Big picture

Intellectual history

"Major philosophers"

According to Randall Collins. (Spellings are his; numbers indicate figures in "The Sociology of Philosophies".)

Add to these: Wang Ch'ung (4.3)

War on terror: the "narrative of the state"

G-20 historiography

Population history of world regions

Some empires: British Empire - French colonial empire - Spanish Empire - Portuguese Empire - Abbasid Caliphate - Umayyad Caliphate - Ottoman Empire - Delhi Sultanate - Mughal Empire

History of: Argentina - Australia - Brazil - Canada - China - European Union - France - Germany - India - Indonesia - Italy - Japan - Mexico - Russia - South Africa - South Korea - Saudi Arabia - Turkey - United Kingdom - United States

Pages I created

2008 financial crisis: Zero Hedge - United States bear market of 2007–2009 (merged two pages) - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - List of writedowns due to subprime crisis (saved from another page)

Economy and energy: 2000s commodities boom - Australian property market - Energy Technology Perspectives - Sydney Declaration - Johannesburg Renewable Energy Coalition

Climate: Arctic methane emissions - 2000s Australian drought - Greenhouse gas emissions by Australia - Lorraine Lisiecki - Vijay Kumar Raina

China: Belt and Road Initiative - Banking in China - Alai (author) - Water town (China) - Rio Tinto espionage case - Fan Bingbing - Cheng Hao

Physics: Multiple time dimensions - MacDowell–Mansouri action - Neutrino minimal standard model

People: Celia Green - Lex Gigeroff - Iara Lee - Robert Prehoda - Abu Walid al-Masri - Laurie Mylroie - Mikhail Lesin - Mbah Surip - Marta Harnecker - Elena Brioukhovets

Various: Coherent Extrapolated Volition - Postmodernism Generator - Global Compact for Migration - Mediastan - Darul Uloom Haqqania - Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies - Hawa Bhaban - Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness - Centre for Policy Development