Welcome, you are browsing Pinus-'s Branch User Page. Today is March 14, 2024.

Committed identity: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821 is a Pi-31416 commitment to this user's real-life identity.
How to create a new page

In the search box, type in the name of the article you wish to create. When told that the page does not exist, click the link either in red or with the question mark.

You can also type the title as the URL in your browser's link field and get there directly – e.g.:


Perhaps the easiest way to start a new article is to follow a link to a page that does not exist yet. Depending on your settings, these links may show up as red links or have a question mark at the end of the link (red links?).

Note: The ability to create articles directly in mainspace is restricted to autoconfirmed users, though non-confirmed users and non-registered users can submit a proposed article through the Articles for Creation process, where it will be reviewed and considered for publication.

To add this auto-updating template to your user page, use ((totd))

Self introduce

Hello!I am Pinus-,a Wikipedian that live in Kowloon,Hong Kong.
I have joined Wikipedia since 2010.
I am born in Hong Kong
I am in Primary 6, it is equals to Grade 6 in the USA.
I am interested in Computer programming, I hope I can know more computer knowledge.

This user is a Christian.

Wikipedian friends

About me

This user likes Pi(e).

Language skills

Mother language: Yue Chinese (粵語)
Professional Level: zh:Standard Mandarin (Putonghua)
Advance Level: English
Basic Ability: Japanese (日本語)


IDThis user's ID is 12558701 .
wiki-2This user is an intermediate Wikipedia editor.

Wikipedia secret area


I hope wikipedia will be do better and better,better than yesterday!