requests from your IP to Google. I'm not sure what the motivation for this is. Copies the whole article namespace. When viewed without script enabled, no mention of Wikipedia and the GFDL. With Javascript, there are links to the original article, GFDL text, History page, and Edit page. This is an unacceptable implementation because the articles are distributed to those without Javascript, but the GFDL is not.
Contact info http://www.masterliness.com/contact.php (contact page), postmaster AT registerfly.com (registrar; hidden whois info), abuse AT theplanet.com (host)


URL http://www.masterlinux.net
Sample http://www.masterlinux.net/index.php?option=com_awiki&view=mediawiki&article=List_of_preserved_steam_locomotives_in_Germany
Rating not sure about the ratings
Compliance Site seems to mirror en.wikipdia.org, but only the article namespce. new articles can only be found in following the links ... we found the page in doing research for the german steam locomotive listing, which was thankfully copied and translated for the en.wiki. One of the top links in google was "our" translated article not only in en.wikipediam but also somewhere in the web.

Site provides a Link to "wikipedia" but not to the original article, as well as not to the author's list, the GPL links to GNU Free Documentation License on gnu.org, . Interesting - if you are klicking on the "edit text" in a stub article (try the link to "Beuth" steam locomotive) opens the original edit page of the original en.wikipdeia article ...

Contact info Contact Page whois provides the following info: Registrant Contact: LinkdotNet, Link dotNet (), Fax: , 77 Misr Helwan St, Cairo, 11431, EG

on the page itself these info can be found: Contact Master Linux: Address: Egypt 1] 7 El Bahrain St., In front of El Merryland Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt / 2] 25 Manshyet El Bakry st, from El Khalifa El Maa'moun, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. E-mail: sales@masterlinux.net

Actions not sure about legal actions to be taken, since only contributing to de.wikipedia, therefore posted here

--Fox 2005 (talk) 22:03, 18 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]


URL http://www.mathdaily.com/
Sample http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Pope
Rating Medium
Compliance Identical to Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks/Pqr#PhysicsDaily.
Contact info fhq7j5466hwn3jw AT protectfly.com (from privacy-locked WHOIS entry), http://www.registerfly.com/info/contact.php (Registrar contact page), postmaster AT registerfly.com (registrar email address), ibizdns.com (nameserver)



MB CEO 2.0

MB CEO 2.0 Your informational resource
URL http://www.mbceo.com/
Sample http://www.mbceo.com/sports/more_information.php?c=Montenegro_national_football_team
Rating Low
Compliance No indication that this site is a huge mirror of Wikipedia at all (that I could find at least).
Contact info

The Mcfly Network


* Individual article pages link back to wikipedia and mention the GFDL

It appears that this is not a fork but a copy. Can someone check this and post here? JesseW 00:48, 13 Oct 2004 (UTC)

If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can be in better compliance with the GFDL, feel free to leave a message on my user talk page. anthony 警告 17:32, 23 Nov 2004 (UTC)

I've only found mention of Wikipedia on the front page. Lotsofissues 12:14, 16 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

(i added the above strikethrough) the site only mentions wikipedia on the main page, it no longer mentions much of anything on the article pages. user:anthony DiPierro has stated on wikipedia talk pages in the past that he links the edit pages back to wikipedia; that policy has obviously changed as i was easily able to find content on mcfly which was added since its forking. it is not clear to me what policy is for this change, but i do think it should be attended to. i also would like to know whether there is a procedure for bringing in some of the changes made on mcfly; i found at least one bit (didnt look around too much) that i would like to have added to an article. i regret that the weakness of my license-fu is keeping me from answering this question myself. Burgher 14:22, 22 Jun 2005 (UTC)


URL https://mdwiki.org/wiki/
Description fork focused on biomedical and related social sciences, restricted to approved individuals; many articles are mirrored
Sample https://mdwiki.org/wiki/Prednisone (fork) https://mdwiki.org/wiki/Beanie_Babies (mirror)
Rating Medium
Compliance text underWP:CCBYSAC, with "This page may contain content developed from Wikipedia or Meta." in footers. 'check commons for the licence' for most images.
Contact info Docjames
Actions none as of 10-2023



Medbib.com - "the modern encyclopedia"

URL http://www.medbib.com
Sample http://www.medbib.com/Froogle
Rating None
Compliance Complete, dynamic, remote loading mirror. Does not mention Wikipedia or the GFDL. Appears to have downloaded entire Wikipedia article set using a scraper bot instead of using the database download archive.
Contact info reinhard.f.busch AT web.de (whois), http://schlundtech.de/kontakt/ (host)
Actions Reported by zetawoof to wikitech-l.

Media UK - "The Knowledge"



MediaWiki powered sub-section of a specialist media website - appears to be mostly original content with some content copied from Wikipedia (i.e. a derivative work), which is acknowledged. All content is apparently licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence. No mention of the GFDL.

Relevant pages:

Marknew 16:24, 15 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]





This site copies some articles from en.WP CC-BY-SA licensed articles, doesn't attribute them to Wikipedia and licenses them CC-BY-NC-SA. I've advised an associated editor on his en.WP talk page. --Anthonyhcole (talk) 03:58, 3 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]


medievalwarfare.info; Medieval Weapons & Armour; Castles and Manor Houses around the World
URL http://www.medievalwarfare.info
Sample http://www.medievalwarfare.info/weapons.htm
Rating No compliance
Compliance No compliance; content aggregated from multiple pages without attribution of any kind, all published under their own copyright
Contact info
Actions None


URL http://medlibrary.org/medwiki/
Sample http://medlibrary.org/medwiki/List_of_Adelaide_parks_and_gardens
Rating Full compliance
Compliance Has local GFDL and link to original enwiki URL. There is a page at the same domain with a different path from the medwiki directory (http://medlibrary.org/site-info/index.html) which doesn't mention mediawiki and has a © All Rights Reserved notice in the footer but that does not apply to the WP mirror pages I examined.
Contact info
Actions None

--Jeremyb 05:08, 26 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]




URL https://melayukini.net
Description live machine translation of en.wikipedia.org into more than 30 languages
Sample https://melayukini.net/wiki/Pong
Rating high
Compliance matches WP:CCBYSAC
Contact info Mel Kepada admin@melayukini.net
Actions None

Memory Alpha

Has some adapted articles about Star Trek and those such as "Welcome, Newcomers". Not a verbatim copy, but is in fact most harmless. We will probably one day be copying articles back from this site, knowing they are in capable hands.
Update: Memory Alpha is now under the Creative Commons License; not sure whether there is still Wikipedia content in it. Andre Engels 01:13, 17 Jan 2004 (UTC)
Wikipedia content is still used for user guide and documentation-type pages (example: [3]). We don't use the GFDL anymore (changing early when all pages were by but a few authors who all could agree on the change); based on my reading of the GFDL, I believed that the similar spirit of the GFDL and the Creative Commons License was sufficient. Links to the original Wikipedia pages have been preserved in all cases, anyway. Feedback would be appreciated if there is some potential conflict concerning the licenses. (I am one of the webmasters of Memory Alpha.) -- Dan Carlson 02:40, Feb 8, 2004 (UTC)
Update: Memory Alpha no longer uses duplicates of Wikipedia pages for our policies; we've rewritten or removed copied pages. Listing here should no longer be necessary. -- Dan Carlson 03:51, Apr 11, 2004 (UTC)


Memim Encyclopedia
URL https://memim.com/
Description Appears to consist of articles machine-translated from the German Wikipedia (compare the sample with de:Camano Island)
Sample https://memim.com/camano-island.html
Rating None
Compliance Articles have no attribution or link back to the original. All Rights Reserved notice at bottom of page.
Contact info None found; domain is registered through Cloudflare, but no contact information is available in the WHOIS record
Actions None taken


URL http://metajam.mobi/
Sample http://metajam.mobi/cinema-movie/name/A+-+E/A+Bell+for+Adano/e+a_bell_for_adano
Rating Medium
Compliance * Provides link to (mobile-device-safe) copy of appropriate Wikipedia article and a copy of GFDL of gnu.org (1.3);
  • Site maintainer has taken steps to improve compliance already;
  • Only lead sections are forked directly making it hard to assess authors / dates;
Contact info james@tripleodeon.com
Actions Emailed. Eventually found email listed above to be a working one.



Seems to be an official wiki of (and I think maybe run by) author Neal Stephenson


URL http://www.metrolyrics.com/
Description Reproduces English Wikipedia articles in the form of "comments" by users explaining the meaning of lyrics.
Sample http://www.metrolyrics.com/elastic-heart-lyrics-sia.html and many others, see example search for one such editor.
Rating None
Compliance Text is copy and pasted without any mention of source, authors or license; instead, text is attributed to a site editor as if it were an original work.
Contact info
Actions Kindly notified via http://www.metrolyrics.com/contactus.html



Midieval Warfare

Midieval Warfare
URL http://www.medievalwarfare.info
Sample http://www.medievalwarfare.info/weapons.htm#plate
Rating "Low/None"
Compliance Wikipedia not mentioned, claims full copyright
Contact info





Ministry of External Affairs of India

Ministry of External Affairs of India
URL http://mea.gov.in
Sample http://mea.gov.in/foreignrelation/01fr02.pdf
Rating Low/None
Compliance No mention of Wikipedia or GFDL. Credited to Embassy of India Belgrade.
Contact info usxps AT mea.gov.in
Actions No action taken.


Mintu-kant2305, prolific scribd contributor
URL http://www.scribd.com/mintu_kant2305
Sample <nowikihttp://www.scribd.com/doc/19999557/Education-in-Emerging-Indian-Society-F-105</nowiki>, http://www.scribd.com/doc/20074682/Medical-Tourism-F
Compliance This is a self-publishing forum where evidently some contributors find it easy to compile books by copying Wikipedia articles. At least two of the books of this contributor can be verified to have copied content from Wikipedia articles. More are probable.
Contact info copyright@scribd.com; per [7] DMCA take-down is required.
Actions No action taken.






URL http://www.mobilereference.com/

MobileReference is a brand name of a publisher of e-books for use on mobile devices. Many of these publications, but probably not all, and not the web-page itself, are Wikipedia forks. A MobileReference publication which is such a fork should be separately listed under its own title and a link to its entry added to the list of links in the subsection below.

Sample p.1235 of Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, published in 2008, is an exact, or nearly exact, copy of a section in an earlier version of Wikipedia's article Mathematics in medieval Islam.
Rating Difficult to tell precisely without buying commercial copies. From the Google books copies, compliance would appear to be Low to Medium, depending on the publication.
Compliance As an example, the licensing information provided on the "back cover" of the Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt acknowledges that material from Wikipedia has been used and that this material is licensed under the GFDL, although it also wrongly implies that this material is also "public domain". However, it also asserts "all rights reserved" over the work as a whole, whereas the GFDL requires that the whole of any modification of a work licensed under it—which is what this is—must also be licensed under the same licence or a substantially similar version.

On the other hand, Alexander Pope's translation of the Iliad seems to contain no licensing information whatever that I could find in the Google books copy, even though it incorporates a substantial amount of text from Wikipedia's article on Alexander Pope. At the end of some of the incorporated material, however, there is an acknowldegement that "[t]his article uses material from:", followed by a hyperlink to what is presumably the Wikipedia article, although this seems impossible to verify from the Google books copy.

Contact info support@soundtells.com
Actions None as yet.

MobileReference publications that are forks of Wikipedia


This list is not exhaustive.


URL https://www.mobilewiki.org/
Description No self-description. Various encyclopaedic articles.
Sample https://www.mobilewiki.org/en/Regimental_badge_area-4084626026#cite_note-10
Rating Low/None
Compliance No description of Wikipedia or any license. It claims its own copyright on the content.
Contact info info@www.mobilewiki.org
Actions Email sent. Awaiting response. Bibeyjj (talk) 17:16, 20 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Fake email address. No known way to contact. Bibeyjj (talk) 19:55, 23 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]


MochaRadio.com - The Hottest Hip Hop ...
URL http://mochacity.com/
Sample http://radio.mochacity.com/artist/207/alicia-keys
Rating Low/None
Compliance Page has no mention of Wikipedia, and in fact asserts own copyright. Other pages link to Wikipedia, but do not mention where the text is from: [8]
Contact info James Lincoln
jhustle75 AT yahoo.com;
818-522-5440 (registered through godaddy).
Other contact information here: [9].

Patstuarttalk·edits 03:18, 25 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]


URL http://www.molinu.com
Sample http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/15815
Rating Low
Compliance This page is completely lifted from Mitsubishi_Zero. Claims authorship.
Contact info


URL http://www.modernclassical.com/index.html
Sample our article, theirs; our article, theirs
Compliance Copies Wikipedia without any kind of attribution. Does not claim copyright, but does not license content appropriately, either.
Contact info


URL http://www.molinu.com
Sample http://en.molinu.com/Bill%20Clinton/3356/0
Rating High
Compliance Multilingual mirror that is supposedly more accessible to mobile devices. Links to original article and offsite GFDL.
Contact info support AT molinu.com






URL http://www.moono.com
Sample http://www.moono.com/html/morena-baccarin/morena-baccarin-biography.cfm (see Morena Baccarin)
Rating Low/None
Compliance Copy of wikipedia articles without mention of GFDL or wikipedia. Claims copyright.
Contact info

--StYxXx 16:32, 23 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Mondo Latino

Mondo Latino
URL http://www.mondolatino.eu
Sample http://www.mondolatino.eu/arte/pintores/joaquintorresgarcia.php
Rating Low
Compliance Credits Wikipedia, but does not comply with GFDL The original of the sample articles is es:Joaquín Torres García.
Contact info The page http://www.mondolatino.eu does have a way to leave them a message

Monsters University

Monsters University
URL http://monstersuniversity.ga/
Sample http://monstersuniversity.ga/MAG_Osmani_Medical_College
Rating Low
Compliance No evident link to Wikipedia or original article
Contact info



Motorcycle Accessories


-Fibonacci 13:10, 25 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]



--David Iberri (talk) 22:47, 12 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I have no idea what should be done here. I'd appreciate extra eyeballs to make sure I'm not making a n00b mistake. Wikibofh 23:09, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC)


URL www.mtjlcs.com
Sample http://al37.mtjlcs.com/scientiaestpotentia.html
Rating Low/None.
Compliance Site is designed to spam google with a jumble of keywords extracted from various sources, including Wikipedia - the sample page took content from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Marlowe
Contact info Everyones Internet, tel: +1-713-579-2850, e-mail: abuse AT ev1servers.net

MTV Artists

MTV Artists
URL mtv.com
Sample http://www.mtv.com/artists/chris-mcdermott/biography/
Rating "High", "Medium", or "Low/None" compliance with CC-BY-SA (matches Wikipedia:CC-BY-SA Compliance) (compare against GFDL if they choose that license).
Compliance Lists Wikipedia as source
Contact info E-mails, phone numbers, contact form URLs, etc. of admin and ISP.
Actions Actions taken (if any) to attempt to make the website comply.




URL www.munro-madness.com
Sample http://munro-madness.com/hills/ben-alder
Rating Low/None.
Compliance The sample page took content from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Alder; see discussion at Talk:Ben Alder.
Contact info Peter Lord, Flat 12 Duffield Court, Brennan Close, M15 6WR, United Kingdom.
Actions Left GFDL violation message via [18] referring to sample above. — ras52 (talk) 22:47, 3 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Muppetpastor 3.0

URL http://www.muppetpastor.org/
Sample http://www.muppetpastor.org/?p=40 (uses Venetian Snares, New Radicals and Ann Danielewski)
Rating Low
Compliance Says blog is under GFDL and that material comes from Wikipedia. Does not say what material, however, and there are no direct links or history sections. Also, there is no link to the GFDL.
Contact info jeff AT dreamhost.com (DMCA agent for host)
Actions Left message on blog asking for him to email me (whois email address invalid). Superm401 - Talk 09:36, 22 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


URL http://www.muraroa.demon.co.uk/
Sample http://www.muraroa.demon.co.uk/
Rating "Low/None"
Compliance all info on compression algorithms seems to be copied from WP articles
Contact info
Actions none

Museum of Learning

Museum of Learning
URL http://www.museumstuff.com/learn/
Sample http://www.museumstuff.com/learn/topics/Afghanistan
Rating "Medium"
Compliance Copies entire Wikipedia articles, keeping structure intact. Each article contains links to more articles copied from Wikipedia. Each article does seem to link back to the original article at Wikipedia and contains a link to this page (CC-BY-SA license). The website's "sources" page contains a link to the GFDL. Pages ambiguously state that "Some data may have been obtained from the [article] page on Wikipedia".
Contact info Discovery Media, 3625 Earnscliff Place, APT #16, San Diego, CA, 92111
  • discoverysites@gmail.com
  • According to this page their administrative contact is named "Mr. Magic".
Actions None.



Music is Everywhere

Music is Everywhere
URL http://musikkita.wordpress.com/
Sample http://musikkita.wordpress.com/2007/03/02/
Rating "Low/None"
Compliance Seems to copy portions of articles without attribution. Compare the section of the 2007/03/02 page with our article on Sweet Sacrifice, and portions of http://musikkita.wordpress.com/2007/03/13/western-single-67-2007/ to Wait_For_You_(Elliott_Yamin_song)
Contact info
Actions None.


URL http://music.musictnt.com/
Sample http://music.musictnt.com/biography/Alicia_Keys.html http://music.musictnt.com/biography/Alicia_Keys.html
Rating "Low"
Compliance Makes clear mention of Wikipedia though with broken link to original page, but no mention of GFDL, and is using WP bandwidth for images. Also states "Copyright © 2004 Danceage.com . All rights reserved. "
Contact info Contact us page.

Rahmati, Dariush webmaster AT danceage.com 16666779234 (United Arab Emirates) (source: [19])


Music VF








-Fibonacci 03:21, 11 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]




Out of control teen
URL http://www.myoutofcontrolteen.com
Sample http://www.myoutofcontrolteen.com/mr-tourette.html and other pages on site should be examined
Rating Low/None
Compliance No mention whatsoever that text was taken from Wikipedia article Tourette syndrome.
Contact info Mark Hutten, M.A., Online Parent Support, Madison County Juvenile Probation, Madison Superior Court, Division 2, 3420 Mounds Road, Anderson, Indiana 46017-1873 Toll Free: (856) 457-4883 Cell: (765) 635-9037 Email: mbhutten AT gmail.com
Actions none SandyGeorgia (Talk) 16:55, 16 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]


URL http://www.myrevolutionarywar.com
Sample http://www.myrevolutionarywar.com/battles/780501.htm
Rating Low/None
Compliance None; articles copied intact, and tagged as Copyright 2008, Genealogy, Inc. Articles such as Battle of Crooked Billet copied directly from Wikipedia.
Contact info webguru@myrevolutionarywar.com
Actions Recommended notice e-mail sent 8/17/2008. Alphageekpa (talk) 11:36, 17 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]


Advertising is a mix of money making google text adds, and also 'public service' ads. Interestingly they're also spending money on google ad words e.g. 'Integration Testing'.

- Nojer2 11:33, 28 Feb 2005 (UTC)



| action = no actions taken



Namibia Internet Gateway


--Davelane 21:52, 17 Sep 2004 (UTC)


URL https://namu.wiki/
Sample https://namu.wiki/w/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:external/upload.wikimedia.org/Accademia_degli_euteleti%2C_int.%2C_documenti_sulla_famiglia_buonaparte%2C_carlo_buonaparte_e_letizia_ramolino.jpg
Rating None
Compliance Ostensibly CC-BY-NC-SA pseudo-wiki collaborative website, in reality a collage of copyright violations and contributions of unclear copyright status. Massive violations of Wikimedia Commons images' licenses.
Contact info Shielded behind some Paraguay companies

National Yellow Multi-Services Directory

National Yellow Multi-Services Directory
URL http://www.nymsd.com/
Sample http://www.nymsd.com/wiki/sites.cgi?page=/wiki/Nanoscale_iron_particles
Compliance Clearly indicated that the contents are from Wikipedia: has no GFDL notice as far as I have seen though.
Contact info



(basically all wikipedia articles)

Database was downloaded about February 15 2005; comments are based on article http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Warsaw-Uprising but appear to apply to all other articles

The copyright notice at the bottom of each page states

"Copyright NationMaster.com 2003-2005. All Rights Reserved. Usage implies agreement with terms."

The copyright notice links twice to a set of terms. These terms include the following

NationMaster.com holds copyright on all aspects of this site (including but not limited to content and layout), with the exception of the text from articles taken from Wikipedia and where copyrights are held by our sources.

Which means that it should partly be ignored, however the term

By using this site, you agree to the following terms and conditions

interacts with the term

You may not replicate, modify, reproduce, publish, distribute, display or transmit any portion of this web site, except as permitted in this document.

to form a breach of the GFDL.

The terms (but not the article) do link both to Wikipedia and the content disclaimer, but not to the Wikipedia copyright terms.

Images may have a better condition, e.g. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Image:Uprising-kotwica.jpg shows the correct GFDL link, however, even this fails since the user page link does not work as expected.

This site seems to have nearly cleaned up its act. The disclaimer at the bottom of articles now reads:

The Wikipedia article included on this page is licensed under the GFDL.
Images may be subject to relevant owners' copyright.
All other elements are (c) copyright NationMaster.com 2003-5. All Rights Reserved.
Usage implies agreement with terms.

"Wikipedia" is linked to the equivalent Wikipedia article. "GFDL" is linked to GNU's What Is Copyleft? page, which is probably not compliant (they should have a copy of the GFDL on their site, or at least a direct link to the text) but pretty close. Gwalla | Talk 05:21, 28 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

As of 27 July 2005, the Copyright notice still links to "Terms and Conditions" which says:

Terms and Conditions

By using this site, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

NationMaster.com holds copyright on all aspects of this site (including but not limited to content and layout), with the exception of the text from articles taken from Wikipedia and where copyrights are held by our sources.

You may not use any robot, spider or any automated or manual device to monitor or copy any aspect of this site (including content) without the NationMaster.com prior permission, unless your purpose is to index the content for a traditional search engine (eg. Google, Teoma, etc). You may not replicate, modify, reproduce, publish, distribute, display or transmit any portion of this web site, except as permitted in this document.

You are permitted to quote no more than 20 individual figures (eg. US GDP per capita, Andorran life expectancy, etc) or lines of text from this site, provided you provide a link back to a valid page at NationMaster.com. You may not copy graphs, maps, scatterplots, etc.

If you would like permission to quote the data in another way, or to make an enquiry about licensing, please contact us.

You are free to link to any page on the site, without needing to seek permission.

which rather implies restriction on the GDFL rights, but each page from wikipedia seems to have proper acknowledgement. DES 21:21, 27 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Several years later, there are still the same terms and conditions imposed. The site is very definitely not compliant because of these. Imposing additonal terms and conditions is against the very core principles of the GFDL. — Alan 18:25, 14 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

NationMaster.com looks okay to me, but its clone(?) (twin?, sibling?, ripoff?) StateMaster.com has the same text on its terms page minus the text ...of the text from articles taken from Wikipedia and.... — User:ACupOfCoffee@ 21:34, 30 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Navajo otevřená encyklopedie
URL http://navajo.cz/
Sample http://faktorial.navajo.cz/
Compliance Czech automatic translation by Eurotran of en.wikipedia articles. Link to original article at top and says "Tento text je volně dostupný za podmínek GNU/FDL licence" with link to local (English) copy of GFDL at bottom
Contact info

National Bureau of Statistics, Nigerian State Gov

National Bureau of Statistics, Nigerian State Gov
URL http://www.nigerianstat.gov.ng/
Sample http://www.nigerianstat.gov.ng/information/details/Delta; see comments field in backwards copy template
Compliance None. Claims full reservation of copyright.
Contact info


URL http://www.nativewiki.org/Main_Page
Sample http://www.nativewiki.org/Hia_C-ed_O%27odham
Compliance Most, if not all articles, appear to have been copied and pasted from Wikipedia with no attribution
Contact info


NBC's official website, specifically, their Heroes Wiki
URL http://boards.nbc.com/nbc/wiki/index.php
Sample http://boards.nbc.com/nbc/wiki/index.php/Claire_Bennet
Rating None
Compliance NBC runs an offical Wiki for their show, Heroes. Pages here seem to use Wikipedia articles, inculding much about the characters, with no acknowledgment of any kind.

(As of October 2008, NBC's Heroes Wiki has been discontinued. NBC now officially endorses a external wiki. ViperSnake151  Talk  17:32, 2 August 2009 (UTC))[reply]

Contact info webmaster AT nbc.com
Actions Standard letter sent, awaiting reply.--Fyre2387 (talkcontribs) 22:55, 10 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]





Verbatim excerpts from Wikipedia articles (examples: [20], [21], [22]...). Don't see any credit given to Wikipedia or GFDL terms. They have the pages marked at the bottom with "Copyright© 2001-2005 Location Inc Group".






URL http://www.netglimse.com/
Sample http://www.netglimse.com/celebs/pages/raul_julia/index.shtml from Raúl Juliá
Rating Low/None
Compliance Has notice "Copyright © 2008 NetGlimse.com. Privacy Policy All Rights Reserved." on each page.
Contact info http://www.netglimse.com/feedback.shtml
Actions Used feedback form to send an email about GFDL compliance, -- Rick Block (talk) 17:45, 2 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]



netipedia.com Copy of Wikipedia articles. They use the Wikipedia name. They removed all community related articles, talk pages, and GFDL terms.

No history, author information, or link to wikipedia.org or any related site seem present. DES 21:23, 27 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

User pages are included. Alphax τεχ 03:49, 24 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

New World Encyclopedia

New World Encyclopedia
URL http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/
Sample http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/preview/Francisco_Su%C3%A1rez from Francisco Suárez
Rating Medium
Compliance Has notice "All credit for producing the original text goes to the WikiMedia Foundation and its selfless team of volunteer contributors. It was copied here in compliance with the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Any changes made to the original text since then create a derivative work which is also GFDL licensed. (Please note the current version here and at Wikipedia diverge over time. Check the edit history here and there for details.) " Broken link to local GFDL article, and working link to offsite GFDL in standard MediaWiki footer. All articles are vetted by paid editors, most with PhD's in their subject. Project started partially by User:Ed Poor.
Contact info User:Ed Poor
Actions Contacted Ed Poor about GFDL issue. Superm401 - Talk 07:09, 31 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Research requested. JesseW 22:20, 18 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Seems to give full content of wikipedia articles. Indicates source is wikipedia and content is under the GDFL with a proper link, and each article links to the corresponding article on wikipedia. Seems to be just a dump of wikipedia as of a fixed (but unspecified) date with advertisements added at top and bottom. DES 21:43, 27 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

New York City Model


New Wikipedia


--Timish ¤ Gül Bahçesi 12:34, 5 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]


URL http://www.nextdaywatches.com/main.php?act=product&pid=2245&ngid=1
Sample Above URL from G-Shock
Rating None
Compliance Text used almost verbatim, no copyright notice except a generic one at the bottom of the site design.
Contact info



UPDATE: Account suspended? Appears to be offline. - RoyBoy [] 03:48, 10 Feb 2005 (UTC)


Sample NicheCreator Site (not url)
URL http://www.nichecreator.com/sample/
Sample http://www.nichecreator.com/sample/index.php?k=rootkit
Rating Low/None
Compliance Contains a link to the original article, but has no mention of the GFDL.
Contact info ISP: ServerBeach at http://www.serverbeach.com/. Admin: Steve Oliphant at steveo AT crecon.com
Actions None.

Nigerian Nation



URL www.wikidata.uk-ua.nina.az
Description Full copy of the Ukrainian Wikipedia
Sample www.wikidata.uk-ua.nina.az/query/?q=Volksgemeinschaft
Rating Low/None
Compliance Mentions Wikipedia (Ukrainian: Вікіпедія), but neither of CC-BY-SA and GFDL, doesn't contain any links to Wikipedia and claims the Copyright by containing in the site's footer "© Copyright 2021, all rights reserved" (Ukrainian: © Авторські права 2021, всі права захищено).
Contact info Admin, ISP.
Actions Email written to the admin.



Now mentions Wikipedia prominently, links to Wikipedia main page, and GNU/FDL license at gnu.org. Andre Engels 01:19, 17 Jan 2004 (UTC)



Nodeworks Encyclopedia




NOPAC Talent

NOPAC Talent
URL http://www.nopactalent.com
Sample http://www.nopactalent.com/speakers/Herschel-Walker/2633 contains text from Herschel Walker, specifically revision 57423888, including the bogus single-season record of 2500 yards from the end of the USFL section.
Rating Low/None
Compliance No mention of or link to Wikipedia or GFDL. Claims copyright NOPAC Talent, all rights reserved.
Contact info From "Contact Us" Page: info AT nopactalent.com

WHOIS Admin Contact: Plotkin, Adam adam AT nopasports.com



North Cyprus Travel
URL http://www.northcyprustravel.eu/
Sample http://www.northcyprustravel.eu/places_to_see.html contains text and images from many articles including Antiphonitis and Salamis, Cyprus
Compliance No mention of wikipedia or gfdl. In fact claims copyright "Copyright 2006. www.northcyprustravel.eu"
Contact info admin AT northcyprustravel.eu

WHOIS northcyprustravel.eu:
Michael Gamble
80 watergate lane
LE3 2XP leicester
Leicester, UK
tom.gamble AT ntlworld.com

Actions emailed both contact emails on 2007-05-25

North Texas e-News






Now Try Us




New York Daily News-


Acather96 (talk) 08:07, 29 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]





Observances, Holidays and Celebrations

Observances, Holidays and Celebrations
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=5VhTa1Eiq7oC&printsec=frontcover

Observances, Holidays and Celebrations is an e-book published by MobileReference for use on mobile devices. The URL links to Google books' incomplete copy. A complete copy has to be purchased from a commercial supplier.

Sample p.112 contains a substantial amount of text identical to that in the the lead of an earlier version of Wikipedia's article Nowruz.
Rating Medium, judging from the Google books copy. Precise degree of compliance is difficult to evaluate without buying a commercial copy
Compliance The licensing information provided on the "back cover" acknowledges that material from Wikipedia has been used, and that this material is licensed under the GFDL, although it also wrongly implies that this material is also "public domain". However, it also asserts "all rights reserved" over the work as a whole, whereas the GFDL requires that the whole of any modification of a work licensed under it—which is what this is—must also be licensed under the same licence or a substantially similar version.

A copy of the GFDL licence doesn't appear to be included anywhere in the publication, as required by the terms of that licence, although a link to an on-line copy of the licence appears to be provided with the licensing information. The licensing information includes an apology for not listing all the authors of the Wikipedia material, and asserts that these can be seen "by following the hyperlink at the bottom of each article". As far as is possible to tell from the Google books copy, such links do appear regularly throughout the the publication, but it doesn't appear to be possible to use the Google books copy to check that these links work and do in fact point to the proper articles.

Contact info support@soundtells.com
Actions None as yet.

Octopus wiki

The Octopus wiki
URL The Octopus wiki
Sample http://desertfae.com/desertfaewiki/index.php?title=The_Octopus_Wiki:General_disclaimer
Rating Low/None
Compliance Freely borrows material from Wikipedia without any concerns regarding copyrights, licenses, or whatever as specified by subsection 2 of the GNU Free Documentation License Conditions and Rights of the Wikipedia authors of the copied articles. See comparisons: (a) Octopus wiki (main article) (history) and (b) Wikipedia (main article, dated 14 March 2009) (history)
Contact info http://desertfae.com/indexplain.htm


text messages: http://www.livejournal.com/tools/textmessage.bml?user=desert_fae#

Actions The Octopus wiki webmaster has been informed
WARNING - School filters returned
A virus (JS.Iframe-4) was found in the downloaded file.

Sophie (Talk) 15:32, 29 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

www.objectssearch.com encyclopedia


Appears to be a complete clone of the en: Wikipedia.

Objectssearch Encyclopedia - 'the free encyclopedia'



URL http://www.objectsspace.com/encyclopedia/index.php/Main_Page
Sample http://www.objectsspace.com/encyclopedia/index.php/User:Thorpe
Rating Low
  • All namespaces.
  • Almost direct copy of Wikipedia with ads.
  • Mentions Wikipedia only because that's how it's set up.
  • Non-edittable.
  • No link to the original article.
Contact info
Actions Replied by host/ISP. DMCA notice required. -- WB 01:04, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Travel Wiki
URL http://oceanru.com/travel
Sample http://oceanru.com/travel/SN_Brussels_Airlines
Rating Low/None
  • Direct copy of some travel-related Wikipedia articles.
  • No easily visible mention of Wikipedia.
  • No link to the original article.
Contact info


URL http://organij.info
Sample http://human.en.ogarnij.info/en/They+Might+Be+Giants
Rating Medium
Compliance "The Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org) articles included on this page are licensed under the GFDL. Images may be subject to relevant owners' copyright." Links to copy of GFDL rather than copy of GFDL. Example has at least 10 different articles in their entirety on it.
Contact info pch AT qwe.pl, info AT pazwa.pl, +48.124244010 no other valid phone number given (unless 123456789 is a valid phone number) domain registered in Poland
Actions None so far. I'm not entirely sure what would need to be done.

Oilfield Wiki

URL http://oilfieldwiki.com
Sample http://www.oilfieldwiki.com/wiki/Gazprom
Rating low
Compliance no mention of Wikipedia
Contact info


Down - 503 (matinance) Sophie (Talk) 15:30, 29 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]


URL Omnipelagos.com
Sample http://www.omnipelagos.com/entry?n=wikipedia
Rating Medium
Compliance Credits Wikipedia and links to GFDL article (not text) on pages featuring full articles. Home page (which contains clippings from articles) does not mention the GFDL or Wikipedia and includes the footnote "© 2005 Omnipelagos.com".
Contact info Steven Hugg, feedback AT omnipelagos.com, +1.7036244251

Onelang - Encyclopedia & Reference




One Vasai

One Vasai
URL www.onevasai.com
Description Blatant text copy of pages relating to Vasai, versions dating to somewhere between 2008 and 2009. Known pages affected: Other pages appear to be original content, further investigation has not occurred.

onevasai.com is on the spam blacklist.

Sample www.onevasai.com/history.aspx, matches https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=200268582.
Rating "Low/None" compliance with GFDL or CC BY-SA terms
Compliance Claims content as their own copyright.
Contact info admin@onevasai.com or www.onevasai.com/ContactUs.aspx
Actions None take as of 23:46, 27 November 2016 (UTC)


URL http://online-encyclopedia.info
Sample http://online-encyclopedia.info/encyclopedia/a/as/astronomy.html
  • All namespaces.
  • Almost direct copy of Wikipedia with ads.
  • Mentions Wikipedia only because that's how it's set up.
  • Non-edittable.
  • No link to the original article.
Contact info
  • sales AT mixedart.com (Peter Lukic; no replies)
  • online AT online-encycopedia.info (no replies)
  • contact AT 247-host.com (DNS; any relevance?)
  • abuse AT theplanet.com (ISP)
  • admins AT theplanet.com (ISP)
Actions I added this back as info was removed --Davelane 17:01, 4 Oct 2004 (UTC)
  • Main page links to Wikipedia and to GFDL (local)
  • Has Contact Info: Contact: online at online-encycopedia.info
  • No mentioning of Wikipedia --Davelane 17:01, 4 Oct 2004 (UTC)
  • Has a misleading "Copyright © 2004, Online-Encyclopedia.info" above the mentioning of GFDL
  • Each page now says "Content from wikipedia.org is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License"
  • Example - Psychology

Owner seems to be updating this page so to summerise requirements...

  • Each page needs to link to the original article
  • Each page needs to link to the GFDL and wikipedia

Thanks for taking notice of this -- I will leave this here for now, but i will move it in a couple of weeks out of low... --Davelane 11:38, 5 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Thank you. I will make the changes. I purchased this site from another individual and was unaware of the requirements. I do not wish to violate any guidelines set by the great effort by wikipedia.

Changes seem to have reverted back so leaving in low for now --Davelane 19:24, 20 Oct 2004 (UTC)

  • So, to summarize, as of Oct 20, 2004:

** Still only the sentence "Content from wikipedia.org is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License". ** No link to Wikipedia, let alone a direct link to the original Wikipedia article ** No link to the GFDL; fulltext of the license not available. - Mark Dingemanse (talk) 20:24, 20 Oct 2004 (UTC)

What are you talking about? NO changes have reverted back. Everything you mention above is and has been present for several weeks?

I had a quick look and I can't see a link back to the original article etc, the only link to wikipedia I saw was on the front page which is a lot better then some sites here -- have a look at the main mirrors and forks page, Regards --Davelane 16:23, 29 Oct 2004 (UTC)

OK, everything should be right on every page. Please advise.

Yup, Each page now contains:

Content from wikipedia.org is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License

Can safely be moved to medium

No link to original wikipedia article as of yet

Thanks for your assistance --Davelane 00:18, 18 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Moved to medium. JesseW 10:00, 20 Nov 2004 (UTC)

While the site does say "Content from wikipedia.org is..." nowhere does it say what content that is; i.e. that all of the text(AFAIK) in the encyclopedia articles is "content from wikipedia.org". This should be clarified. Also, links back to specific articles are still needed. JesseW 10:00, 20 Nov 2004 (UTC)

100% noncompliance whatever gains were made have been rescinded - no GFDL or wikipedia mention even Lotsofissues 12:22, 16 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

As of 27 July 2005 there is a statemetn on their main page that Content from wikipedia.org is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License which links to wikipedia.org, but their links lead to pages that seem to be assempeld from multiple wikipedia pages on related topics. There is no acknowledgement on these pages that the content comes from wikipedia, no mention of the GFDL, and no link to wikipedia much less to the individual articles. Also thre is no history or acknoledgement of contributors. The copy of wikipedia used seems to be significantly out of date. DES 21:59, 27 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Still no links to, or mention of, wikipedia on any page except the front page. Time to get a little more insistent? --Spudtater 23:35, 30 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

  • Admin contacted again. Waiting for reply. No replies. Time for ISP contacting.
  • As of 01:51, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

Online Prescription Medication Dictionary

Online Prescription Medication Dictionary
URL http://www.prescriptiondrug-info.com/drug_information_online.asp
Sample http://www.prescriptiondrug-info.com/drug_information_online.asp?title=Wikipedia
Rating None
Compliance Seems to scrape an exact copy of WP page. Links to GDFL and original Wikipedia page.
Contact info None given.



A ticket agency! I found [28], from our Duran Duran article, but spot-checks on other artist bios do not seem to be from WP. Perhaps they copied from another DD fansite who uses our material. On further research: it looks like they allow site users to upload bios and links. What should be done?

onlyidol.com and juiceenewsdaily.com

onlyidol.com and juiceenewsdaily.com
URL http://onlyidol.com/index.php/category/american-idol


Sample http://onlyidol.com/index.php/2006/01/14/all-about-american-idol/
  • This guy has taken articles on Wikipedia on the television program American Idol, as well as bios of the contestants from Wikipedia, and created a website which is chock full of advertising links. He uses his own byline, and copyrights the material to himself.
  • Copyright © 2005 Only Idol. All rights reserved.
  • Only Idol is published by Landon Howell and is owned by Bamassippi Media Group.
  • There is no mention of Wikipedia on the site. He has reorganized the American Idol entry into smaller segments: a main article, and shorter separate pages on individual seasons. He also includes biographies of contestants taken from Wikipedia. There is, as far as I can tell, not a single original word about American Idol on the site. It is all taken from Wikipedia. I e-mailed site owner Landon Howell months ago with a link to the GFDL, and he said he'd look into making his site compliant. Obviously he has not, but, rather, has expanded his site with further rip-offs from Wikipedia. He even seems to try to keep up-to-date with changes in the entries over time. The site is absolutely jam-packed with advertising links, so the guy is making a pretty penny off the work of others. I just made a comment directly on his site, but it may be screened out by him. I also linked this site in the Wikipedia talk pages of the main American Idol entry, and several of the bios of contestants which were used by onlyidol.com. I have also written to him via e-mail, using one of the suggested templates linked here. -Jmh123 15:36, 14 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Same guy, different site: juiceenewsdaily
  • The same set of articles appear to be on this site as well. Again with ample advertising on the site.
  • Published by Landon Howell and is owned by Bamassippi Media Group.
  • *Copyright © 2005 Juicee News Daily. All rights reserved.
Contact info
  • JuiceMaster AT juiceenewsdaily.com (admin)
  • juiceenews AT yahoo.com (admin)
  • network-abuse AT cc.yahoo-inc.com (requires the use of DMCA)
  • I have e-mailed Howell that I'm now aware of the juiceenewsdaily site as well. I'll give him some time to make the appropriate changes. -Jmh123 01:30, 16 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • So far, Howell has removed his by-line from some of the articles. No other changes have yet been made. I have contacted him again, again including details about how to reach compliance, and this time mentioning further steps in the process which may be taken if he does not. -Jmh123 01:57, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • A lengthy exchange of e-mails with Howell last night. He is very reluctant to comply, and tried various dodges, seeking what he calls "middle ground". [My favorite dodge: "But actually (I'm not picking at you but if we're getting technical), according to MLA and APA guidelines, any citation longer than 4 lines requires no quotation marks." Obviously I never mentioned quotation marks--just requested that for any article taken wholesale from Wikipedia he not use a byline or claim copyright, but, rather, include a citation and link to the original Wikipedia article, and also include a link to the GFDL.] He does not want to comply fully. He wants to put the byline back on the articles because his software will not permit him to add a byline only to "news" on his site that did not come from Wikipedia. I'll give him more time, as I think I was pretty clear about the issues and expectations.
  • Just now received the following from Howell: "I'll tell you what. The next fundraiser Wiki has (which should be in a couple of months). I'll promise to increase my gift by 25%. I'm not going to disclose what I usually give, you understand.... [my sites are] simply a way for me to take Wiki and make it more mainstream. I've been praised in the past for doing this, especially with Wikinews. You just seem to to care about the credit being more-than-obvious in the article... which is GREAT, don't get me wrong. I've just never had a problem with obeying the laws before. I'll take all the steps needed... and I'll probably pull alot of the articles in the near future."
  • We'll see what happens. If I don't see changes by next weekend, I'll request that his IP be blocked. -Jmh123 23:41, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
    • Sorry it's been so long since I reported. Articles have not been pulled, but Howell has removed his by-line from all, and added named links to Wikipedia to some. I'm assuming good faith and will probably leave this be. -Jmh123 03:36, 17 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Online Sports Database (OSDB)

Online Sports Database
URL www.osdbsports.com
Description statistics and biographies of athletes; biographies are copied from Wikipedia
Sample https://www.osdbsports.com/nhl/players/logan-thompson/39865351-af7a-419c-8db6-5b270c2dd3ec
Rating Low/None
Compliance Website footer says © 2024 OSDB All Rights Reserved. Do Not Copy Without Permission. Photos provided by USA Today. Terms and services claims that OSDB holds all rights and licenses and also provides information for how to file DMCA copyright complaints. (relevant contributors can follow the process outlined here)
Contact info info@osdbsports.com
Actions none taken Wracking talk! 00:19, 8 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Sent a CC-BY-SA non-compliance email per step one of this. Awaiting response. The Kip 02:45, 8 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]



Open Access Text

Open Access Text
URL https://www.oatext.com/index.php
Description Predatory academic journal of low reputation.
Sample https://www.oatext.com/a-review-on-Traumatic-diaphragmatic-ruptur.php#Article. This copies passages of Diaphragmatic rupture (written by Dellbot) verbatim.
Rating None.
Compliance Copies passages of Wikipedia verbatim.
Contact info info@oatext.com
Actions None


URL http://open-dictionary.com/
  • It offers links on pages directly to edit forms on Wikipedia, which could be a problem as the page may be a different version from what is on open-encyclopedia.

States: "Copyright © 2003-2004 Zeeshan Muhammad. All rights reserved." - This should be challaged, I assume it's an oversight. JesseW 11:45, 17 Nov 2004 (UTC)

The top page may be compliant, but the rest of the pages are questionable at best. Under each article title, the owner has replaced "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" with "From open-encyclopedia.com - the free encyclopedia."
  • This is partly based on Wiktionary's content. Wholly based on.
Comment from developer (myself): I feel my Web site should be moved from this Web page and listed on 'high degree of compliance' section. I personally did not move it to prevent a bias view.
I have stated in-depth information on a Wiktionary discussion page regarding how Open Dictionary uses multiple sections to correctly label GNU FDL rights. Please view: Wiktionary: License discussion Zeeshan M 04:32, 5 Jul 2004 (UTC)
I strongly disagree. It should be listed on medium compliance because it claims copyright over the text ("Copyright © 2003-2004 Zeeshan Muhammad. All rights reserved.") without (visibly) linking to the original Wikipedia article or containing a link to a copy of the GFDL. Its link entitled "GNU FDL Verbatim" actually redirects to Wikipedia article - meaning there isn't a link to GFDL and that Wikipedia loses out in Google PageRank similar to freedictionary.com's obscuring techniques. There is however a link to edit the article, which is commended. Enochlau 10:25, 26 Nov 2004 (UTC)
Contact info
  • this form (no replies)
  • webmaster AT hosteurope.com (no replies)
  • whois-admin AT nfwebsolutions.idps.co.uk (no replies)
  • abuse AT theplanet.com
Actions No replies from the admin. I have yet to contact abuse AT theplanet.com, the ISP. -- WB 04:31, 17 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


URL http://open-encyclopedia.com/
Sample http://open-encyclopedia.com/WPBS
  • It offers links on pages directly to edit forms on Wikipedia, which could be a problem as the page may be a different version from what is on open-encyclopedia.

States: "Copyright © 2003-2004 Zeeshan Muhammad. All rights reserved." - This should be challaged, I assume it's an oversight. JesseW 11:45, 17 Nov 2004 (UTC)

The top page may be compliant, but the rest of the pages are questionable at best. Under each article title, the owner has replaced "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" with "From open-encyclopedia.com - the free encyclopedia."
Contact info
  • this form (no replies)
  • webmaster AT hosteurope.com (no replies)
  • abuse AT gxn.net
Actions Contacted host/ISP. -- WB 04:16, 17 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Still largely non-compliant as of 2008, and still using outdated database text from the end of 2004. For instance, "'New York broadcaster WPBS-TV is one of two PBS flagship stations, the other being KPBS in California...' At least that's how this article would begin if PBS were exactly like other major US networks such as ABC, CBS and NBC. PBS, however, is different" is original to one initial version of the intro for our WPBS-TV article, created in 2004 and removed by subsequent editors years ago. --carlb (talk) 17:23, 10 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]



Orthodox Wiki

I'm the administrator of OrthodoxWiki. I just ran across this page, and would like to say that I've left a message for the contributor, asking him to explicitly cite Wikipedia as a source when he imports an article in the future. We'll have to make our guidelines more explicit about this. I added a link back to Wikipedia in the article in question.
We've recently moved our wiki to a dual license (GFDL and CC by-sa), with an explicit statement that Wikipedia content does not become CC - just our original content is dually licensed. Please let me know if this is an unacceptable arrangement!' I would ask Henrygb and others to contact us in the future if they suspect any non-compliance. We're earnestly trying to work through these issues and appreciate kind guidance. I wish someone had contacted me instead of or in addition to posting this message here.
It will take a little time, but we will also do an audit to ensure that our other imported articles are in compliance. Is there a clear statement of exactly what is required for compliance anywhere? Thanks, Jschroe / FrJohn
P.S. One other note is that the person who imported this article likely took both from a third source is the author or, at least, has authorization from the original source of the article. He is the webaster of http://www.zeitun-eg.org/, which contains a lot of information about the saint. (Updated)
There are similar problems with Cyril Lucaris: copied without attribution to Wikipedia source at http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/Cyril_Lucaris
Attribution was provided in the history -- admittedly this is insufficient, but it wasn't fully absent. I'm grateful that in this case User:Henrygb did login and fix the issue. Jschroe

Osmanlı Tarihi Kültürü Medeniyeti Edebiyatı Sanatı



Otherground network
URL american-presidents.info, ancient-civilization.info,baseball-history.ws, basketball-history.ws, beerexpert.info, bird-watching.ws, body-builder.info, boxing-history.ws, card-tricks.info, cat-toys.ws, champagne-fountain.info, civil-war.ws, criminal-history.info, digidater.com, dinosaur-info.com, evolution-theory.info, first-time-buyer.info, football-history.ws, free-coupons.ws, free-recipe.net, golf-history.ws, gulf-war.info, healthy-eating.ws, hiv-facts.com, hockey-history.ws, home-theater-systems.info, homeimprover.info, human-body.info, informationvacation.com, iraq-war.ws, korean-war.info, low-carb-diet.ws, magic-tricks.ws, martial-artist.info, mexican-american-war.info, mixed-martial-arts.info, mortgage-advice.ws, mountain-biking.info, nascar-racing.info, organic-food.ws, personal-ads.ws, poker-table.info, product-reviews.ws, revolutionary-war.info, rock-climbing.ws, rx-info.com, scratching-post.net, second-mortgage.ws, september-11.ws, soccer-history.ws, solar-system.info, spanish-american-war.info, stem-cell-research.net, study-guide.ws, tax-preparation.info, teacher-resource.info, tennis-history.ws, the-band.info, vietnam-war.info, war-of-1812.info, wildsurvival.com, wine-club.info, world-history.ws, world-religions.info, world-war-1.info, world-war-2.info
Sample http://www.ancient-civilization.info/ancient-maori/
Rating None
Compliance There is no mention of Wikipedia or the GFDL and the sites claim copyright. The company responsible for all, otherground.com, appears to be making a tidy living by creating topical websites which systematically present Wikipedia articles as their own without complying with the GFDL. All include generous amounts of ads. Their website has a (complete?) list of the sites in their network (http://www.otherground.com/network/). I have reproduced it above. Though some of the pages on these sites do not appear to be copied from Wikipedia, they are probably using it as a source even for these. At any rate, I've found copyright violations on each site I checked (though admittedly that isn't all).
Contact info http://www.otherground.com/contact/ (contact form), jc AT otherground.com (whois), abuse AT globalcompass.com (host)

Our Encyclopedia

Our Encyclopedia
URL Http://our-encyclopedia.com/
Sample http://our-encyclopedia.com/ (Main Page)
Rating None
Compliance Simply mirrors Wikipedia, while including spamming text at the bottom of every page.
Contact info Fredrik Carlton (), +48.0851041252, Fax: +48.0851041252, Radmansgatan 14, Stockholm, n/a 12030, SE
Actions None as yet.

Defunct as of June 15, 2019.


URL http://http://www.ovguide.com/
Sample http://www.ovguide.com/ezra-buzzington-9202a8c04000641f80000000055f3989#
Contact info