Working Girl is a 1988 American comedy film which tells the story of a Staten Island secretary, Tess McGill, working in Manhattan whose ideas are stolen by her boss, Katharine Parker. When her boss breaks her leg, the secretary is able to put forward her own work.

The movie was written by Kevin Wade and directed by Mike Nichols. It features a dramatic opening sequence following Manhattan-bound commuters on the Staten Island Ferry accompanied by Carly Simon's song "Let the River Run", for which she received the Academy Award for Best Song.

Tagline: For anyone who's ever won. For anyone who's ever lost. And for everyone who's still in there trying.

Main cast

Plot summary

Template:Spoiler Tess McGill is a hard working young woman who is determined to reach the top of the stockmarket world by hard work, but as she turns 30 she is stuck in secretarial work so when she starts working for Katharine Parker, she is glad that Katharine is willing to accept input and ideas from her. However, when Katharine goes on a holiday and breaks her leg, she asks Tess to look after things and this causes Tess that Katharine is going to pinch her big idea that would save a large company from a foreign takeover. Engraged that her boyfriend is cheating on her, Tess sets out to do a deal by using her idea herself while Katharine is away. She teams up with Jack Trainer to close the deal before Katharine's return and the two slowly fall in love little knowing that Jack is Katharine boyfriend...


Working Girl was also nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role (Melanie Griffith), Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Joan Cusack), Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Sigourney Weaver), Best Director and Best Picture.


TV series

Working Girl was also made into a short-lived NBC television series in 1990, starring Sandra Bullock as Tess McGill. It only lasted 12 episodes.