Greetings Everybody!

Hello everybody! My name is CityDeer and I am a British amateur artist, writer, animator and idealist. Incase you are wondering, yes I do like deer and yes I am a furry (and if you don't like me then get over it >:3) and I am here on Wikipedia to try and make a difference by helping people to have better access to better knowledge. I generally want to make the world a better place and lower the amount of suffering and pain that's going on for people. Some of my non wiki activites are filmmaking, animating, reading, music making, making artwork and listen to music. If you want to have a look at all the other things that I do when my brain's not being wikied out, then check out my userboxes or else I will eat your soul! >:3

What I Want To Achieve On Wikipedia

Yes! I actually have aims of what I want to do while on Wikipedia! Well I probably won't get much time to experiment with Wikipedia due to my very busy life with loads of things going on, but there are a few things that I do want to do while here. I don't really want to win awards or become the best writer on the wiki but there are a few things I want to achieve during my time here. Here are some of the things I'd like to do:

Lastly and most important of all

Work In Progress

None! ^_^;

Articles and Edits of Recognition

None! ^_^;

CityDeer Have You Actually Done Anything Useful On This Website?

Not yet but I'll get onto it soon ^_^;

Well thats all for now. See you all soon! :D

--CityDeer (talk) 21:48, 25 January 2008 (UTC)