Hemokin (C-X-C motiv) ligand 6 (granulocit hemotaksni protein 2)
Alt. simboliSCYB6, GCP-2, CKA-3
Ostali podaci
LokusHromozom 4 q21

CXCL6, hemokin (C-X-C motiv) ligand 6, je mali citokin iz CXC hemokin familije koji je takođe poznat kao granulocit hemotaksni protein 2 (GCP-2). Kao što njegovo bivše ime sugeriše, CXCL6 je hemoatraktant za neutrofilne granulocite.[1][2] On ostvaruje svoje hemo-atraktivne efekte putem interakcije sa hemokin receptorima CXCR1 i CXCR2.[2] CXCL6 gen je lociran na ljudskom hromozomu 4 u klasteru sa drugim CXC hemokin genima.[3][4][5]


  1. ^ Proost P, Wuyts A, Conings R, Lenaerts J, Billiau A, Opdenakker G, Van Damme J (1993). „Human and bovine granulocyte chemotactic protein-2: complete amino acid sequence and functional characterization as chemokines”. Biochemistry. 32 (38): 10170—7. PMID 8399143. doi:10.1021/bi00089a037. 
  2. ^ а б Wuyts A, Van Osselaer N, Haelens A, Samson I, Herdewijn P, Ben-Baruch A, Oppenheim J, Proost P, Van Damme J (1997). „Characterization of synthetic human granulocyte chemotactic protein 2: usage of chemokine receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2 and in vivo inflammatory properties”. Biochemistry. 36 (9): 2716—23. PMID 9054580. doi:10.1021/bi961999z. 
  3. ^ Modi W, Chen Z (1998). „Localization of the human CXC chemokine subfamily on the long arm of chromosome 4 using radiation hybrids”. Genomics. 47 (1): 136—9. PMID 9465307. doi:10.1006/geno.1997.5100. 
  4. ^ O'Donovan N, Galvin M, Morgan J (1999). „Physical mapping of the CXC chemokine locus on human chromosome 4”. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 84 (1-2): 39—42. PMID 10343098. doi:10.1159/000015209. 
  5. ^ Mire-Sluis, Anthony R.; Thorpe, Robin, ур. (1998). Cytokines (Handbook of Immunopharmacology). Boston: Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-498340-5. 


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