The following discussion is an archived debate of the case of suspected sockpuppetry. Please do not modify it. No further edits should be made to this page. All edits should go to the talk page of this case. If you are seeing this page as a result of an attempt to open a new case of sockpuppetry of the same user, read this for detailed instructions. Most IP address were currently no threat to Wikipedia. Also, about five or six had been blocked in the past and only one IP address had not made any contributions. IolakanaT 16:07, 16 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

KraMuc (2nd case)[edit]

The basic issue here is that someone whose first user account was permabanned appears to be extensively editing as an IP anon and has also apparently registered some sockpuppet accounts. (This suspicion could probably be tested using the evidence listed below via a request at Wikipedia:Requests for checkuser.)

KraMuc, a permabanned user

KraMuc (talk · contribs · block log) has been permabanned for his offensive and disruptive POV-pushing at less-widely articles such as

as well as widely and frequently edited articles such as:

Previous suspected socks

Users previously suspected of socking for Kramuc include:

New suspected socks

New users suspected of socking for KraMuc include:

Not suspected KraMuc socks

Compare the following list of edits, noting such features as:

Known KraMuc edits

As his registered user KraMuc (talk · contribs):

  1. 00:15, 25 June 2006 "Another misunderstanding concerns my identity. Krause is in China for several weeks (if not for months or even longer - he sent me yesterday a message according to which he has been offered a post at a university). The similarity between us two reduces to the first three letters of our second names, which are identical. In real life we easily may be distinguised, because I am much taller than he is. He is the little one, at conferences always well dressed, who wares continuously gloves made from white silk. Some of you must have seen him in Schladming and at other places. Don't make him cross because he is highly sensitive and can become very grim. He has good contact to adminsitrations of important research institutes...Price, has been explained to me, is the one who during conferences smells continuously out of his big mouth because in his brain there is only shit." This edit was the last straw which resulted in KraMuc's permabanning.
  2. 12:59, 22 June 2006 vio of WP:CIV
  3. 12:56, 22 June 2006 vio of WP:NPA
  4. 12:54, 22 June 2006 vio of WP:NLT
  5. 05:09, 21 June 2006 vio WP:CIV
  6. 05:06, 6 May 2006 "I have myself worked a long time ago as a professional editor of a technical journal in Berlin (for one year). Since I am a retired physicist, I do have also the time...The [h]air dresser told me, that his friend, the architect, had ask him - meant as a joke - the following question: "Why don't you install in your place here a special chair for Jews?" The hair dresser asked back: "For Jews? How should that chair then look like". An the answer was: "On the left hand side of the chair a gas cylinder and on the right hand side another one". This kind of jokes are spontaneously triggered off by persons like Mr. Jacobi when he creates his nonsense. Afterward then the complaint comes: "That's anti-Semitism"." For the life of me, I don't see the humor in this particular [sic] "joke".

In addition to his user account, KraMuc has frequently used numerous IPs, mostly from the Munich area. There is no doubt about his identity as an IP "anon" because he frequently signs these edits as "KraMuc". Note that he has clearly continued to edit as an anon even after being permabanned.

The anon

This domain is registered to Deutsche Telekom AG (dial-up access in Munich). The following IPs have apparently been used to edit Wikipedia exclusively by "KraMuc".

Note: the edit history is destroyed, but it seems that as the anon, KraMuc wrote at 19:20, 8 May 2006 in the talk page of the deleted article on "Anti-relativity" "Ich bitte Sie dringenst, die kriminellen Handlungen von 'pjabobi' zu unterbinden. Er hat u.a. auch Texte vernichtet sowie eine Botschaft für den User 'E4mmacro', einen australischen Dozenten. Solche Handlungen sind gesetzwidrig, also kriminell" ("I ask you to stop the criminal actions of Pjacobi. He deleted among other things edits and a message for the user ' E4mmacro ', an Australian lecturer. Such actions are illegal, thus criminal"), a WP:NPA-WP:NLT vio. See the link to this statement for admins only.

The anon

This domain is registered to the Deutches Museum, a science Museum in Munich

The anon=

This is a more doubtful case of a possible KraMuc IP anon. This domain is apparently registered to Deutsche Post AG in Bonn and putatively geolocated near Burlingame, CA, in the San Francisco Bay region

The anon

This domain is registered to Arcor AG and apparently geolocated near Düsseldorf

The anon

This domain is registered to Easynet Group Plc, aka Easynet DV GmbH, and possibly geolocated somewhere near Ludwigsburg, a suburb of Stuttgart

The anon

This domain is allegedly registered to InterBusiness (headquartered in Rome) via Telecom Italia (but has a bogus registrar)

Apparently geolocated near Milan:

Apparently geolocated near Ferrara:

The anon

Likewise registered under Telecom Italia S.p.A.

The anon

This domain is also allegedly registered to Interbusiness under Telecom Italia (but has a bogus registrar)

The anon

This domain is allegedly registered to Atlanet S.p.A. in Rome (but has bogus registrar)

PaolaDiApulia edits

As PaolaDiApulia (talk · contribs)

  1. 11:15, 14 September 2006 Tries to rebut talk page comment about KraMuc's behavior, saying "the longer I think about his ideas the more I get the impression that at the end he might be right." This may suggest wikishilling to some observers. Note the somewhat mangled English diction.
  2. 02:05, 24 July 2006 Another sarcastic reply to inquiry about possible sockpuppetry. As usual with socks, this user avoids direct denial.
  3. 03:18, 20 July 2006 Continues KraMuc's edit war by deleting entire section "Mainstream critiques" from Modern Galilean relativity.
  4. 03:23, 20 July 2006 Sarcastic reply to inquiry whether he/she is socking for KraMuc.
  5. 02:33, 19 July 2006 This user's very first edit is a complaint about "suppression" [sic] of KraMuc, similar to ones signed by KraMuc
Alarich di Busento edits

One of the anon IPs noted abovem (talk · contribs) has been used only to leave a message at User talk:Jimbo Wales asking that KraMuc's permaban be overturned by Jimbo Wales and to vandalize my notes on the KraMuc case. There is no doubt since this anon signed himself "KraMuc".

One of the new suspected sockpuppet accounts, Alarich di Busento (talk · contribs · block log) is also a single use account, used only to leave two messages at User talk:Jimbo Wales supporting the plea by KraMuc and deprecating comments by other users:

  1. 10:31, 7 September 2006 Sarcastic comment dismissing another user's negative comments as not coming from a physicist
See also
External links

End of KraMuc (2nd) (sorry, I can't fix the munged indents)