Market equilibrium computation (also called competitive equilibrium computation or clearing-prices computation) is a computational problem in the intersection of economics and computer science. The input to this problem is a market, consisting of a set of resources and a set of agents. There are various kinds of markets, such as Fisher market and Arrow–Debreu market, with divisible or indivisible resources. The required output is a competitive equilibrium, consisting of a price-vector (a price for each resource), and an allocation (a resource-bundle for each agent), such that each agent gets the best bundle possible (for him) given the budget, and the market clears (all resources are allocated).

Market equilibrium computation is interesting due to the fact that a competitive equilibrium is always Pareto efficient. The special case of a Fisher market, in which all buyers have equal incomes, is particularly interesting, since in this setting a competitive equilibrium is also envy-free. Therefore, market equilibrium computation is a way to find an allocation which is both fair and efficient.


The input to the market-equilibrium-computation consists of the following ingredients:[1]: chap.5 

  1. A set of resources with pre-specified supplies. The resources can be divisible (in which case, their supply is w.l.o.g. normalized to 1), or indivisible .
    • A bundle is represented by a vector , where is the quantity of resource . When resources are indivisible, all xj are integers; when resources are divisible, the xj can be arbitrarily real numbers (usually normalized to [0,1]).
  2. A set of agents. For each agent, there is a preference relation over bundles, which can be represented by a utility function. The utility function of agent is denoted by .
  3. An initial endowment for each agent.
    • In a Fisher market, the endowment is a budget of "fiat money" - a money that has no value outside the market, and thus does not enter the utility function. Since the agents come with money only, they are often called buyers.
    • In an Arrow–Debreu market, the endowment is an arbitrary bundle ; in this model, agents can be both buyers and sellers.

The required output should contain the following ingredients:

  1. A price-vector ; a price for each resource. The price of a bundle is the sum of the prices of the resources in the, so the price of a bundle is .
  2. An allocation - a bundle for each agent i.

The output should satisfy the following requirements:

  1. The bundle should be affordable to i, that is, its price should be at most the price of agent i's endowment.
    • In a Fisher market, this means that .
    • In an Arrow-Debreu market, this means that .
  2. The bundle should be in the demand set of i: , defined as the set of bundles maximizing the agent's utility among all affordable bundles (regardless of supply), e.g., in a Fisher market:
  3. The market clears, i.e., all resources are allocated. The corresponding prices are called market-clearing prices.

A price and allocation satisfying these requirements are called a competitive equilibrium (CE) or a market equilibrium; the prices are also called equilibrium prices or clearing prices.

Kinds of utility functions

Market equilibrium computation has been studied under various assumptions regarding the agents' utility functions.

Utilities that are piecewise-linear and concave are often called PLC; if they are also separable, then they are called SPLC.

Main results

Approximate algorithms

Scarf[2] was the first to show the existence of a CE using Sperner's lemma (see Fisher market). He also gave an algorithm for computing an approximate CE.

Merrill[3] gave an extended algorithm for approximate CE.

Kakade, Kearns and Ortiz[4] gave algorithms for approximate CE in a generalized Arrow-Debreu market in which agents are located on a graph and trade may occur only between neighboring agents. They considered non-linear utilities.

Newman and Primak[5] studied two variants of the ellipsoid method for finding a CE in an Arrow-Debreu market with linear utilities. They prove that the inscribed ellipsoid method is more computat`ionally efficient than the circumscribed ellipsoid method.

Hardness results

In some cases, computing an approximate CE is PPAD-hard:

Exact algorithms

Devanur, Papadimitriou, Saberi and Vazirani[10] gave a polynomial-time algorithm for exactly computing an equilibrium for Fisher markets with linear utility functions. Their algorithm uses the primal–dual paradigm in the enhanced setting of KKT conditions and convex programs. Their algorithm is weakly-polynomial: it solves maximum flow problems, and thus it runs in time , where umax and Bmax are the maximum utility and budget, respectively.

Orlin[11] gave an improved algorithm for a Fisher market model with linear utilities, running in time . He then improved his algorithm to run in strongly-polynomial time: .

Devanur and Kannan[6] gave algorithms for Arrow-Debreu markets with concave utility functions, where all resources are goods (the utilities are positive):

Codenotti, McCune, Penumatcha and Varadarajan[12] gave an algorithm for Arrow-Debreu markes with CES utilities where the elasticity of substitution is at least 1/2.

Bads and mixed manna

Bogomolnaia and Moulin and Sandomirskiy and Yanovskaia studied the existence and properties of CE in a Fisher market with bads (items with negative utilities)[13] and with a mixture of goods and bads.[14] In contrast to the setting with goods, when the resources are bads the CE does not solve any convex optimization problem even with linear utilities. CE allocations correspond to local minima, local maxima, and saddle points of the product of utilities on the Pareto frontier of the set of feasible utilities. The CE rule becomes multivalued. This work has led to several works on algorithms of finding CE in such markets:

If both n and m are variable, the problem becomes computationally hard:

Main techniques


When the utilities are linear, the bang-per-buck of agent i (also called BPB or utility-per-coin) is defined as the utility of i divided by the price paid. The BPB of a single resource is ; the total BPB is .

A key observation for finding a CE in a Fisher market with linear utilities is that, in any CE and for any agent i:[1]

Assume that every product has a potential buyer - a buyer with . Then, the above inequalities imply that , i.e, all prices are positive.

Cell decomposition

Cell decomposition[6] is a process of partitioning the space of possible prices into small "cells", either by hyperplanes or, more generally, by polynomial surfaces. A cell is defined by specifying on which side of each of these surfaces it lies (with polynomial surfaces, the cells are also known as semialgebraic sets). For each cell, we either find a market-clearing price-vector (i.e., a price in that cell for which a market-clearing allocation exists), or verify that the cell does not contain a market-clearing price-vector. The challenge is to find a decomposition with the following properties:

Convex optimization: homogeneous utilities

If the utilities of all agents are homogeneous functions, then the equilibrium conditions in the Fisher model can be written as solutions to a convex optimization program called the Eisenberg-Gale convex program.[19] This program finds an allocation that maximizes the weighted geometric mean of the buyers' utilities, where the weights are determined by the budgets. Equivalently, it maximizes the weighted arithmetic mean of the logarithms of the utilities:

Subject to:
Non-negative quantities: For every buyer and product :
Sufficient supplies: For every product :

(since supplies are normalized to 1).

This optimization problem can be solved using the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions (KKT). These conditions introduce Lagrangian multipliers that can be interpreted as the prices, . In every allocation that maximizes the Eisenberg-Gale program, every buyer receives a demanded bundle. I.e, a solution to the Eisenberg-Gale program represents a market equilibrium.[1]: 141–142 

Vazirani's algorithm: linear utilities, weakly polynomial-time

A special case of homogeneous utilities is when all buyers have linear utility functions. We assume that each resource has a potential buyer - a buyer that derives positive utility from that resource. Under this assumption, market-clearing prices exist and are unique. The proof is based on the Eisenberg-Gale program. The KKT conditions imply that the optimal solutions (allocations and prices ) satisfy the following inequalities:

  1. All prices are non-negative: .
  2. If a product has a positive price, then all its supply is exhausted: .
  3. The total BPB is weakly larger than the BPB from any individual resource, .
  4. Agent i consumes only resources with the maximum possible BPB, i.e., .

Assume that every product has a potential buyer - a buyer with . Then, inequality 3 implies that , i.e, all prices are positive. Then, inequality 2 implies that all supplies are exhausted. Inequality 4 implies that all buyers' budgets are exhausted. I.e, the market clears. Since the log function is a strictly concave function, if there is more than one equilibrium allocation then the utility derived by each buyer in both allocations must be the same (a decrease in the utility of a buyer cannot be compensated by an increase in the utility of another buyer). This, together with inequality 4, implies that the prices are unique.[1]: 107 

Vazirani[1]: 109–121  presented an algorithm for finding equilibrium prices and allocations in a linear Fisher market. The algorithm is based on condition 4 above. The condition implies that, in equilibrium, every buyer buys only products that give him maximum BPB. Let's say that a buyer "likes" a product, if that product gives him maximum BPB in the current prices. Given a price-vector, construct a flow network in which the capacity of each edge represents the total money "flowing" through that edge. The network is as follows:

The price-vector p is an equilibrium price-vector, if and only if the two cuts ({s},V\{s}) and (V\{t},{t}) are min-cuts. Hence, an equilibrium price-vector can be found using the following scheme:

There is an algorithm that solves this problem in weakly polynomial time.

Online computation

Recently, Gao, Peysakhovich and Kroer[20] presented an algorithm for online computation of market equilibrium.

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e Vazirani, Vijay V.; Nisan, Noam; Roughgarden, Tim; Tardos, Éva (2007). "Chapter 5: Combinatorial Algorithms for Market Equilibria / Vijay V. Vazirani". Algorithmic Game Theory (PDF). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-87282-0.
  2. ^ Scarf, Herbert E. (1967). "On the Computation of Equilibrium Prices". Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers.
  3. ^ O. H. Merrill (1972). Applications and Extensions of an algorithm that computes fixed points of certain upper semi-continuous point to set mappings. PhD thesis.
  4. ^ Kakade, Sham M.; Kearns, Michael; Ortiz, Luis E. (2004). Shawe-Taylor, John; Singer, Yoram (eds.). "Graphical Economics". Learning Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3120. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer: 17–32. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-27819-1_2. ISBN 978-3-540-27819-1.
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  9. ^ a b c Chaudhury, Bhaskar Ray; Garg, Jugal; McGlaughlin, Peter; Mehta, Ruta (2020-08-01). "Dividing Bads is Harder than Dividing Goods: On the Complexity of Fair and Efficient Division of Chores". arXiv:2008.00285 [cs.GT].
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