

Perhaps Blind Veit Stoss with his granddaughter and Blinded Veit Stoss with his granddaughter are equally valid translations of the actual title (Ociemniały Wit Stwosz z wnuczką?); this article currently uses both, but should make its mind up. (And, less importantly, if Ociemniały Wit Stwosz z wnuczką is the title, rather than merely a convenient description, I think that the English article should mention it.) Pinging Bonvol. -- Hoary (talk) 23:39, 24 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Polish title added. Ingratis (talk) 09:02, 27 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]



Is what she's holding really a palm? -- Hoary (talk) 00:02, 25 January 2024 (U

The Polish article calls it a palm, but I share your doubts - whatever it is, it has smaller leaves than a palm, and also little white flowers. Ingratis (talk) 09:02, 27 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
It's definitely a palm, but it's related to the Polish Easter tradition. That's why it has flowers. Klorynda (talk) 17:38, 27 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]