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Karoline Leth (born May 12 1964) is a Danish film and TV series producer .

She is the mother of Emma Leth and Aksel Leth, sister of Kristian Leth and daughter of Jørgen Leth.

Karoline Leth

Education and career

Karoline Leth served as a teacher and coordinator in the documentary program at the National Film School of Denmark from 1999-2004. Subsequently, she assumed the roles of CEO and producer at Zentropa Real, Zentropa's documentary division. Later, she took on the position of director and producer at SF Studios from 2006-2013. Between 2013-2018, Leth worked as a producer at DR Drama. Following a brief stint at Apple Tree Productions, she returned to Zentropa in 2019 as the Head of Drama Series.

Karoline Leth has produced over 20 short and documentary films, as well as several feature films, one notable example being "The Passion of Marie" (2012), directed by the Oscar-winning Bille August. Additionally, she served as a co-producer for the feature film series "Arn: The Knight Templar" (2007) and "Arn – The Kingdom at Road's End" (2008). In 2010, these films were adapted into a six-episode drama series for DR and TV4.

She produced the first two seasons of the dramady series Rita (2012 - 2013) for TV 2 (Denmark). The series was created by Christian Torpe, and has subsequently been a great success on Netflix . Remakes of it have also been made in several European countries.

Leth developed together with main writer Dunja Gry Jensen the groundbreaking character-driven crime series Norskov ( 2015 ).

She was a producer on The Legacy season 1 (the last two episodes) as well as all of seasons 2 and 3 (2014-2017). The series was created by Maya Ilsøe. The Legacy have received the Danish Film Academy's Robert awards for best drama series as well as for best lead and supporting roles in all 3 seasons, and have also received the French FIPA award for best script for the first season.

Karoline Leth has produced the mini-drama series Liberty (2018), based on the award-winning and late author Jakob Ejersbo's novel of the same name. The series was created by Asger Leth and directed by Mikael Marcimain and was selected for the Berlinale's Drama Series Days 2018, where it had its world premiere.

Leth produced the TV series The Dreamer - Becoming Karen Bixen (2021) for Viaplay Group, which had its world premiere at Canneseries 2022.

The series is based on an idea by Karoline Leth and Connie Nielsen.

Karoline Leth has also produced the second season of the crime series DNA (2022) for TV2 Denmark, with Anders W. Berthelsen, Olivia Joof Lewerissa and Charlotte Rampling in the main roles.