Small circles


Is there any article on small circles (or what it its name in the English language) ? // Rogper 21:09, 25 Oct 2003 (UTC)

measures that reference the earths great circle


[75 Roman miles equals a degree Nile map legend 1775]

1 Roman degree = 75 milliare = 111 km

The degree of Aristotle


[The degree of Aristotle]

The degree of Posidonius


[The Degree of Posidonius]

The degree of Marinus


The degree of Ptolemy


[The degree of Ptolemy]

The Ptolomaic stadia is divided into remen instead of pous because in Egypt Remen had always been used for land surveys.

The degree of Erathosthenes


[The degree of Eratosthenes"

determine the size of the Earth; this ancient method to measure the meridian arc length between the latitude circles of two cities (e.g. Alexandria/Syene, Syene/Meroe) is based on a traversing technique, as will be shown."

according to ancient information reconstructed instrument will be shown and explained; the accuracy of sun observations with such a kind of instrument is comparable with those of a modern sextant."

presented. It is presently used for a rectification of the digitalised maps given in Ptolemy's "Geographike hyphegesis". The stadion definition Eratosthenes has used (1 meridian degree = 700 stadia) was applied also in northern and western Europe and in Asia east of the Tigris river; using it as a scale factor we got very good results for the rectification."

The Egyptian degree


[The Egyptian degree]

The degree of Herodotus


The stadium mille passus


A stadia is a division of a degree into a fraction of a mile.

The league of the mille passus


A league is a division of a degree into a multiple of a mile.

Rktect 02:56, September 1, 2005 (UTC)

A Great Circle


A great circle is a line that cuts the globe or earth into two seperate and eqaul pieces. These lines may look like an elipse when drawn on a map because of the curve of the real earth. These Great Circles are the shortest distance to travel from point to point.

A Great Circle Route


A Great Circle Route is a route that you take that is actually a Great Circle.

What is that, a joke?

Disambiguation needed.


There is a shipping route between the west coast and asia known as "the Great Circle Route". — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:04, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

See Also


The Wikipedia:Manual of Style#.22See_also.22_and_.22Related_topics.22_sections makes it pretty clear that this section should not contain redundant links from the article:

If you remove a redundant link from the See also section of an article, it may be an explicit cross reference (see below), so consider making the link in the main text bold instead.

I'll do as it suggests. Please don't revert without discussing here - thanks! — ciphergoth 15:39, 13 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

It does not say that you should remove a redundant link. For an important link it is convenient to have both links.--Patrick 22:55, 13 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I propose to remove Qibla. It is not scientifc and has no relevance to the issue at hand. MuratOnWiki (talk) 18:30, 13 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Meridians as great circles?


Can an oblate have more than a single great circle? 13:19, 26 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Only the equator is a great circle——all of the meridians are "great ellipses"! P=)  ~Kaimbridge~13:47, 26 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
This depends on the definition. If a "great circle" corresponds to any plane which passes through the origin(center) but does not need actually to be a circle, then any convex bounded shape has exactly as many great circles as the sphere has. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 12:16, 3 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Theorem of Great Circles


The Theorem of Great Circles ("great circle lines") has been proven by the well-known Russian mathematician and physicist, A. I. Fet. I don't see any link here to his proof, and I don't see any biography of A. I. Fet in English-language Wikipedia (though there is a stub mentioning his Theoreme of Great Circles in Russian-language Wikipedia). I am not proficient in creating Wikipedia articles, and it pains me to follow Wikipedia's many meticulous and dubious rules -- so, if anybody has time and desire to fill this gap, I can provide this magnanimous person with an accurate translation of the Russian Wiki article into English, for the purpose of using it in the English article. I am a professional English-Russian translator, my e-mail is Thank you. -- 01:38, 26 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Rossia rodina slonov. Katzmik (talk) 11:14, 29 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
These are two closed geodesic curves, not "great circles". Incnis Mrsi (talk) 12:16, 3 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

ábaco trigonométrico para calculo do grande círculo


Estão associando o meu nome com o IP (?) porque???

Encaminhei um assunto a página de discussão, porque senti-me enganado e por isso nem assinei. Porem fiz isso logado (vejam no histórico), sendo assim não há razão de associar o meu nome com o IP em questão. Já que esse número também não cometeu nenhum crime.

They are associating my name with the IP () because? I directed the censured topic the quarrel page, because I felt deceived me and therefore nor I signed. To put I made this logado (they see in the description), thus being does not have reason to associate the name to the IP. Since this number also did not commit vandalism some. They only verify if the information proceeds and is in its (already it was time to finish with this panelinha). —Preceding unsigned comment added by 3signmain (talkcontribs) 20:23, 16 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Já disse isso é uma página de discussão sobre a edição , nesse sentido não tem que trazer o histórico , e se eu quiser assinar sei como fazer.3signmain (talk) 20:27, 16 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

"actually divides into four separate areas"?


I removed the sentence from the 1st paragraph: "A great circle is the intersection of a grander and more large sphere which actually divides into four separate areas with a plane going through its center." The English is very poor, but even beyond that the statement makes no sense. --EEPiccolo (talk) 20:14, 29 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Equator is generally considered a spherical great circle


As it is written in a geographical context, what about geoid? The true equator does even not lie in one plane. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 12:16, 3 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

July 2013 suggestions for moving sections of this article elsewhere


This section is for discussing Fgnievinski's tags suggesting moving articles. cffk (talk) 10:37, 30 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I recommend moving (removing) "Earth Geodesics" section (leaving a note on which article to find the information). I recommend leaving "Derivation of shortest paths section". The proof is short enough and the notation is not what is familiar to the geodetic crowd. cffk (talk) 21:41, 29 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I cleaned up the Earth Geodesics section a little and removed the merge suggestions. cffk (talk) 11:31, 20 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Calculating Great Circle Distance


Is there, or could there be, a function to calculate the great circle distance between two point?

This would be similar to the convert 1,000 feet (300 m) function.

The GC function would want to be flexible enough to read latitudes and longitudes in formats already used by Wiki.

For example, given:

create: ((GreatCircle|13°39′S 32°38′E|13°15′35″S 30°14′15″E|km)) Tabletop (talk) 03:21, 20 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Far too mathematical


An editor recently flagged a link to Great circle in an article on the Aleutians campaign with the comment that the relevance was unclear. The Aleutian Islands happen to lie on the great circle between Japan and Washington State, which is the only reason for their military importance. I was puzzled why the relevance of this was not obvious.

So I clicked through to this article, and lo and behold! You have to read deeply into the article to realize great circles have anything to do with navigating the Earth.

I think this is a serious flaw with this article. I would wager good money that the vast majority of people who enter "great circle" in the Wikipedia search box are interested in terrestial navigation and not in a deep discussion of the mathematics of geodesics on the sphere.

I don't know the best way to address this problem, but I think the discussion needs to take place. --Yaush (talk) 17:10, 3 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Riemannian circle and other edits


I recently made some edits that came about as a result of a revert that I should more fully explain. First of all, the term Riemannian circle was being used in the first sentence as a synonym for great circle. This is not technically correct as a Riemannian circle has an intrinsic metric and the term can be applied to objects that are not spheres. As a synonym the term should be bolded, but as a non-synonym it should be linked to. In an earlier revert I reinstated the link that had been removed, but I now realize that the term needed to be put in context, so I moved it down a little and put it where Riemannian geometry is discussed. The other disagreement I had concerned including a statement that all great circles have the same center. The IP felt that this was redundant and removed it; I disagreed. Given the elementary nature of this article, I think that you should err on the side of redundancy in the lead. The fact that the centers of the great circles are the same point follows easily from the definition, but then again, so does the fact that they all have equal diameters and hence all have the same circumferences, etc. Where do you stop relying on the audience's ability to make simple deductions and start talking about properties? I have reworded the statement to de-emphasize this fact, but I still think that it belongs in the lead.--Bill Cherowitzo (talk) 18:21, 17 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

With regards to the statement about centres, I found it perhaps not technically redundant but unnecessarily repetitive, "same center as the sphere" appearing soon after "center point of the sphere". I think it reads better now. (talk) 05:35, 18 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

The definition provided at Riemannian circle is pretty confusing. From skimming a few academic papers it seems to me like Riemannian circle is more or less just a synonym for circle, with the "Riemannian" part added just to emphasize out that it has some intrinsic definition of distance attached. I don't really think this needs to be discussed in the lead section here. If someone wants to discuss it in this article at all, maybe it can be moved to a section nearer the end? Also maybe clarify the definition at Riemannian circle to be legible to, say, an average undergraduate science student. –jacobolus (t) 19:54, 9 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]