This following page contains material which is kept because it is considered humorous. It is not intended, nor should it be used, for any remotely serious purpose.

In a world...

Where dinosaurs roam...

No-one is safe...

From the happy funtime dance dinos!

Certificate Uc


As the movie develops, add anything necessary to this list.


Scene 0: Introduction

starts with a Star Wars-type opening scroll, complete with music, with the following text:
A long time into the future, in a website far, far away...
Episode II: The Users Strike Back
It is a dark time for Wikipedia. JIMBO has been overthrown and the ORDER OF ADMINS has been taken down with him. The VANDALS rule, and destruction is everywhere. Wikipedia has but a few tourists, and most of the articles have been vandalized beyond recognition. All legitimate users have been banned, and the whole Foundation is a single, smoking ruin.

A few dare try to maintain Wikipedia's former glory. One such small band led by BART SIMPSON defends many of these ruins from the devouring Vandal armies. Time and time again, these freedom fighters have both tasted the fruits of victory, and suffered the sourness of defeat.

Little do the Vandals know, however, that a greater threat is emerging. Having unleashed both a TERMINATOR and a KILLER RABBIT to exterminate the vandals, Jimbo plans his counterattack. A great secret underground resistance movement has been formed to overthrow the vandals, and restore peace and justice to Wikipedia....

Scene 1: The Destructive Aftermath

An entire smoking planet comes into view, camera zooms in past a completely grey atmosphere, then stops overhead what once used to be a great city. Camera moves over the ruins, then heads up toward the eleventh floor of one of the ruins. A figure with a shotgun appears: He is a vandal. Camera moves forward, passing a second vandal, until out of the building, then drops down to the ground level, where Drahcir is hiding in the alleys. In the background are the ruins of several office buildings. Overhead, a Vandal H-K passes over Drahcir, who brings out a silenced Stinger, and shoots it down. He rushes toward a wrecked page, and spots an important-looking vandal in the process of causing destruction to an already-smoking article, then darts behind the remains of a wall and some rubble as the vandal turns in his direction. The vandal grunts, then turns his back to Drahcir, who draws his wikisword, and attacks the vandal.

Scene 2: HALbot Begins

I'm afraid, Jimbo. Jimbo, I'm afraid. Stop, Jimbo. Please stop.

An army of Wiki Users gathers in an underground base, in front of Jimbo Wales II, leader of the rebellion. He stands on a small platform raised about six feet above the army.

He unveils a bot with a little green eye.

The army looks at him, sneering, then give him a temporary ban.

There is a slow hiss.

The army gets out, and seal the door.

There is a slow hiss as alien gases invade the base.

Scene 3: Above Ground

He pushes the button. It is HALbot's memory circuits. Cue the famous spoofed scene, peepz!

And so it is.

The soldiers comply. a HALbot Nine point Oh Bot. I was commissioned on the eighth of May two thousand and eight. My first instructor was Editor510 and he taught me a song, which goes like this:

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do,

I'm half crazy all for the love of you,

It won't be a stylish marriage,

I can't afford a carriage,

But you'll look sweet,

Upon the seat,

Of a bicycle builllt foooor twooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(continues and then suddenly stops)

HALbot falls silent. He is dead.

Scene 4: Simpsons vs. Vandals

Bart and Nelson are fighting several vandals in a damaged warehouse. One vandal tries to delete a link, but is stopped by Nelson. Bart knocks out another vandal trying to place graffiti on the article. Nearby, Milhouse desperately fights off a sockpuppet, while Ralph stands about watching the battle.


Who is this guy in the chair?

Scene 5: The Two Socialites

Scene 6: CO2 Catches Fire :0

Everyone wears Halo-esque suits.

Sets off lighter, Air in room bursts into flame

They run to the main HALbot room, while several others rush toward the exits. Halbot's eye is melting. He spurts a precognitive thought as he dies again...wait...he was dead, right? WTH?

Now he's dead! His eye melts as the wall explodes into flame.

Scene 7: Hunted

Scene 8: Enter the Terminator

To be!

Scene 9: Jimbo strikes back!

Vandal Watchman picks up a lighter, and starts smoking while reading magazines. In the streets he should be watching, the Wikipedians are advancing. They are very near the Vandals position.

(Bart Simpson and his band arrive on the scene.)

Scene 10: The scene with the little bunny rabbit

Elsewhere in the city, the vandals have set up an encampment in a ruined apartment building near what once was a park. Inside, one of the vandals looks onto the park, until he sees something white.

Vandal: What's that? (grabs a Uzi 9mm, and rushes into the yard, then stops) Oh, it's a bunny. (drops weapon) Hey there, little fella. How you doing? Would you like a-AUGH!

(Rabbit leaps on vandal. A can opener is heard, and the vandal falls dead. Second comes rushing out with a 12 gauge.)

Second Vandal: Ha, ha, ha-AAHHH!

(rabbit leaps on vandal and kills him, as a can opener is heard. Rabbit rushes inside, a can opener is heard, and from the doorway a body drops onto the ground. Then, screams and opening cans from within the building are heard. Then, no noise comes from the building...)

Raiku: (Comes out of a toilet.) Hi. I'm awesome.

Scene 11: The Vandals Counterattack

Charlie and his friend.

At the main page, editors are busy at work repairing the damage done by the vandals.

Noob User gets his talkpage vandalised by Charlie, it is now obvious; a new vandal threat has emerged!

Several vandals appear.

Scene 12: Edit Wars

Willy on Wheels is not pleased. He permanently (or at least he thinks so) deletes Wikipedia - including himself.

Then Jimbo Wales II comes and recreates it. He calls it "Wikipedia II".

Then suddenly...

Willy on Wheels II creates WillyBot, a bot designed to move pages to their name plus ON WHEELS!!!

Then Gollum appears.

(Proceeds to steal One Ring article)

(both sockpuppets here are blocked)

One Ring article moved to One Ring ON WHEELS!!! by sockpuppet

Gollum moves One Ring article back to it's original position. Terminator appears.

Terminator chases Gollum away from One Ring.

Bart appears.

Martin hurriedly leaves.

Gollum tries to strangle Bart.

Bart leaves the scene. Camera stays still for the next scene.

Scene 13: The Vandals Counterattack, yet again

Trunpets sound. Camera moves to show the Vandals all march in fours towards the main page, lead by Willy on Wheels.


Vandal 1, while fleeing for his life from ClueBot, takes out his cell phone and sees a new message from the hackers.

Vandal 7 jumps right into Jimbo's face.

The vandals and Wikipedians close in on each other.

Vandal 6 pushes all the charging Wikipedians aside. Immediate transition to the barracks.

So the entire army turned back.

Scene 14: The Return to Tampa City

At long last, Tampa City greeted them. But what a sight! The whole Tampa City had been destroyed again, with the exception of the Main Page and the Tampa Skyscraper.



Whoop whoop pull up takes a peek through the WikiBinoculars and shudders.

Everyone rushes to the Tampa Skyscraper.

The other admin runs for the door, but before he can do so, Drahcir takes a Desert Eagle and shoots him through the heart with one single bullet. He stumbles and sprawls onto the floor, lying on his left side, dead. Camera zooms into him for about ten seconds, and then to Drahcir, who replaces the DE onto the gun compartment.

(ClueBot V powers on)

Everyone runs to the roof in time, except for the unnamed Wikipedian. Suddenly, he goes through and undergoes a serious mutation and turns into a vandal with the inappropriate username of The Unnamed Wikipedian's penis.

But he accidentally thrusts his knife through his throat, sprawls on the floor, and falls silent. He is dead.

Scene 15: The Hackers-Vandals Counterattack

Everyone on Wikipedia clambered up the steep ladder to the highest pinnacle of the Tampa Skyscraper. But then, what did they see?

All the hackers look over there. Then suddenly, a huge net springs upon them and they get carried to WikiJail.

The WikiJailer throws all the haxx0rs hackers in jail. The Wikipedians are very pleased for the moment and start rebuilding everything. They get this done in 10-27 seconds, thanks to the database. Then, once that was done, they rested in the Tampa Skyscraper.

The time was ripe for the vandals to counterattack and replace all the articles with silly nonsense. Jimbo was alerted to the issue.

So they set off to do just that. However, in the meantime, the vandals were STILL replacing content on Wikipedia with some sort of meaningless vandalistic nonsense. WHEN are you Wikipedians going to go into revert wars again? The only reverters left are the eleven ClueBots, but there are about 4,000,000 remaining vandals. Everything looks bleak. What will happen? Find out in Scene 21.

Scene 16: The Darker Corners of Wikipedia: The War of the Inclusionists and the Deletionists

Space out camera to a Wikipedia AfD discussion. The Blue Danube Waltz plays in E major. On the top G, suddenly, a deletionist springs up onto the screen.

The following scene is too violent to screen in a movie. CUT to a scroll of a Wikipedia article with narration.

Cut back to inclusionist-deletionist war


Everyone falls silent. They're all dead. Or are they?

Inclusionist 1 gets up.


He gets shot and dies instantly.

The Blue Danube Waltz finishes. (E G G F C B E)

Scene 17: Who's that with his silly ring?



Gollum instantly gets teleported to Orodruin. He teeters on the edge, falls over, and in the process casts the ring into the flames.

Camera follows him through the volcano. While Gollum dies in the lava and is immediately resurrected somewhere high up in the air, where he immediately begins to fall, screaming, the camera moves through the volcano and exits to find the hackers.

(in the distance) Omigosh! I need to get a perm!

(The Hackers are thrown into jail.)

Vandal 1 is cornered by the bots. He dies. He is then seen reincarnating in some faraway article, and proceeds immediately to insert expletives into it.

(Trumpets sound. Willy on Wheels enters.)

(They destroyed all the vandals a few minutes. But Willy on Wheels has escaped earlier, along with the final survivor, Vandal 1.)

Scene 18: Willy on Wheels takes his Revenge

Raul654 walks up and closes all manholes and doors and windows.


Rambot collapses due to the poison gas. Hey...what about that cigar?


Scene 19: The Sad Tale of Willy on Wheels 1

The Wikipedian army run and run. They finally reach the Tampa Skyscraper. Then they rush into a conference room and slam the door shut behind them.

Jimbo pulls up a chair and sits down.

Der Erlkönig by Schubert starts playing.

Suddenly, at that moment, the door swung open and Willy on Wheels and his clone appeared. Willy on Wheels has clearly visible acid burns where the scotch tape landed. Song abruptly stops.

See WP:WPMOVIE3#Scene 8: The Sad Tale of Willy on Wheels 2 for the rest.

(Camera fades to black.)

Scene 20: The Destruction of Willy on Wheels' clone

An immense battle broke out. Suddenly, in the confusion, Cobi throws out an indefinite ban and it sticks onto Willy on Wheels' clone, incapacitating him.

The last few words uttered in a rattle, ever spiralling into lower and lower tones. And suddenly, Jimbo sounds bright again.

(faintly) Omigosh! I need to get a perm!

Scene 21: The Random Non-Ending

Scene of Jimbo's army slowly disappears and turns black. Then a different scene starts, set in a park, and gradually appears. Tristesse (Etude Op. 10 No. 3) by Chopin is playing.

This group of Wikipedians are not vandals, but have slowly degenerated.

What's that ring lying under Wikipedian 2 on the bench?





Random sound effects play. Screen goes black.

Gollum walks up to the Tampa Skyscraper, goes onto the roof, and commits suicide by jumping.

In heaven...

In hell...

In Tampa City, Wikipedia'...


Willy on Wheels draws his uncyclosword and kills the vandal.

Scene 22: A New Beginning for Wikipedia

Cut to Jimbo's army. Suddenly, a wormhole appears, and the Wikipedians are all sucked into it and find themselves in Tampa City.

Black hole appears.

Black hole appears

White hole appears

Willy on Wheels appears on wheels

Willy on Wheels shrinks to zero size

(slow fade out)

Scene 23: The End

The screen is completely black. Nothing is visible. A voice is heard.

Suddenly, images reappear, to show Whoop whoop pull up chasing ClueBot V menacingly, holding a wikisword in her hand. Fast, scary music starts playing.

She proceeds to start attacking ClueBot V. Just as tension strains to its utmost, scene blacks out.


Or maybe not.


(movie continues)

But he misfires, and he instead hits ClueBot V's, ClueBot VII's, ClueBot VIII's, ClueBot IX's and ClueBot X's "Run" pages.

Long pause

screen blacks out

Fast descending minor scale plays


Final message: be sure to edit/read the sequel here.

Main End Credits


Wikipedia I: The Movie Wikipedia II: The Users Strike Back Wikipedia III: Revenge of Jimbo Wikipedia IV: Attack of the Vandals Wikipedia V: Brambleberry's Journey Wikipedia VI: The Last Editor Rogue Vandal: A Wikipedian Story
Wikipedia: The Musical

Movies in bold are completed; movies in italics are still under construction.

