"Immaculate Heart of Mary"
Image of 19th century painting.
25 August 2024 – Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of the Constitutional Order in the Field of Activities of Religious Organizations"
Pope Francis condemns the Ukrainian government's ban of the Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church and other Russia-linked religious groups as infringing on Ukrainian civilians' civil right to religious freedom. (Kyiv Independent)
14 August 2024 –
After more than a year of high-level investigation, the Vatican expels Luis Fernando Figari, the leader of the Peruvian society of apostolic life Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, for financial corruption and for downplaying allegations of sexual and psychological abuse. (AP)
5 July 2024 –
Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is found guilty of schism for denying the legitimacy of Pope Francis and rejecting the Second Vatican Council, and is subsequently excommunicated by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. (Reuters)