< Talk:2009 swine flu outbreak

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(current version)
  0 deaths
  suspected deaths
  1+ deaths
  5+ deaths
  10+ deaths
  50+ deaths
  100+ deaths
  500+ deaths
  1000+ deaths
  5000+ deaths
See also: Live map of swineflu, H1N1 live map, Progress Tracker for H1N1 swine flu, WHO updates

Map by case type[edit]

This map is different from the Image:H1N1 map.svg map, which is a map by case type, this is a map by number of deaths. (talk) 11:02, 29 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Map by confirmed cases[edit]

This map is different from the Image:H1N1 map by confirmed cases.svg map, which is a map by number of confirmed cases, this is a map by number of deaths. (talk) 11:02, 29 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]


It might be good to readjust the scale a bit, now that I think it over...


  0 deaths
  suspected deaths
  1+ deaths
  5+ deaths
  10+ deaths
  20+ deaths
  50+ deaths
  100+ deaths
  200+ deaths
  500+ deaths
  1000+ deaths
  2000+ deaths
  5000+ deaths
  0 deaths
  suspected deaths
  1+ deaths
  5+ deaths
  20+ deaths
  100+ deaths
  500+ deaths
  2000+ deaths
  10000+ deaths
  50000+ deaths (talk) 11:24, 29 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

File:H1N1 map by total cases.svg[edit]

A new map has appeared... (talk) 21:28, 29 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Chile June 2 update needed[edit]

This map needs to be updated with Chile, it has death now. (talk) 11:30, 3 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]


Domincan Republic 5 June update needed[edit]

Can someone update this for the Dominican Republic? (talk) 08:40, 6 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]


Used scale[edit]

I am in totally disagree with the used colors in this map. Is a convention that the gray color (or white) must be used as base. The argument for using gray because the deaths were painted in black is easily refutable, all the scales of all the colors finish with black!

So, I recommend a scale in violet, something like this:

  0 deaths
  suspected deaths
  1+ deaths
  5+ deaths
  10+ deaths
  20+ deaths

 and the rest...

-- (talk) 16:34, 3 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Can you come up with a longer scale? It has to have atleast 200+ deaths (talk) 04:47, 6 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
There is the unused blue scale...
  200,000+ total cases
  50,000+ total cases
  10000+ total cases
  2000+ total cases
  500+ total cases
  100+ total cases
  20+ total cases
  5+ total cases
  1+ total cases (talk) 04:47, 6 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, the scale that I suggested must to be longer, but I don't know how to make them... =(

The color blue has to be avoided because it can be confused with water, and talk of more than 10,000 deaths in one country is a bit apocalyptic, as an example, the map of cases only talks about 5,000. -- (talk) 23:11, 6 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I was planning for a Spanish Flu scale disaster, so that there are no arguments on colors if the outbreak turned especially deadly. (talk) 08:36, 7 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
There's always the green-scale which I've not mentioned until now...
  Pale Green
  Light Green
  Forest Green
  Dark Green
  100,000+ (talk) 08:54, 7 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Well, working with Inkscape I did this scale. If you like it I can edit the map with this colors:

  0 deaths
  suspected deaths
  1+ deaths
  5+ deaths
  10+ deaths
  50+ deaths
  100+ deaths
  500+ deaths

-- (talk) 03:01, 7 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I know the current scale works that way, but that's why I made a suggestion for a revised scaling... so that it's more like doubling (0/1+/5+/10+/20+/50+/100+/200+/500+/1000+/2000+/5000+/10000+) or the "5x scale" (0/1+/5+/20+/100+/500+/2000+/10000+)... there's always the magnitude scale (0/1+/10+/100+/1000+/10000+) and the scale used on the other maps (0/1+/5+/50+/500+/5000+) ... after some thought, I believe the jump from 10y->50y is a bit large, so modify it to 10y->20y->50y (talk) 08:41, 7 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

So will the color scale be changed? The grey is very difficult to discern what number of deaths the shades on the map correspond with. (talk) 23:37, 7 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Colombia 9 June update needed[edit]

Can someone update the world map for deaths, for Colombia? (talk) 06:29, 10 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]


Guatamala 10 June death[edit]

Can someone update this map for the June 10 death in Guatamala? (talk) 06:31, 11 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]


14 June Scotland[edit]

So can someone add Scotland to the deaths? (talk) 04:16, 15 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]


June 15 Argentina[edit]

Someone needs to update the map to take account of the death in Argentina. (talk) 03:46, 16 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Coloring is needed for (talk) 07:57, 23 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]


A Hugarian is now dead.-- (talk) 19:44, 25 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Belgium and The Netherlands[edit]

At Belgium and The Netherlands there are now 1 death (in total: 2). Can someone update the map? Zhongwenxuexia (talk) 20:17, 4 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]