The following page contains material which is kept because it is considered humorous. It is not intended, nor should it be used, for any remotely serious purpose.



Scene 0: Subtle vandalism

(fades in to a slo-mo extreme close-up of Jimbo Wales getting kicked in the nuts, hard, by a sad clown/man with an afro puff wig. Slowly pan out a** kicking continues. Transition (maybe the fancy 'Fly in from the left' one from Powerpoint...) to a shot of the same, but with the negative of the film used instead. (Sunshine Lollipops And Rainbows by Lesley Gore plays in the background) Transition (from the right this time) to the full unedited music video for Alanis Morisette's "Ironic". An extremely slow fade out)

Scene 1: Phone call to Foundation HQ

Scene 2: Angry media reports

Cute 1 4 u protest in Montréal

(cut to Wolf Blitzer in the newsroom...)

(cut back to Cute 1 4 u scene... we see a hairstylist perming her hair...)


(as the WikiGuards arrest Willy on Wheels, the media is in an uproar...)


(as the Attorney General and Jimbo Wales bicker, the authorities are ready to apprehend Jimbo. The Supreme Court just found Jimbo's acts unconstitutional)

Scene 3: Deep Space Nine watches the trial

Scene 4: The trial

Jimbo's actual Ferrari has a cameo in this scene

Cut to TV

(The scene goes inside a courtroom and shows CyclePat arguing to the court: (in this scene the Judge is played by Judge Joe Brown and the prosecution is played by Blue-Haired Lawyer))

To further develop this scene why not be inspired a little by this skit.

(Cyclepat looks at his 2nd witness Willy on Wheels. Narration of his thoughts says "I hope I don't have to call him to the stand." After several gestures CyclePat leans over to be whispered in the ear from Willy on Wheels. A pause occurs.)

Scene 5: Conservapedia attacks

It was a dark and stormy night in a smoke-filled room in the reddest of states

Sadly, the attack was postponed because the Drones were "busy" watching The Daily Show.

Scene 6: "Think of the children!"

Subtitle roles down: A long long time ago, elsewhere in the galaxy... in a not so distant computer still attached to wikipedia's servers can be found a the contreversial yet loving group of enthusiatic wikipedians.

Scene 7: It's a trap!

Scene 8: Reference blues

Scene 9: Attack of the Clones

Note: In this scene, the user will be typing to the rhythm of a song in 4/4 (i.e.: "Bang the drum all day" by Todd Rundgren), whereas when we show the final version, we will play The Blue Danube, a song in 3/4. This will create an effect of surrealism as was done in the 2001: A Space Odyssey (film) when they played the Blue Danube and they had the guy running around in the circle part of the space station near the beginning of the movie. In this scene, we will have Orphanbot, comparatively, running... (typing) peacefully for an answer... (This scene must be a little longer, lasting at least 2 minutes to get the full effect from the music.)
The music starts... with the silence... and a dark scene of infinite space. All we hear is the unsystematic typing at a computer keyboard. The typing gradually gets into sync (with the aforementioned 4/4 song...) and a little more agitated. In sync starts the Blue Danube.
The picture becomes a little brighter and clearer as we can see a dim light. (We can't quite tell what it is yet, but as the camera moves in, it gets brighter, and we can tell it's a door with some light shining from underneath.)
(Idea on transition not figured out yet: either the camera goes through the wall or through the door or something.)
Camera is in the room and slowly moves towards the typing sound. We don't see any figures full person yet, just a figure (silhouette) and his hands typing in 4/4 against the 3/4 meter.
Note: further within the scene prior to the scary music, there will be a pause of at least 5 seconds... to stop the music the figure(person) in this scene will click on some downloading ogg or mp3 thing from his computer (diegetic or source music vs non-diegetic). This will be a transition from the fun music to the scary music (non-diegetic).
Orphanbot Hater proceeds to attack Orphanbot
Cue scary music
Camera zooms out to show shadow of Orphanbot Hater being attacked by OB
Written, directed, produced, typed, thought of, sat on, lost, found, eaten, dusted, and filmed by -- 01:09, 14 October 2006 (UTC)
Exeunt omnes.

Enter crappy stand-up comedy session...

[fades out slowly (takes about 30 sec)]

Scene 10: †he Quick and †he Bread

Meanwhile taking into account the suggestions from his editor review, The Bread begins to assist in RC patrol

Ku Klux Klan - White Power Rules

Ku Klux Klan - The Ku Klux Klan (commonly abbrevied KKK)...

Special Contribs/The Bread
Rocky - m(Dammit)
Rocky - (Cite Rotten Tomatoes)

Goat - Hannah Marsh has a smelly bumhole

Goat - A Goat is a hairy...

Special Contribs/The Bread
Rocky - m(Dammit)
Rocky - (Cite Rotten Tomatoes)

Special:History/Goat (diff)(hist)AntiVandalBot (Reverted edits by 45.89.13 to last version by Snake Liquid)

Unicycle - I masturbate with unicylces

Unicycle - Unicycle is the name given to a one wheeled...
Special Contribs/The Bread
Rocky - m(Dammit)
Rocky - (Cite Rotten Tomatoes)

User:AntiVandalBot - I am a bot that helps to revert vandalism on Wikipedia...

User:AntiVandalBot - I am a giant bastard who doesn't let other users revert vandalism. End of line.


You have new messages

Scene 11: Meeting of the Deletionists' Cabal

["Satire!" is briefly displayed on the screen. Cut into a small, shady meeting room. Military music which sounds sort of like the Imperial March is playing on a kazoo in the background. (NOTE: The music can't be the Imperial March because the budget can't afford the real Imperial March. That is also why it is played on a kazoo.) Foldable chairs lean tensely against a rickety wall, and several chairs have been unfolded and occupied by people, mostly men. Soda cans and wrappers litter the floor. Even as they walk across the floor in the enclosed room, their actions seem clandestine and shifty; the camera never shows all of them at once, and we can't tell how many there are. The figures wear trench coats which were all tarnished with ashes and soot. They wear fedoras pulled down over their faces. The visible parts of their faces have been pixelated. Suddenly a voice speaks with authority; every word is a weighty ideological brick in some intangible and grotesque fortress.]


[A kitten moans banefully in the background; it fears being huffed.]

[Number 1 pulls out a gun and shoots. Number 5 stumbles, then falls lifelessly to the ground on his right side. He turns onto his back, and is still. Pause, focusing on the sprawled body. Give the viewer time to reflect on how, when a person is deleted, the body is no longer an animated being, capable of great love and hatred, tremendous love and hate, a galaxy of sublime thoughts and deeds, but is merely rendered a piece of meat. A leaking piece of meat. Number 1 rises, walks to the tape recorder, precisely extracts the tape, throws it onto the floor, and crushes it into cold, useless pieces with the heel of his foot.]

[The Deletionists lean back in their chairs casually, and the inevitable happens: 2 starts to laugh sinisterly. All join in gradually, and the camera pulls away from the recumbent, ominous, and depraved cacophony of evil. Then there is some kitten huffage and stabbage to celebrate the end of yet another fun-filled meeting.]

Scene 12: Defense of Tampa Deep

Cut to long shot of Tampa skyscraper being attacked by 10000 sockpuppets and deletionists

[From the peak of the skyscraper, a swarm of young, adolescent, nerdish editors burst forth from the door wielding mops, riot gear, and RC patrol kits. They are backed by a small number of the more powerful sysops who follow them into combat with rollback buttons, blocks, and deletes. The editors hold off the vandals trying to vandalize the article. Pan in on vandal being thrown off the Tampa skyscraper. Wilhelm scream is heard briefly.]

[Surviving Wikipedians rush away from the scene. Sockpuppets and Deletionists cheer loudly. Suddenly, Tampa Skyscraper collapses in the middle of them.]

Scene 13: Jimbo's Last Stand

(Jimbo standing at the Wikipedian's camp)

(huge army of Wikipedians descend upon deletionists, but are clearly outnumbered. Epic battle scene. Fellowship of the Ring theme plays. Zoom in on Wikipedian defeating a vandal by blocking it. Turn to face a vandal getting smacked in the face by a mop. Nearby, third Wikipedian pushes away another vandal with a delete key. Turn to Morn's Mumak smacking away a vandal with a dictionary.)

(Camera pans in on Jimbo and Dan, side by side, fighting several vandals. One vandal tries to hit Jimbo with a delete key, but Jimbo does a Matrix-style dodge and sends the vandal tumbling backward.)

(hundreds of panicked vandals retreat in disorder)

Note: the narrator is hiding behind a penguin somewhere.

Scene 14: A Surge of Evil (or just plain stupidity)

Every single article on Wikipedia soon is replaced with the words VANDALS RULE ROFL W3 RULE WIKIPEDIA!

So Wikipedia was shut down for several weeks...

Vandals get chased by an angry mob of Wikipedians, but will they come back? Find out in Scene 15...

Scene 42: What happened to the other scenes?

The number 42 is the answer to the life, the universe, and LOLZ ITS NOT THE ANSWER 2 NUTHIN vandalism by User: MUAHAHAHAHAHA

CUT! Jim, you're supposed to be a legitimate editor, not a vandal-- Um, ignore this entire ruined scene, please... ( Note: this is all shown over a black background. Oops?)

Scene 15: The scene that should be after 14, but really is after ruined scene 42

While the hackers have been sent to jail, all the vandals are still screaming and running from the extremely angry mob of Wikipedians.

2 weeks later...

Jimbo shows everyone the error...

In the meantime, while Jimbo is trying to find WikiJail's ISP, vandals are once again replacing every article with some kind of random nonsense. WHEN, people, will you start catching the vandals again? Find out it scene 42-- Er, I mean 16.

Scene 16: The scene where it is revealed that all googol Willy on Wheelses are working for Uncyclopedia, and they want to replace the universe with it

(Faintly) Omigosh!I need to get a perm!

After a chase, all 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 Willy on Wheelses, that little guy that gets a perm every 1 minute, and Sadam Hussein, and Black September members there are caught.

Scene 17: After all others executed

An Army of Vandals helped by Vandals,(real ones) attack Jimbo who's still fixing the ISP.

dadadadadadfadadadadadadfadadadadadadadadadadadadadadada .////................

Somewhere on the other place..

Kaplank Crash Quardibam.

Meanwhile, at the tower....

159 wikipedians rush out and kill Austin Billings.

Scene 18: In muffled tones

A group of editors sit around an article. They look a bit like a stereotype family from a 1950's washing powder advert, all happy, pathologically co-operative, respectful and probably pretty naive, in that thorazine-trance look traditional to the era. The kind who don't argue because everyone agrees mother knows best, an apple a day and do your homework, junior.

All editors freeze. Scene changing lights move mysteriously to weird off-key music. We are in the Hall of the Checkuser. In the arid gloom, a voice speaks, with all the force and personality of an IRS voicemail synthesizer that's been programmed for the AYB voiceover



Scene fades to manic cackling, the sound of popping corks, the gentle clicking of a new section being opened on ANI, and soft sobbing. Strangely, the cackling voices sound rather similar.

Scene 19: In Which the Willy On Wheels Zombies replace the universe with the Uncyclopedia Monster, which is a wildebeast with Oscar Wilde for a butt and is on Wheels

(Universe is replaced with the Uncyclopedia Monster, which is a wildebeast with Oscar Wilde for a butt and is on Wheels)
(and then it is reverted)

(Wikipedians destroy all of the Willy On Wheels Zombies within a few minutes. Then the turn their attention to the actual Willy On find that he is nowhere to be found. Wikipedia is safe...or is it?)

Scene 20: Planning the Coup

Peace has returned to the Kingdom of Wikipedia....for now.
At Bern's Steakhouse in the out skirts of the fair city-state of Wikipedia:

[Important note: This is not a typo -- in this scene, "Rebel Admin" is replaced in mid-scene with "Rouge Admin". This is very important. The reason for this change will be made clear in a future scene.]

Waitress leaves and decides to go get a perm anyway. The fuzzy Navels never come to the table.

Meanwhile a member of the deletionists at the next table over hears the conversation and reports to the group.

Scene 21: The Deletion Vote Discussion

(A roll of thunder is heard, and the room darkens. The assembled deletionists look at one another in horror.)

(N00b runs away, pursued by a rampaging mob of deletionists brandishing pitchforks and torches. As he disappears, his screams can be heard in the distance as someone yells "IT'S A DISCUSSION!!!")
(5 days later)

Scene 22: The End

(The NARRATOR, played by Eric Idle, walks onto the set.)

(a man with a microphone headset walks onto the stage and whispers something into Eric Idle's ear. Eric Idle nods, the man walks off the set.)

(He walks off the set, embarassed.)

Scene 23: A Completely Irrelevant Scene

(Wikipedian Oddmartian is sitting in a chair, typing furiously into his keyboard. His hair is frazzled and his eyes are tired. His sister, Maude Artian, is sitting nearby.)

Then, MacMad walks in.

(fades out for 5 seconds)

(dun dun dun dun, DUN DUN DUN DUN)

(screen shows the text "To be continued")

(the movie continues)

(A 16-ton weight drops on top of Oddmartian)


Nobody knows. Well, except for you. You might know. Then again you might not. Well... umm. It's up to you? Sure. Yeah. It's over if you say it's over. But you aren't saying that are you? You are all like "Oh, it isn't over. NOT EVEN CLOSE". And you said it in all caps too. Congrats.

(rolls credits for the cast and the soundtracks)

Final message: be sure to see/edit the sequel here.

Main End Credits

Directed by Terry Gilliam
Produced by Tim Burton and Raul654
Executively produced by Wikipedia
Musical score by John Williams, Howard Shore and Danny Elfman

Written by Steve Burns

Dedicated to our friend Jimbo Wales

Cast:See above
Songs:See below


An utterance at the end of the movie that could get read out on Youtube-wow long title!

This is an utterance of time, whispered by...I'll cut to the chase. The battle has not been won. No-one prevails. You must continue the story somehow---YARGGGGH! (Gargly noise) MY GUTS! OMG, THEY'RE COMING OUT OF MY THROAT! AGGGGHHHHKKKKKKK!




Wikipedia I: The Movie Wikipedia II: The Users Strike Back Wikipedia III: Revenge of Jimbo Wikipedia IV: Attack of the Vandals Wikipedia V: Brambleberry's Journey Wikipedia VI: The Last Editor Rogue Vandal: A Wikipedian Story
Wikipedia: The Musical

Movies in bold are completed; movies in italics are still under construction.

