About Me

From Ontario, Canada.
Hey, I'm Mike and I mostly write,update and correct Geography articles and articles about History. I have an interest in all things history based and often edit and contribute to such articles. I have, for some strange reason, an interest in Korean culture and politics. Don't ask me why...

Pages I've created

Little Britain On.
Logistics Officer

Pages I've Contributed to

World War II
Lee Myung-bak
John Langstaff
Hugo Chavez
Planetary Habitability

Quotes that I like

My Secret Stash of Tools

If you are new to Wikipedia, be sure to use these tools!

My Favorite Things

Provinces (and territories) of the Greatest Place on Earth Ontario Ontario New Brunswick NB Quebec Quebec Prince Edward Island PEI Nunavut Nunavut British Columbia BC Alberta Alberta Manitoba Manitoba Nova Scotia NS North West Territories NWT Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland Yukon Yukon
