
My Linear A & B Blog

The Linear A eBook I published in 2011. Very dry technical reference, but hopefully will become useful as a cross-reference as it evolves. Includes facsimiles of many of the clay tablets from Hagia Triada.

The Linear B data project I'm working on.

At me

At Quora: me

wikipedia: english version, mostly updating articles that need it while doing archaealogy or linguistics research.

Multi-licensed into the public domain
I agree to multi-license my eligible text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under Wikipedia's copyright terms and into the public domain. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions in the public domain, please check the multi-licensing guide.

dead and ancient languages interest me

modern languages: english, russian, spanish (all in moderation)

A pithos is a large clay jar. Like so.

A polythyra is a pier-and-door partition. Like so.

Reading to date

Ancient History

Ancient Egypt & Egyptian

Greece & Greek

Linear A

Linear B

Minoan & Mycenaean Art, Archaeology & History


Kato Zakros







Pattern Recognition

Pirahã language and anthropology

Roman Art, Archaeology & History


Xenolinguistic Science Fiction (for fun)

To Read

Egyptian Art, Archaeology & History

Minoan & Mycenaean Art, Archaeology, History & Philology

Linear A